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Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the PRESENT SIMPLE or the PRESENT CONTINUOUS.

Читайте также:
  1. A and B. Floppy drives, if present.
  3. A). Form abstract nouns from these verbs
  4. A). Form abstract nouns from these verbs
  5. Add some more simple abbreviations
  7. Adjectives and adverbs
  8. Adjectives and adverbs
  9. Adjectives and adverbs coinciding in form
  10. Adjectives and adverbs coinciding in form

Dear Martin,

How are you and Sally? I 1) __ hope __ (hope) you’re well. I 2) ________ (write) to give you some good news. I have got a summer job for the holidays! I 3) ________ (repair) telephone lines for a telephone company.

I 4) ________ (usually/ ride) my bicycle to work because it’s only a 10 minute ride to work from home. We 5) ________ (start) work at 8:30. We 6) ________ finish at 4:30 on Mondays to Thursdays but at 2:30 on Fridays, so I 7) ________ (have) long weekends.

I 8) ________ (work) very hard at the moment. To tell you the truth, I 9) ________ (be) a bit nervous because my boss 10) ________ (leave) for Scotland on business next week, so I’ll be on my own. Lizzie says I 11) ________ (worry) about it too much. She’s, probably right!

Please write with your news. Say hello to Sally for me.

Best wishes,



* Exercise 9. In the following sentences, the adverbs of frequency are in the wrong place. Make the corrections.

1. I have time to rarely read novels these days. 2. I normally am too tired in the evenings to do anything except watch TV. 3. People give me books at Christmas often and I like to read them in the holidays. 4. People in Britain read frequently the newspaper while they are having breakfast. 5. My boyfriend reads the newspaper always on the way to work, but he usually just looks at the sports pages. 6. My boyfriend and I go normally to the cinema twice a month, but sometimes we go every week. 7. Hardly ever we eat in restaurants, but we often get a take-away Chinese meal. 8. Usually on a Saturday morning, once a month, I take the children to the cinema.

Exercise 10. Correct the mistakes.

1. Steve goes fishing tomorrow. 2. Rebecca wash her hair every day. 3. I am visiting my grandparents every week. 4. Tim doesn’t wants to do his homework. 5. He sits on the floor at the moment. 6. Do you watch TV in the evenings always? 7. Sarah is drinking coffee every morning. 8. They don’t go usually on holiday in May. 9. Does she work late? No, she does never. 10. Peter looks for a new house at the moment.


* Exercise 11. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box using either the PRESENT SIMPLE or the PRESENT CONTINUOUS.

do get eat look love take think try


1. Paul is a manager and ________ his job, but he is worried about its effect on his health.

2. He _______ for a new job that is less stressful.

3. He _______ to manage his time better so that he isn’t so stressed all the time.

4. He makes sure that he ________ at least eight hours sleep every night.

5. The journey to work _______ one hour and he’s decided to use this time for relaxation.

6. He has stopped having sandwiches for lunch and now _______ a proper meal every day.

7. He always ________ some kind of sport twice a week.

8. He _______ about taking up yoga, but he hasn’t made up his mind yet.


Exercise 12. Complete these sentences using the PRESENT SIMPLE or the PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Use the verb given in brackets.

1. My sister _________ (wait) patiently for her exam results. 2. We _________ (not/travel) by train very often. 3. I _________ (consider) accepting that job in Crete. 4. The film ________ (end) with a dramatic car chase. 5. I’m sorry, I _________ (feel) too tired to go out this evening. 6. We _________ (have) a great time here in London. 7. We ________ (rely) on you to bring the keys with you. 8. I ________ (wish) people didn’t smoke in restaurants. 9. Who _______ you _______ (think) you are, speaking to me like that!


Exercise 13. Complete these sentences using the PRESENT SIMPLE or the PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Use the verbs given in brackets. Add never or always if this is also given.

1) I _______ (use, never) my mobile phone if I ________ (drive).

2) I _______ (like, always) to get post but I _______ (seem, never) to have the time to reply.

3) The heroine _______ (prefer) to be with Paul because James _______ (argue, always).

4) Maria ________ (forget, always) what time the soap ________ (start).

5) You ________ (moan, always)about the state of the flat but you ________ (help, never) me.

6) Turtles ________ (lay, always) their eggs on the same beach; however, they _______ (come, never) in winter.

7) Whether I ________ (go) swimming or not _________ (depend on, always) the weather.

8) I _______ (shop, never) here again – they _______ (be, always) so rude.

9) We ________ (smell, always) cooking when we _______ (pass) your house.

10) He ________ (borrow, always) money but he ________ (pay, always) me back.


Exercise 14. Complete the sentences using the verbs below. Use each verb once in the PRESENT SIMPLE and once in the PRESENT CONTINUOUS. What is the difference in meaning?

depend think love smell stay see


1) a. b. I am just __________ this eau de cologne. Is it expensive? These flowers __________ lovely.
2) a. b. I _________ lying on the beach all day. I _________ every minute of this holiday.
3) a. b. I _________ your hair looks great! I _________ of going to Italy next year.
4) a. b. I always _________ at the Ritz when I go to New York. I ________ with my friends because my house was flooded last week.
5) a.   b. I don’t know whether I’ll go to the party. It _________ on how I feel. You can’t let me down now. – I ________ on you!
6) a. b. I _________ what you mean. There is no one at the window. You _________ things!


* Exercise 15. Complete this letter with the correct form of the PRESENT SIMPLE or the PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Use each verb in the list once. The first (0) is given as an example.

stand seem write be make shine stay taste look cost feel

Dear Jill,

I (0) ___ am writing __ to you from Granada where everything (1) ______ to be going just fine; we (2) _________ nice and relaxed. We (3) _________ in a gorgeous hotel just down the road from the Alhambra, which (4) _________ an old fortress built by the Moors. It (5) _________ at the top of the hill just opposite our hotel and we can see this wonderful building through our window. It (6) _________ absolutely magnificent! The hotel is lovely, but unfortunately it (7) __________ a lot to stay here! Eating out is great. Have you heard of gazpacho? It’s a cold cucumber and tomato soup which they (8) _________ with oil, vinegar and garlic and it (9) _________ delicious.

Well, outside the sun (10) _________ so I’m off to get a bit of a suntan; I hope everything’s OK back in Birmingham.


* Exercise 16. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. In most of the lines there is one word too many, a word that does not fit grammatically. Write this unwanted word on the right, If a line is correct, put a tick (a). The first two are given as examples.

The greenhouse effect  
  This week in Kyoto in Japan the latest conference on the environment is being taking place. The whole world is today watching to see what happens as delegates from more than 165 countries discuss what measures need not to be taken to reduce the fumes that do create the Greenhouse Effect. They are hope to agree on ways of reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases that we send into the atmosphere. These gases to act the way a greenhouse does and, as a result, the Earth is be getting hotter and hotter all the time. The temperature it is rising gradually and in 100 years’ time the Earth will be hotter by about 4°C. The problem is be getting worse as more cars are make an appearance on our already crowded roads. The solution in Kyoto is depends on what the United States, the most powerful nation on the Earth, feels is in its interests. __ a ___ __ being _ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

Exercise 17. Translate into English.

1. Экономические условия все время изменяются. 2. Она работает в рекламном агентстве. 3. Они обычно проводят встречи в Париже. 4. В настоящее время мы принимаем на работу нового директора по продажам. 5. Мои друзья строят дом. Я стараюсь им помочь. 6. Сколько газет ты покупаешь каждый день? 7. Я думаю, что он добрый человек. 8. Они обычно награждают служащих раз в год. 9. На каком языке она разговаривает в данный момент? 10. Он постоянно теряет свои очки. 11. В сегодняшнем мире много проблем. 12. Комитет заседает сейчас. 13. Правительство рассматривает этот законопроект. 14. Я всегда летаю Британскими авиалиниями.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 206 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

I. PRESENT SIMPLE (I do) and PRESENT CONTINUOUS | III. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS (I have been doing) and PRESENT PERFECT (I have done) | PRESENT FORMS | C) Now find answers to the questions. | Exercise 9. | V. PAST PERFECT (I had done) and PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS (I had been doing) | VI. PAST CONTINUOUS (I was doing) and PAST SIMPLE(I did) | DISCOVERIES | VII. PRESENT and PAST (Revision) | FUTURE SIMPLE |

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