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Life of a well can be divided up into five segments. What are they (in Russian)? List the words in English and place the blocks according to the life stages of a well:
Terms and Vocabulary
abandonment | закрытие (ликвидация скважины) |
completion | заканчивание |
downhole pressure | давление в скважине |
drilling fluid | буровая жидкость |
drilling rig | буровая установка |
drilling site | буровая площадка |
enhanced recovery | повышенная норма добычи |
oil rig | нефтяная вышка |
production zone | продуктивная зона |
reservoir | коллектор |
produce (v) | добывать |
workovers | капитальный ремонт скважины |
Pay special attention to the pronunciation of the following words.
se cur e tu b u lar re servoir red u ndant p er m ea bility arti fic ial rem e d ia l [rimi:djel] te ch ni que l ia bility pro h ibitive a cce ss ter tia ry
Pay attention to the underlined stress in the following words.
Ef fect ce ment in te grity re servoir per mea bi lity re me dial tech nique lia bi lity
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