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Time allowed: THREE HOURS
All candidates are required to answer QUESTION ONE and THREE OTHER QUESTIONS.
ALL questions carry equal marks.
Rough work should be included in the answer book (s) and ruled through, but will not be accepted as part of the candidate's answers.
Whenever possible, candidates should include examples from real life situations.
Question One (Mandatory)
Write a news release announcing the launch of a new mobile telephone network. Your release should be set out in the correct format. You should also indicate what other information you might include in the pack that would be given to journalists at the launch of the new network.
Question Two
You work in the in-house public relations department of a generic marketing association whose objective is to promote the purchase and consumption of English apples. The association's main activities take place during 'English Apple Week', held each year at the beginning of September. This year's objective is to encourage young people to become more aware of the nutritional value of apples and encourage them to buy apples instead of convenience snack foods.
The head of your department has asked you to draft a memo outlining the promotional activities that could be organised by the association this year. Write the memo. You should include a budget, outline the planning timetable needed for the one-week promotion and say how you would evaluate its effectiveness.
Question Three
The local council for which you work has a policy of sending young offenders on a combined outward bound and community aid course. The course has proved very effective in preventing young people from re-offending. There has been a report in a local newspaper, followed by a report on local radio, implying that your council's programme is like those of other local authorities, with teenagers being sent on exotic holidays with public money.
A meeting has been called to discuss how the council should respond to this issue. Write an action plan for the meeting, including a timetable, outlining your
Question Four
You work in a public relations consultancy in the West Midlands which has many business-to-business clients. Your account director has been asked to speak at a local Chamber of Commerce meeting about editorial coverage in the trade press. Her talk is provisionally entitled: 'Has the UK trade press lost its editorial independence and integrity?' and she has asked you to prepare notes for the talk. She has particularly asked you to cover the topics of colour separations, advertorials and product features. Prepare the notes.
Question Five
The newly appointed managing director of the manufacturing company for which you work has recently told you that he thinks that public relations is 'just free advertising'. You disagreed at the time, and he asked you to write an article of about five hundred words for the company's in-house magazine explaining why. Write the article, and include examples of your company's and other organisations' successful public relations campaigns to refute this assertion.
Question Six
You work in the public relations department of the largest department store in a town where a new local radio station will shortly be launched. Your head of department has asked you to investigate the promotional opportunities afforded by the new station.
, Write an action plan illustrating how you would go about finding out the relevant information. (10 marks)
Outline three PR-related promotional ideas, involving the radio station, for your store. Include information about the cost implications of each. (15 marks)
Question Seven
A charity which provides riding holidays for disabled children has asked your public relations consultancy for help with its communications programme. The national director of the charity is particularly concerned about the effect that the National Lottery has had on donations from the public. Write a public relations plan showing how the charity might raise its profile.
Question Eight
The public relations department of the company where you work has recently recruited a graduate trainee who has had no relevant work experience. You have been asked to prepare an induction programme for him.
Draft a plan of activity for his first week. (12 marks)
Draft a memo outlining the legal and voluntary constraints under which he will be working as a public relations practitioner. (13 marks)
Time allowed: THREE HOURS
All candidates are required to answer QUESTION ONE and THREE OTHER QUESTIONS.
All questions carry equal marks.
QuestionOne (Mandatory)
You are an account manager with a public relations agency which has won a pitch
to undertake the publicity for the local authority's bid to host the next
(a) Write a news release announcing the win and explaining the consultancy's brief and function. (15 marks)
(b) Outline the target audiences for the announcement and list the types of media you would use to reach them, giving examples of each type of medium. (10 marks)
Question Two
You work in the in-house public relations department of Browns Ltd, a privately owned company that is considering going public within the next two years to raise some additional share capital. You have been asked to prepare a report for the Board detailing:
(a) the financial publics and media concerned (15 marks)
(b) the communications issues involved (10 marks)
Draft the report, using appropriate subheadings within your answer to highlight important points.
Question Three
You have been asked to give a presentation to a group of first year students studying for a BA in Communication Studies at your local university. The subject you have chosen is: 'Planning and implementing a media relations campaign'. Write outline notes for the presentation, which should set media relations in the wider context of public relations as a whole.
Question Four
You work in the public relations department of a large pharmaceutical company, which has just merged with another of similar size. The manager of your department has asked you to submit a proposal as to how the newly merged firm should review its existing corporate literature and de-
APPENDIX D English-Russian Dictionary of PR and Advertising Terms |
velop new corporate literature for the combined group. Write the proposal in memo form, outlining:
(a) The process you would use for the review (9 marks)
(b) The recommendations you might make following the review (12 marks)
(c) Your timetable for the project (4 marks).
Question Five
You work in the public relations department of a company which provides professional training. It has training centres in several major cities in the UK. The Chief Executive wants to develop a community relations programme, and has asked you to prepare a report on the subject. Draft the report, which should include a definition of community relations, possible criteria and aims for the company's programme, possible benefits to both the company and the community, suitable activities for the programme, evaluation techniques and examples of two recent successful community relations programmes.
Question Six
You work for a government agency which is launching new guidelines for increasing energy efficiency in offices. A free booklet will be available on request, and a subsidised 'energy audif of individual premises will be offered. ■; You have been asked to handle the media launch. Prepare a plan for the event. You should indicate the categories of journalists who would be invited, giving examples where possible, outline the aims of the event, provide your suggested schedule for the actual launch day (to include venue and speakers), identify possible questions from the media and give details of the contents of the press pack. How will you measure whether the event has been a success?
Question Seven.
A charity which provides hospice care has approached your public relations agency about its plans to publicise its centenary next year. A member of the Royal Family is its patron and a number of celebrities are members of a 'Friends committee'. The charity wants to raise awareness of their hospices and encourage legacies and voluntary help. Write notes for a proposal to the charity on how your agency could help to meet its objectives. In addition to the activities involved, you should also outline how the programme would be evaluated, and any budget considerations. Question Eight
You work in the public relations department of a large clothing manufacturer. You have become aware that an investigative journalist working for a broadsheet national daily newspaper is researching an article about the damaging environmental impact of the clothing industry, and that she is using your company as a case study to illustrate the apparent lack of responsibility in the sector. The article is due to be published in two weeks' time. Write a plan for the board of your company showing how you would manage the situation.
ABOVE-THE-LINE расходы на рекламу в СМИ
ACCELERATOR служащий рекламного агентства, контролирующий прохождение заказов
ACCIDENTAL SAMPLE методика случайной выборки
ACCORDION FOLD тройной параллельный сгиб листа
ACCOUNT 1) счет; отчет; доклад; 2) контрактное соглашение с клиентом 3) рекламодатель, клиент рекламного агентства; тж. ADVERTISER
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE 1) агент; посредник; 2) менеджер рекламного агентства, координирующий работу по конкретному заказу; 3) агент фирмы по связи со СМИ
ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT отдел рекламного агентства, осуществляющий всю работу по связи с клиентом и отвечающий за своевременность выполнения заказа
ACCOUNT PLANNER служащий агентства, представляющий интересы рекламодателя
ACCOUNT PLANNING планирование рекламной кампании на финансовой основе;
ACCUMULATIVE AUDIENCE совокупная аудитория;
ACTION ADVERTISING реклама прямого воздействия, рассчитанная на непосредственную реакцию со стороны читателя или зрителя
ACTION BLOCK блок непосредственного воздействия на потребителя; верхняя часть рекламной пирамиды, соответствующая периоду времени, когда покупатели лишь знакомятся с продуктом или только начинают покупать его
7. Зак. 748
ACTION IMPLEMENTATION часть запланированной акции по связи с общественностью, направленная на доведение информации до целевой аудитории любыми средствами
ACTION PROGRAM программа действия
ACTUAL REACH фактический охват
AD реклама, объявление
AD COLUMN колонка объявлений в телевидении и радио, газете
AD COPY рекламный текст
AD COUPON рекламный купон в газете, журнале или в упаковке другого товара этой же фирмы
AD MAKER рекламист
AD SHOP рекламное агентство
ADVANCE PROOF полигр. пробный оттиск
ADVANCE PUBLICITY реклама, предвосхищающая начало продажи товара или проведение рекламной кампании
ADVERTISE рекламировать
ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN колонка объявлений
ADVERTISEMENT FILE подборка рекламных образцов
ADVERTISEMENT IMPACT воздействие рекламы на аудиторию
ADVERTISER рекламодатель
ADVERTISING реклама, рекламная деятельность
ADVERTISING AGENCY рекламное агентство;
ADVERTISING BREAK рекламная вставка в теле- или радиопрограмму
ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN рекламная кампания
ADVERTISING CONCEPT концепция; основное содержание рекламы
ятие; впечатление от рекламы у отдельного зрителя или слушателя ADVERTISING MANAGER менеджер
по рекламе ADVERTISING MEDIUM рекламный
канал; носитель рекламы ADVERTISING PLAN рекламный
план ADVERTISING RESEARCH анализ ситуации для планирования рекламной деятельности ADVERTISING REVENUE доход от
рекламы ADVERTISING STRATEGY рекламная стратегия ADVERTISING WEAROUT старение
рекламы ADVERTORIAL информационная справка о продукте, данная редакцией газеты AFTER-PAY дополнительный платеж AGATE LINE газетная строка, единица измерения при подсчете объема рекламного сообщения AGENCY агентство, посредническая
фирма AGENCY COMMISSION комиссионные AGENCY NETWORK сеть рекламных
агентств; AGENT агент; лицо, действующее в чьих-либо интересах, обычно за известное вознаграждение AIR эфир
ON THE AIR по радио; в эфире телепередачи AIR CHECK запись программы для
архива AIR DATE дата выхода передачи в
эфир AIR TIME эфирное время; AIR TIME BUYER агент по закупке времени на радио и телевидении ALLOCATE размещать ALLOCATE PRIORITIES расставлять
приоритеты ALLOCATION размещение рекламных
TISING AGENCIES (AAAA) Американская ассоциация рекламных агентств AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC OPINION Институт опроса общественного мнения (США) AMERICAN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS' ASSOCIATION (ANPA) Американская ассоциация издателей газет AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (АРА) Ассоциация американских психологов ANALYST комментатор; обозреватель ANGLE SHOT кадр, снятый под углом ANIMATED CAPTIONS движущиеся
надписи ANIMATED CARTOONS мультипликация ANIMATION мультипликация ANNOTATION 1) аннотация; краткое содержание опубликованной работы; 2) комментарий; примечание ANNOUNCEMENT сообщение, даваемое между программами или во время передачи и несущее в себе важную информацию для потребителей ANNUAL 1) ежегодный; 2) ежегодник ANNUAL MEETING ежегодная отчетная конференция, проводимая директорами корпорации для акционеров ANNUAL REPORT ежегодный отчет перед акционерами, ANSWER PRINT 1) пробная копия; 2) конечный рекламный продукт со всеми необходимыми заглавиями, надписями и оптическими эффектами, подготовленный для просмотра рекламодателем перед многократным копированием APPEAL 1) апелляция; 2) призыв; подход; 3) способ, используемый рекламодателем для более успешной информации о товаре APPENDIX приложение APPLAUSE MAIL положительные отзывы на передачу или рекламу, присланные по почте APPLICATION заявление APPLICATION FORM бланк ART искусство;
ART DIRECTOR (AD) художник-декоратор ARTICLE 1) статья в газете; 2) статья договора; 3) изделие
ASHCANNING неудачно сделанная реклама
ASSOCIATED объединенный; ассоциированный
ASSOCIATED COMPANY дочерняя компания
ASSOCIATED PRESS (АР) Ассошиэйтед Пресс, информационное агентство США
ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS PUBLISHERS (АВР) Ассоциация издателей специальной литературы по технике, экономике, коммерции (США)
ASYMMETRIC BALANCE асимметричное расположение элементов в рекламе
ATTENTION внимание
ATTENTION VALUE оценка уровня внимания;
ATTITUDE отношение; позиция;
AUDIENCE аудитория;
AUDIENCE FLOW динамика изменения аудитории
AUDIENCE FRAGMENTATION деление зрительской аудитории на группы
AUDIENCE PROFILE демографический состав аудитории
AUDIENCE RESEARCH анализ состава и интересов аудитории
AUDIENCE SECONDARY вторичная аудитория
AUDIO EDITING монтаж фонограммы
AUDIO RECORD фонограмма
AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS (ABC) Бюро по учету тиражей газет и журналов в США
AVERAGE 1) средний; 2) обычный; нормальный
AVERAGE NET PAID CIRCULATION средний тираж продаваемых газет или журналов
AWARENESS осознанность; осведомленность
BABY BILLBOARD рекламный щит на транспорте
BACK LIGHT задняя подсветка
BACKUP резервное оборудование
BALLOON ADVERTISING реклама на воздушных шарах
BAND ADVERTISING реклама, занимающая всю газетную полосу
BAR CHART график; диаграмма
BAR CODE штриховой код на упаковке товара
BAR GRAPH график; диаграмма
BASE ART черновой вариант
BASE PRICE базисная цена
BASE RATE базовая ставка
BASIC CONCEPT основная идея, основополагающая концепция рекламы
BASIC MESSAGE центральная идея рекламного объявления
BEDROCK AUDIENCE постоянная аудитория
BELOW-THE-LINE все расходы по продвижению товара на рынок помимо сумм, расходуемых на рекламу в СМИ; сюда также относятся почтовые расходы, бесплатная раздача образцов товара и т.п.
BIG CLOSE UP (BCU) крупный план (на телевидении, в кино или на фотографии)
BIG SHOT амер. разг. крупная фигура; босс; политический деятель
BIG TICKET крупная покупка; дорогостоящее приобретение
BIG SPLURGE AD реклама огромных размеров на улице или в газете
BILL счет; афиша, банкнота
BILLBOARD уличный рекламный щит
BILLING счет рекламодателю от рекламного агентства
BILL POSTER афиша; плакат.
BINDING обложка
BIRD'S-EYE VIEW вид сверху
BLACK-AND-WHITE черно-белый;
BLIND SPOT мертвая зона
BLIND PRODUCT TEST «слепое» тестирование продукта
BLOCK ADVERTISING блочная реклама BLOOMER ошибка; оговорка BLOW-IN CARD рекламная листовка, вкладываемая в журнал, но не подши-ваемаяв него BLOW-UP увеличенный фотоснимок BLUE PENCIL редакторские пометки,
сокращения и т.п. BLUEPRINT план; проект; программа BODY текстовая часть рекламы BODY COPY основной текст рекламы, BODY TYPE шрифт основного текста
книги, газеты или рекламы BOLDFACE жирный шрифт BOOKFAIR книжная ярмарка BOOKING размещение заказов BOTTOM PRICE крайняя, самая низкая цена BOTTOM QUALITY очень низкое качество BOXED CAPTION текст в рамке BRAINPOWER интеллектуальная элита BRAND EQUITY весомость фабричной марки BRAND IMAGE рисунок на фирменном знаке или фабричной марке для идентификации конкретного продукта или самой фирмы BRANDING процесс создания символа
марки для товара BRAND LOYALTY преданность бренду BRAND MANAGEMENT (PRODUCT MANAGEMENT) управление брендом BRAND MANAGER бренд-менеджер BRAND NAME текстовая часть фабричной марки или фирменного знака BREAKOUT неожиданный рост объема продаж BRIEF описание рекламы, передаваемое рекламодателем рекламному агентству одновременно с заказом на эту рекламу BRIEFING информация для прессы по
конкретному вопросу BRIEFING BOOK информационный
справочник BRITISH CODE OF ADVERTISING PRACTICE (ВСАР) Британский рекламный кодекс
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