Читайте также:
Model: - I’ll see Alice on Tuesday.(when)
- Pardon? When will you see Alice?
1. Harry will be away for a month.(how long) 2. I’ll be back in half an hour.(when) 3. We’ll invite twenty people to the party.(how many) 4. I’ll be in Rome next week.(where) 5. I’ll have my French classes three times a week (how often) 6. The American professor will give only two lectures.(how many) 7. Victor won’t come because he’s busy.(why) 8. Mike will book the tickets. (who) 9. She will study art.(what) 10. They’ll pay him 3000 dollars a month. (how much) 11. I’ll be at the library at 4.(where) 12. I’ll marry John Smith. (who) 13. Some of the students will go to Brighton one of these days.(where) 14. We shall have dinner at home at about 6.(what) 15. He will have some free time tomorrow.(when) 16. They will pay twenty thousand dollars for the new house.(how much)
Exercise 9. Complete these sentences with “I’ll” + a suitable word.
Model: - We haven’t got any cigarettes.
- Oh, haven’t we?... get some. I’ll go and get some.
1. I’m too tired to walk home. I think... taxi. 2. It’s a bit cold in this room. - Is it?... on the heating then. 3. We haven’t got any milk. - Oh, haven’t we?... and get some. 4. It’s too late to telephone Max now.... him in the morning. 5. Do you want me to do the washing up? - No, it’s all right.... it. 6. I don’t know how to use this computer. - OK,... you. 7. I feel a bit hungry. I think... something to eat in the fridge. 8. Would you like tea or coffee? -... coffee, please. 9. Goodbye! Have a nice holiday. - Thanks.... you a postcard. 10. Thank you for lending me your camera.... it back to you on Monday, OK? 11. Are you coming with us? - No, I think... here. 12. Why haven’t you switched on the light? It’s getting dark. - Oh, yes, it is.... it now. 13. Did you write that letter to Jack? - Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me..... it now. 14. Why haven’t you packed your things? We’re leaving in a minute. - Don’t worry.... in a moment. 15. There’s someone at the door. - Is there? Oh,... who it is. 16. I’m going out shopping. - Oh, are you?... with you, then. I need to get some things myself.
Exercise 10. Translate into English using the Future Simple.
1. В воскресенье я пойду на выставку. 2. Сколько вам понадобится времени, чтобы закончить перевод? 3. В пятницу будет собрание, не так ли? 4. Боюсь, что Петр не будет играть в теннис в следующую субботу. Он болен. 5. Вы достанете билеты на концерт? 6. Мы встретимся на концерте, не так ли? 7. В нашей группе будут две новые студентки. 8. Я не буду вас ждать после занятий. 9. Почему ваш друг не придет к нам на вечер? 10. Следующая лекция будет в четверг в 10 часов. 11. Какие предметы вы будете изучать в будущем году? 12. Как долго он пробудет в нашем городе? 13. Завтра у второй группы не будет первой лекции. 14. Когда они вернутся из Нью-Йорка? - На следующей неделе. 15. Принести вам завтра новый учебник? - Да, пожалуйста. 16. Мы сделаем это завтра утром. 17. Они вернутся к десяти часам вечера? 18. В будущем году мы начнем изучать французский язык. 19. Я не пойду на концерт в следующий вторник. У меня нет времени. 20. Завтра воскресенье, и в парке будет очень много народу.
Exercise 11. Comment on the use of the Future Simple and be going to in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. That boat doesn’t look very safe. It’ll sink in that heavy sea. 2. Look at that boat! It’s going to sink. 3. Oh dear! I’ve split some wine on my jacket. - Don’t worry. I’ll clean it for you. 4. Why have you moved all the furniture out of this room? - I’m going to clean the carpet. 5. George is putting on weight. He’s going to be quite fat. 6. I have left my watch upstairs. - I’ll go and get it for you. 7. Let’s have a party. - That’s a great idea. We’ll invite lots of people. 8. Sue and I have decided to have a party. We’re going to invite lots of people. 9. Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain. 10. We’re going to crash! 11. I bought a good map, because I’m going to go to South America. 12. I’ll probably move abroad in five years time.
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