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Public Relations Specialist in the USA

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  9. Developing of the planning in our republic
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There are no standards for entry into a public relations ca­reer. A university education combined with public relations expe­rience, usually after an internship, is an excellent preparation for public relations work. Internships are becoming necessary to re­ceive a position. The ability to communicate effectively is essen­tial. Many entry-level public relations specialists have a college de­gree in public relations, journalism, advertising, or communication. Some firms seek college graduates who have worked in broadcast or print journalism. Other employers seek employees with good communication skills or experience in a field related to the firm's business, for example, health, sales, or finance.

Many colleges and universities offer bachelor's and master's degrees in public relations, usually in a journalism or communica­tions department.

A common public relations education includes courses in pub­lic relations principles and techniques, public relations management and administration. PR education includes courses on writing, with a special attention to news releases, proposals, annual reports, scripts, speeches, visual communications, including desktop publish­ing and computer graphics. In the research module future PR spe­cialists study social science research and survey design. Courses in advertising, journalism, finance, political science, psychology, so­ciology, and creative writing are also helpful. Specializations are offered in public relations for business, government, and non-prof­it organizations.

Many colleges help students have part-time internships in pub­lic relations that provide experience and training. Membership in local chapters of the Public Relations Student Society of America in student chapters of the International Association of Business Communicators provides an opportunity for students to exchange views with public relations specialists and to make professional contacts that may help them find a job in the field. A portfolio of published articles, television or radio programs, and other work is important in finding a job. Writing for a school publication or television or radio station provides valuable experience and mate­rial for one's portfolio.

Creativity, initiative and the ability to communicate thoughts clearly and simply are essential in this profession. Decision-mak­ing, problem-solving, and research skills also are important. People who choose public relations as a career need an outgo­ing personality, self-confidence, an understanding of human psy­chology, and an enthusiasm for motivating people. They should be competitive, yet able to function as part of a team and open to new ideas.

Adapted from Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, USA

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 89 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Text A Definitions of Public Relations | Exercise B. True of false? | Vocabulary | Text A History of PR | Vocabulary | History of house journals | Questions to the text | Vocabulary | Vocabulary | Text В PR Manager and the Management |

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