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Questions to the text

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  1. Add your sentence and your questions, please (5 questions at least)
  2. Answer the following questions and do the given assignment.
  3. Answer the following questions.
  4. Answer the following questions.
  5. Answer the following questions.
  6. Answer the following questions. Work in groups of four.
  7. Answer the questions
  8. Answer the questions
  9. Answer the questions
  10. Answer the questions about passages III and IV.

1. What is newsworthiness?

2. What are the questions to ask by PR specialists when testing all news releases?

3. Why are editors all over the world disappointed?

4. What kind of story should a good news release tell?

5. What is the easiest way to write news release?

6. What are the four things to make press relations better?

7. What is said about time when to send news release?

8. Why the editors may be annoyed?

Exercise A. True or false:

1. Newsworthiness means that press relations are good.

2. All PR specialists should judge their news releases, pictures and press events on newsworthiness.

3. A news release creates an image of the organization.

4. Nothing is done worse in PR than self-praise.

5. Sending news release of bad quality can be harmful to press re­lations.

6. It is not difficult to write releases that earn the praise of the edi­tors.

7. A good news release should tell the story of success.

8. The easiest way to learn how to write a news release is to read a newspaper.

9. Very few of the releases received by editors need rewriting

Exercise B. Finish the sentences:

1. Newsworthiness means that...

2. The PR practitioner must be his or her own...

3. A news release creates an image of...

4. Editors everywhere are very disappointed by...

5. A good news release should tell the story as...

6. A news release must not read like...

7. The easiest way to learn how to write a news release is to...

8. Very few of the releases received by editors resemble...

9. Releases should be written in the style used by...

10. Releases should be appropriate to...

Exercise C. Translate into English:

1. Термин «новостная значимость» обозначает, что эта инфор­мация обещает быть интересной для читателей или зрите­лей.

2. Этот материал достоин быть напечатанным?

3. Эта фотография сделает страницу более привлекательной?

4. Специалист PR должен быть сам себе судьей новостной зна­чимости.

5. Пресс-релиз должен создавать имидж организации в глазах редактора.

6. Плохой пресс-релиз вредит отношениям с прессой, форми­руя негативное впечатление о фирме.

7. Совсем несложно писать пресс-релизы, которые заслужива­ли бы похвалу редакторов.

8. Хороший пресс-релиз должен рассказывать историю так же, как если бы журналист писал ее.

9. Очень немногие пресс-релизы, получаемые редакторами, на­поминают материалы, которые публикуются в прессе.

10. Пресс-релизы должны соответствовать изданиям, в которые они посылаются.

Exercise D. Discussion:

1. Is newsworthiness same for all media? Please, provide examples.

2. Why do you think news releases are badly written? Is it a prob­lem of education at departments of journalism?

3. Have you read press releases which started "we are proud to an­nounce" or contained self-praise? Is it typical for press releases in your country/city? Why?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 71 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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