Читайте также:
It’s Sunday tomorrow. I usually sit around and do nothing on Sunday. But tomorrow I’m going to do a lot of things. I shan’t waste time: I’m going to get up early. Good health is better than wealth. So I’ll start with morning exercises. Then there’s housework to do. In the afternoon I’m going to wash my car. It needs washing badly. Then I’ll watch TV or go for a walk. Then Ted may come and see me. Oh, better not! Again those cigarettes! I must form good habits: no smoking, a lot of exercises and fresh air.
Where’s my alarm clock? I don’t think I must get up so early. Tomorrow is Sunday. I can stay in bed as long as I like. Now, where are my pijamas? I could start my program on Monday, why be in a hurry? Oh, well, into bed …
Прочитайте диалог по ролям:
- What did you do yesterday?
- It was an unusual day, full of meetings.
- Really?
- It was Sunday, so I didn’t go to the Institute.
- What did you do in the morning then?
- After breakfast I went to see my friend who lives in the country.
- Did you go there by electric train?
- No, I went there by bus but it broke on the way there and I had to walk a kilometer to the nearest railway station. But I was not sorry!
- Why?
- I met my schoolmate Lara there. She is a teacher in a near-by village. She came to the station to buy newspapers.
- Really?
- I was very glad to see her. Now she is a very pretty girl.
- She is married, isn’t she?
- But she isn’t!
- A young lady should be married.
- You know … we agreed to meet soon again
- No wonder.
Переведите на английский язык:
Моя приятельница Анна пришла ко мне в субботу после работы. Мы решили повторить перед диктантом слова (из) первых пяти уроков. Мы начали работать в семь вечера. Я люблю заниматься с Анной. Она много читает и хорошо знает английский язык. Мы повторили слова и прочитали тексты. Мы также повторили грамматические правила и сделали упражнения. Потом Анна задала мне много вопросов, и я ответила на них. Мы потратили на это много времени. Мы закончили работать в девять часов. В воскресенье мы решили поехать за город. Погода была хорошая, и мы провели за городом три часа. Мы приехали домой в пять часов вечера. После обеда мы пошли к друзьям Анны. Мы хотели пойти с ними погулять вечером,но потом решили пойти в театр.
. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. When do you have your day off?
2. Do you get up later then usual on the day off?
3. Do you do morning exercises?
4. When do you have lunch?
5. Do you go to the library?
6. Do you do the on thehometask day off?
7. How do you spend your spare time?
8. Do you often go to the theater on Sunday?
9. Do you go shopping?
10. Do you like to spend the time with your friends?
11. Do you usually go for a walk in the forest or in a park?
12. Are you fond of reading or watching TV?
13. When do you have supper?
14. Who prepares lunch on the day off?
15. When do you go to the bed on Sunday?
Выучите диалоги. Замените подчеркнутое словами, данными ниже:
- What is your hobby?
- Cooking. I enjoy it very much.
sports, music, dancing, singing, collecting stamps, reading, fishing, gardening, knitting, sewing
- What do you collect?
- I collect postage stamps.
post-cards, old coins, badges, labels, old books, bottles, pictures, photos, masks
- What do you usually do in the evening?
- I usually stay at home cooking and washing up.
watching television, playing chess, reading books and
papers, listening to music, drawing, knitting, sewing
- Why did you choose sports as a hobby?
- I think it’s healthy.
reading, skiing, skating, fishing, travelling, playing chess, tennis,
knitting, sewing
interesting, useful, practical, instructive, entertaining.
Прочитайте диалоги по ролям:
- What is your hobby?
- I collect books on art.
- How very interesting! Have you got many books in your collection?
- There are about one hundred of them.
- Did you read them all I wonder?
- Oh, yes!
- What is your hobby?
- I collect badges, you know.
- Oh, I think it's a very interesting pastime, isn't it?
- Certainly.
- What is your favourite pastime?
- Playing the piano. I enjoy music very much.
- Do you often play the piano?
- Of course, twice a week as a rule.
- What do you usually do after the lessons?
- A lot of things. There’ s always a lot of work to do about the house, washing up, doing the rooms and what not.
- I mean your favorite pastime.
- Well, sometimes I read a little, watch TV. When my friend calls, we go for a walk.
- I see. What about dancing? Do you like it?
- Oh, very. I’m crazy about dancing.
- How do you usually spend your evenings?
- Well, I play chess with my brother.
- Chess is an interesting game. And I usually cook and wash up. It’s my hobby.
- What are the most common hobbies of Englishmen?
- Well, as far as I know, many of them like sports and games, gardening, collecting different things.
- I see.
There are many hobby groups at your Institute. Study the list of them and say which you would like to join and why:
photography, tourism, sports, dancing, singing, drawing, painting, sewing, knitting.
Скажите по-английски:
1. Чем вы увлекаетесь?
2. Какой ваш любимый досуг?
3. Мое увлечение – музыка.
4. Я очень люблю зимний спорт: коньки, лыжи.
5. После занятий я люблю встретиться с друзьями и поговорить с ними.
6. Я часто играю в шахматы со своим двоюродным братом.
7. Я увлекаюсь фотографией.
8. Я без ума от танцев.
9. Сколько книг в твоей коллекции? Около двухсот.
10. Мои родители любят путешествовать.
11. Его хобби – путешествия.
12. Ее увлечение – иностранные языки.
13. Ваше увлечение как познавательно, так и практично.
14. По вечерам я остаюсь дома, читаю книги, газеты, готовлю ужин, убираю квартиру.
. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is your hobby?
2. What do you collect?
3. Is it easy or difficult to collect things?
4. What sport do you go in for?
5. What is your favorite pastime?
6. What do you usually do after classes?
7. Are there any hobby groups at your Institute?
8. Do you take part in the work of any of them?
9. Do you think cooking or doing the house may be one’s hobby?
10. What are the typical hobbies of Englishmen?
Выучите пословицы:
Good health is better than wealth. Здоровье дороже богатства. | Every day is not Sunday. Не каждый день воскресенье. |
Прочитайте и переведите забавные истории:
- How are you planning to spend your vacation?
- Oh, my vacation is never a problem to me.
- Really?
- Yes, of course. My boss decides when I am to have it, and my wife decides where I am to go.
- During a Christmas exam one of the questions was: “What causes depression?”
One of the students wrote: “God knows. I don’t. Merry Christmas!”
The examination paper came back with the professor’s notation: “God gets 100, you get zero. Happy New Year.”
. Расскажите о своем увлечении, о досуге ваших родителей, друзей
Составьте рассказ на тему
1. My last day off
2. My next day off.
3. My days off.
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