Читайте также: |
11. I’m tired! (Жест - опустить плечи, покачать вялыми руками.) I’m not the teacher! I’m a little girl! You are the teacher now! (2-3 ребенка по очереди проводят разминку.)
12. (magic window, fine/nasty pictures) (Плачет барашек.) {Cry 3-1-9}
13. (pictures - this is not...) Is it a... - No, this is not a... This is a... - Is the... good or bad? - Bad!
And now, the lesson is over! Goodbye!_____________________________________________
*C этого урока начинается погружение в языковую среду. В начале урока учитель даёт детям «образ ключика» от русского языка, после чего все «запирают свои язычки».
1. Is it dark or light in the classroom?... Let’s say: “Good mom...” - How...? - I’m fine, thank you! How are you (ф.о.)? - I’m fine too, thank you! So, let’s begin the lesson! Who is... -1!
2. (a box with 4 big and 4 small pencils) Are there any pencils... {Some - Any 3-1-6} How many pencils are there on the table? - Let’s count the pencils! - 1...8! - Yes, there are 8 pencils on the table! What colour is this pencil? - It is red! - What’s the difference between these 2 pencils? - This pencil is big and this pencil is small (blue, green, yellow)!
(red heart..,) Do you know, which pencils I like and which pencils I don’t like? - I don’t know! - Come up to me, Alex! Listen! I (don’t) like the big blue pencil!... (Ребенок раскладывает.)
(a sheet of paper) Now, let’s draw a picture! - Let’s! - Can I have a big red pencil, please? Thank you! I want to draw a red flower (the blue sky, green grass, the yellow sun).
What’s this? - This is the sun!...- What colour is the sun?... - It is yellow!... - Do you like the sun?... - Yes, I do! - And which do you like best? -1 like the...
3. (diff. - good/bad boys, green/yellow sweets, big/small clocks) {Diff. 1-3-13}
4. (sweets) {Sweets 3-1-5} Stand... Hands... Clap...! Come up to me! Hop! Stop! (boys, girls)
5. (дверью - a snake, Stephanie, 9 (mother, father, sister) with a bag (cat, dog, parrot, frog) {Who? Hello! Name. Age. 1-2-6} - Let’s be friends! - Let’s! (По кругу.)
Do you have a mother (father)? - Yes.I do! I have a mother! This is my mother! - And do you have any sisters (brothers)? - Yes I do! I have a sister! This is my sister! - Do you like his mother (f., sis., br.)? - Yes, I do! - And who do you like best? - I like..
Is your mother (f.,sis.) kind or wicked? (Жест.) - My...is kind! - Do you like her mother (f.,sis.)? - Yes, I do! - And who do you like best? - I like... Is the snake good or bad (big /little; kind/wicked)? -...
(a bag) And what’s this? - This is a bag. - What’s there in the bag? Are there any toys in the bag? - Yes! There are some toys in the bag! - How many toys are there in the bag? - That’s a secret! Guess! - 3? 5?....- There are 4 toys in the bag! - (Учитель достает из сумки игрушки.) So, snake, what do you have? - I have a cat (dog, parrot, frog)! Let’s sing a song! (Учитель берет в руки игрушки по мере того, как поет о них, дети подпевают.) I have a cat...
6. (стол N1 - box (clock, pencil, block, sweet, horse, sheep, wolf, star, bow) {Some - Any 3-1-6} What’s there on the table? - There is a... on the table. Let’s play a game! - Let’s! - (Учитель завязывает змее глаза и меняет игрушки местами так, чтобы последним стоял волк.) Snake, where is the wolf? - Here is the wolf! This is the wolf! (Змея пытается на ощупь определить.) - No, this is not a wolf! This is а... (Пока не дойдет до волка).
Give me the clock! - Don’t say: “Give me!” Say: “Can I have the clock, please?”
Can I have the clock, please? - Here you are\ - Thank you! (5-6 раз) {4-1. п. 10}
(сердце N2) I like the... And which toy do you like? -1 like... - And you, snake, which toy do you like? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Do you like... - No. I don’t! (Yes. I do!)
7. Let’s play a game! - Let’s! Stand... (Дети дают команды no очереди.)
8. (shop: cockerel, hen, chick, sweet, bag, clock, pencil, horse, sheep) (Плачет змея.) {Happy birthday: Why are you crying? - It is my birthday but I don’t have any toys! - Let’s play shops! - Let’s! - How many toys are there in the shop?. - 1...9! -... - What’s this? - This is a... {Shop 3-1-8} Now, let’s sing a song! - Happy birthday... (Дети поздравляют гостя.)}
9. (magic window, f/n weather) (Змея плачет.) {Cry 3-1-9}
10. (Учитель раздает игрушки со стола N1.) Here is the cockerel... Now, hide your toys! Do you have a cat? - No, I don't! -... -1 give up! I don’t know! What do you have? - A block!
11. (4 boxes: red, yellow, green, blue) How many boxes are there on the floor? - 4! - Yes, there are 4 boxes on the floor! What colour is this box? - It is... - Put the... in the red (...) box! - In the red (...) box! (Дети хором повторяют за учителем.)
12 (bear, hare, dog, frog) What’s this? - This is a bear (...). - Do you know, what I like and what I don’t like? -1 don’t know! - Max, come up to me and sit down on the floor! Listen! I like... I don’t like... (Ребенок раскладывает игрушки, затем он говорит, а его место занимает другой.)
And now, the lesson is over! Goodbye!
GR. Do vou have..? Yes. I do. No, I don't. | GR. 1 have... I don't have... | GR. Do vou like...? Yes, 1 do. No, I don't. |
I’m... I’m not... Are you...? - Yes, I am. No, I'm not. | I like... I don't like. Is it a...? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. This is... This is not... | |
voc. wicked, white, man. table take. hoD, stop, TV. anv Hands on knees! on, floor, draw, your, tired, put, some, mice, see; plurals | VOC. my, kind, blue, ten, sister, brother, house, flower, fox, rabbit, picture, chair; in, too Stamp your feet! Come up to me! | VOC. big. small, green, nine: grass, mother, father, sweet. bag, pencil, horse, sheen; clock, block Clan vour hands! Hands up(down)! bad, good, little, dark, light; fine, nasty; red, yellow; the sun, the sky; come, go, Stand up! Sit down on the floor (chair)! toy, ball, doll, car, star, bow, box; bear, parrot, wolf, snake, hare, dog, frog, cat, mouse, cockerel, hen, chick; boy, girl, 1: yes, no; many,one, two, three, four, five, six; seven, eight |
PH. What’s this? Here is... It’s me. | PH. There is a... on the... Here you are. Why are you crying? Give me! What do you have? What’s there on the...? | PH. How are vou? - I’m fine, thank vou! |
We are friends. Because... How much is it? What’s this? Let's count the toys! That's a secret. Guess! Let's play a game! What colour is...? Let's draw... I can see...What do you want? There are...(4 seasons in a year). Where is...? Come again! Be quick! What do vou want? Ask for anv | Let's be friends! I don't know! Happy birthday! Who are you? Can I have... please? This bear is red. Who is it? I give up! Come in! Go away! How old are you? - I'm 6. Hello! Good morning! Goodbye! What’s your name? - My name is... What’s the difference between...? Do vou know...? Which... do you like best? How many...? | |
tov vou like. Are vou tired? What do vou want to do? |
Why are you crying? Why, Why? Why are you crying? Why, Why, Why? |
“I have a mother. I have a father.
I have a sister. I have a brother.
(I don’t have any sisters/brothers.)”
“Do you like your father?” “Yes, 1 do!”
“Do you like your mother?” “Yes, I do!”
“Do you like your sister (s)?” “Yes, I do!”
“Do you like your brother (s)?” “Yes, I do!”
(“You don’t have any brothers, do you?”)
1. Is it dark...?... Let’s say: “Good mor...” - How...? - I’m fine, thank you! How are you (ф.о.)? - I’m fine too, thank you! So, let’s begin the lesson! Who is... -1!
(magic window) Look out of the window! Is the weather fine or nasty? -... - Why? Because the sky is... because the sun is (not) in the sky... because it is (not) raining]
2. (4 pencils) How many pencils are there on the table? - 4 - What colour is this pencil? - It is red (yellow, green, blue). - Which pencil do you like best? -Ilike...
3. (picture 5-1-3) Look at the picture! How many... are there in the picture? -... - What’s the difference between these 2...? - This... is... and this... is... (Про каждую картинку.)
4. (cat, dog, parrot, frog) What’s this? - This is a... - Let’s sing a song! -1 have a cat...!
5. (your family) I have a mother (father, sister, brother). (Раскладывая картинки.) Do you have a mother (...)? - Yes, I do! - How many sisters (brothers) do you have?...
6. (Sweets) {Sweets 3-1-5} Are you tired? Stand! Hands! Come! Clap!
7. (за дверью - a rabbit. Bunny, 6 with a big bag (horse, sheep, bear, cockerel, hen, chick, parrot, wolf, snake, mouse) and the pictures of the family) {Guest - guess: Who...?... Who are you? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Are you a... (5-6 раз) - No, I’m not a... -1 give up! I don’t know! Who are you? - I’m a rabbit! - Come... Good morning... How are you? I’m fine, thank you! What’s your name? How old are you? Let’s be friends... “Are we friends? Let's say: “We are friends!” (Дети держат друг друга за руки.)}
Is the rabbit good or bad (big/little; wicked/kind)?
{Family: Bunny, do you have a mother (f.,sis.,br.)? - Yes, I do! I have a mother (f.)! This is my mother (f.)! (Достает картинку, кладет ее на пол) (No. I don’t! I don’t have any sisters!) - Do you have any brothers? - Yes. I do! - And how many brothers do you have? - I have one brother! This is my brother! - Let’s sing a song! (Песенку сопровождают пальчиковой игрой. Гость - большой пальчик. Остальные пальцы - его родственники. При пропевании “Yes, I do!” соответствующий палец соединяют с большим.)} Is your mother (f.,br.) wicked or kind? -...
8. (a bag) What’s this? - This is a bag! - Are there any toys in the bag? - Yes! There are some toys in the bag! - How many toys are there in the bag? - There are 10 toys in the bag! - (Достает игрушки.) What’s this? - This is a horse (...). Are there any toys in the bag now?
(heart №2) And which toy do you like best? - I like the mouse! (Дарит сердечко мышке.) - Let’s play a game! (Учитель завязывает кролику глаза, и он пытается найти мышку.) - Is it а mouse? - No, it isn’t! - This is not a mouse! This is a... (5-6 раз)
9. (shop, треуголка, платок) {Generals: Let’s play “Generals”! - “Generals”? - (Надевая маленькую треуголку.) I’m a general now. Give me the doll! - Yes, sir! - Boys and girls! Let’s play “Generals”! Pretend you are generals. Don’t say: “Can I have...” Generals say: “Give me...” } (За кролика играют по очереди 2-3 ребёнка. Последний “Кролик” прячет игрушки под платком.) Rabbit! Hide the toys! Do you have a sheep? - Yes, I do! (Достаёт игрушку.) Children! Let’s guess... Do you have a sheep? - Yes, I do! (Все игрушки возвращаются на стол.)
10. Now, ask for any toy you like! - Can I have...(Каждый ребёнок выбирает игрушку.) - So, what do you have? (Подходя к каждому ребенку) - I have а... (ф.о.) - (Кролик начинает плакать.) - Why are you crying? - Because I don’t have any toys! - Don’t cry! - (Дети хором кричат, как на базаре, размахивая «товаром».) I have a doll (...). - What do you want? Ask for any toy you like! - Can I have...please? - (Ребенок дает игрушку кролику.) - Here you are! - Thank vou! - (Учитель, обращаясь к этому ребенку.) Do you have any toys now? - No! - Begin crying! - (Ребенок изображает плач.) - Why are you crying? -1 don't have any toys (ф.о.)! - Don’t cry! What do you want? Ask for any toy you like! (Игра повторяется 4-5 раз.)
(4 boxes) How many boxes are there on the floor? - 4! - What colour is this box? -... - Can I have...please? I want to put the... in the...box. (Игрушки выглядывают из коробки.)
11. Are you tired? I’m tired! I’m not the teacher! You are the teacher now! - Stand... Clap...
12. Where is the bear? In the red (...) box? - No!/Yes! - Yes, it is! Here is the bear! (3-4 раза)
13. (На столе - a box (doll, chair, picture, table, block, flower, hare, clock, horse, bow) and a book) Are there any toys on the table? - No! - No, there are no toys on the table! (Делает из раскрытой книжки крышу над коробкой, получается домик.) Look! What’s this? This is a house! Are there any toys in the house? - Yes! - Yes, there are some toys in the house! (Дети заглядывают в коробку.) What’s there in the house? - There is a... in the house. (В домике остаётся 5 игрушек.) Are there any toys on the table/in the house? -... - How many toys are there on the table/in the house? -... - Let’s count the toys! -... (Вываливает игрушки на стол.) Are there any toys in the house now? -... - And how many toys are there on the table now?
(heart 2; a table in the box) I like the doll and which toy do you like? -1 like... (Дети дарят игрушкам сердечки.) - And which toy do you like? (Обращаясь к кролику.) - That’s a secret! Guess! - Do you like...? - No, I don’t! /Yes, I do! I like the flower. - And do you have a flower? - No! I don’t! I don’t have a flower. - And what do you have? -1 have a box! - And what do you have in the box? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Do you have a... - No, I don’t have a.... (5-6 раз) -1 give up! I don’t know! What do you have? -1 have a table!
14. Boys (girls), stand... 1, 2, 3, hop! 1, 2, 3, stop! (4-5 раз)......................................................................................
15. (flower, sky, sun, grass; red heart.,.)What’s this? - This is a flower (...). - And do you know, what I like and what I don’t like? - I don’t know! -1 like... I don’t like... - And now, stand up! The lesson is over! Goodbye!
1. Is it dark...? So, let’s begin the lesson! Where is Olga? (Жест - ладонь над бровями.) -1 - Oh! Here is Olga!... Good mor...! - How...? - I’m fine! - Are you good boys and girls? Why don’t you say “Thank you?” - Thank you!
2. (difference - red/yellow flowers, big/small houses, 4 stars (red, yellow, green, blue) Look at this! I have some pictures! What’s this? What colour is...? What’s the difference between these 2 flowers (...) Which... do you like best?
3. (стол N1- a box (sheep, cockerel, hen, chick, parrot, wolf, snake, cat, mouse, hare) {Some - Any 3-1-6} What’s there on the table? There is a... 1 like the hare and which toy do you like best? -1 like... (По кругу, затем учитель раздает каждому по игрушке.) - Here is the... Hide your toys! (Помогает детям спрятать игрушки.) I want to guess, what you have! Do you have
а...? - No, I don’t (ф.о.)! (2-3 раза) Well, I give up! 1 don’t know! What do you have? -1 have...- (треуголка) Now I’m a general. And I don’t have any toy! I want to ask for the toy! Give me the...! - Yes, sir (та’ат)! (Ребенок отдает честь.) - Thank you! (Игра идет по кругу. Тот, у кого нет игрушки, надевает треуголку и приказывает.)
(4 boxes) How many boxes are there on the floor? - 4! - Yes, there are 4 boxes on the floor! What colour is this box?... Now, put the bow in the red box... (Игрушки выглядывают из коробок.)
4. Are you tired? Stand! Hands! Come! Go! Clap! Stamp! (Boys! Girls!)
5. (за дверью - a rabbit with a box (in the box - a horse) {Guest - guess 5-1-7 }
And what’s there in the box? - That’s a secret! Guess! (Учитель вызывает одного ребенка и показывает ему содержимое коробки.) Nick! Now you know, what there is in the bag, but that’s a secret! You, boys and girls, guess! - Is it a... - No, it isn’t! Yes, it is!
Rabbit, which toy do you like best? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Do you like... - No, I don’t! I don’t like the... (Если не могут отгадать: Do you give up? -1 give up!)
б. (a fox, Alice, 9 with family pictures) {Game: Listen! Someone’s knocking at the door! Who is it? - It’s me! - Who are you? - I’m a fox! - This is a fox! Let’s hide the rabbit! (Учитель прячет кролика за спину ребенка, сидящего с края.) - Come in, fox!... Hello!... How are vou? - “Children, the fox is here! Why? Do you know? The fox wants to have a rabbit. (Учитель шепчет.) Don't give the rabbit to this fox. Let's talk (жест) with this fox. {Name.Age.Friends}
Alice, do you have a mother (father, any sisters)? - Yes. I do! I have a... - How many sisters do you have? -1 have 1 sister! - Do you have any brothers? - No, I don’t! I don’t have any brothers! - Let’s sing a song! (Дети подпевают.) I have a father...
Fox! Is your mother (f., sis.) kind or wicked? - My... is wicked! (Рычит.) - Are you kind or wicked? - I’m wicked! Where is the rabbit? (Подходит к ребенку с кроликом.) Give те the rabbit! Do vou have the rabbit? - (Учитель шепчет детям.) “Give this rabbit to your friend!” (Ребенок передает кролика соседу.) -1 don’t have the rabbit (ф.о.)! (Лиса идет по кругу.)
Is the fox good or bad? (kind /wicked?) -... - Do you like the fox? - I don’t like the fox! - Let’s say: “Go away!” - Go away, fox! (Уходит.) And where is the rabbit? Here is the rabbit! Is the rabbit good or bad? (kind /wicked)? -... - Do you like the rabbit? -...}
7. (треуголка) Well, Rabbit, what do you want to do? - Let’s play “Generals”! - Let’s! - Stand! Hands... Now you are the general! (Учитель надевает на ребенка треуголку, тот командует.) - Stand!...
8. (picture 5-2-8) Rabbit, what do you want to do now? - Let’s play schools! - Look! How many toys are there in the picture? - Many! - What’s this?...
9. I’m tired! Let’s play a game! Stand!... 1, 2, 3, hop! 1, 2, 3, stop!
10. (magic window; fine weather) Boys and girls! Rabbit wants to go home! - Is the weather fine or nasty? - Fine! - Is the sky...? What’s in the sky?... Goodbye! - Goodbye! Come again!
11. And where is the bag (еще 3-4 игрушки)? In the red box? - No! (Yes!) - Here is the...
12. (5-2-12 TV (2 bags, 3 men, house) What’s this? -1 don’t know! - This is a TV! Do you like the TV? -...- Let’s watch TV! What can you see? I can see a house (...) (Меняет картинку.) Can you see the house now? - No, I don’t! - I can see 2 bags! What’s the diff... I can see 3 men! What’s the diff... And now, the lesson is over! Stand up! Goodbye!
Узнаем, сколько ему лет? How old are you? (Жест - на каждый слог учитель разгибает из кулака по одному пальцу, начиная с указательного.) - I’m 4! - Посчитаем?
(Жест - пальцы.) 1 - 1, - 2 - 2, - 3 - 3, - 4 - 4. - Is Do-not-know a big boy? (Жест - большой.) - No!
- Is Do-not-know a little boy? (Жест - маленький.) - Yes! - А маленькие мальчики очень любят играть! Let’s play a game!
6. Stand up! Sit down on the floor! (Указывает на пол.) - 5-6 раз Stand up! Sit down on the chairs! (Указывает на стул.)
7. (На столе - a dog, a frog, a bear, a hare) OK! How many toys are there on the table? 1? 2? 3? 5? 6? (Разгибает пальцы.) Let’s count the toys! -1-4. -Yes, there are 4 toys on the table!
What’s this? - I don’t know! - Поучим Незнайку? This is a bear (ф.о. - a bear, a hare, a dog, a frog - жесты). {Игра “Is it...?”: Let’s play a game! (Рекомендуется повторить с 3-4 детьми.) Come up to me! Я отвернусь. Ты выбери игрушку и покажи ее ребятам, а я попробую отгадать, что это за игрушка! (Учитель отворачивается.) Are you ready? Yes or no? - No! (Yes!) - (Поворачивается.) Is it a bear? - Yes! (No!) - No! This is not a bear!}
8. Stand up! Sit down on the floor! (Сидя на полу.) А вы знаете, какой стишок читают английские ребята, когда садятся на пол?
1, 2, 3, 4, I’m sitting on the floor.
I’m sitting on the floor, 1, 2, 3, 4.
Попробуем сказать вместе! (Жесты: 1-2-3-4 - достают пальчики из кулачка; I’m - показывают на себя; sitting - шлепают себя по попе; on the floor - указывают на пол.) Stand up! Sit down on the chairs!
9. (red heart/ black square) Ребята, давайте проверим, хорошо ли запомнил то, что мы сегодня учили Незнайка! Do-not-know! How many toys are there on the table? (Учитель указывает на стол.) 1!, 2!, 3!, 5!. 6! (Дети отвечают хором.) - No! (Yes!) I give up! I don’t know!
- So, how many toys are there on the table? Let’s count the toys! - 1, 2, 3, 4. - Yes! There are 4 toys on the table! And what’s this? - This is a dog! - No! This is not a dog! This is a bear! What’s this? - This is a frog! - No! This is not a frog! This is a hare! What’s this? - This is a bear! - No! This is not a bear! This is a dog! And what’s this? - This is a hare! - No! This is not a hare! This is a frog! Незнайка загрустил! Расстроился из-за того, что ничего не помнит! Давайте дадим ему игрушки! Пусть поиграет! Do-not-know! What do you want? Ask for any toy you like! - Can Ihave a dog (bean hare), please? (Учитель жестом просит ребенка дать Незнайке игрушку.) Thank you! Good girl (boy)! (Гладит ребенка по голове.) - Do you like the bear (hare, dog)? - Yes. I do! I like the bear (hare, dog)! (Гость целует игрушку. Ребёнок кладёт игрушку наквадрат или на «сердце».) - Do you like the frog? - No. I don’t! I don’t like the frog!(Презрительно отворачивается.) - Ребята! Чтобы лягушка не обиделась, давайте погладим ее и скажем: “Good frog!" - Good frog! - Поиграем с ней? Let’s play a game!
10. Stand up! Sit down on the chairs (floor)! 1, 2, 3, 4, I’m sitting on the floor...
10. {Bag: Интересно, что это за сумочка у Незнайки? Let me have a look at the bag! This is a good bag! This is a red bag! What’s there in the bag? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Секрет? Это интересно! Попробую угадать! Is it а... bear? (Учитель, произнося первую часть фразы, предлагает детям закончить ее. Некоторые ученики уже на первом уроке называют игрушки.) - No! This is not a bear! - I don’t know! (Пожимает плечами.) I give up! (Жест: / - показывает на себя, up - поднимает руки вверх.) Вы тоже сдаетесь? Давайте «скажем ручками»: “1 give up!" (Жест.) (3-4 раза) - This is a picture! - A picture? Let me have a look at the picture! Yes! This is a picture!} This is a red picture! What’s this? - This is a ...bear (hare, dog, frog)! (Дети заканчивают фразу.) - What’s this? - 1 don’t know! - This is a cat (mouse).
(Roy, 8 - урок 1-2) \\Ъо is this? This is a boy! Ребята, а вам нравится этот мальчик? Хотите узнать, как его зов\т и сколько ему лет? Споём песенку? (Песенка “What’s your name?”)
Кто запомнил, как его зовут и сколько ему лет? Не успели? Тогда послушайте дома кассету и на следующем >роке скажете нам об этом. (Тут же учитель рассказывает про Золушку (Cinderella), которая нарисована на Контрольном листе, объясняет, как достать ее туфельку (спеть песенки на всех ступеньках) и раздаёт детям картинку - раскраску к первому аудиоуроку.) And now. the lesson:s over! Goodbye!
14. {Start: Come in, boys and girls! Sit down on the chairs! You, sit down on this chair! (Обращается к каждому ребенку и рассаживает их.) It is dark! (Включает свет.) And now it is light! (Выключает.) (3-4 раза) Начнём урок, как в школе: тот, кого я назову, покажет на себя пальчиком и скажет -1 - / (Идет перекличка.) OK! So, let’s begin the lesson! Good morning!}
15. “Повторюшки”! (ф.о. My name is...) My name is... what’s your name? - My name is...
А хотите узнать, как меня зовут по-английски? Спросите по-английски! Но сначала поиграем! Представьте, что вы - рыбы, которые пускают пузыри [wo] - [wo]. Губки трубочкой! Пузырь растёт и лопается [ts] (5-6 раз) А теперь, повторюшки, приготовили свои ушки! (ф.о. What’s your name?) Вы кого спрашиваете? Меня? Тогда покажите ручками: Your name! - Your name!- What’s your name? - What’s your name? (Хором.) - My name is...
Давайте научимся здороваться, как взрослые! Мы с вами встречаемся по утрам, поэтому будем говорить “Good morning!” Чей колокольчик звонче? -ing - [ing] (ф.о.)
16. (на столе - bear, hare, dog, frog) {Many? What? How many toys are there in the classroom? 1? 2?... - No! - Many? - Yes! Many! (ф.о.) - How many toys are there on the table? 1?... - No! - Let’s count the toys! - 1-4 - Yes! There are 4 toys on the table! What’s this? Do you know? This is a bear (...)!} Let’s play a game! {Игра “Is it...?” урок 1-1, п.6 (далее - 1-1-6)}
17. Stand up! Sit down on the floor (chairs)! (5-6 раз)
18. (пчелы 1-2-5) Сказка. Одна русская пчела сидела на цветке. Вдруг прилетела английская пчела. Русская пчела жужжит, ругается: з-з-з! А у английской пчелы язык длинный, во рту не умещается, и у нее получается: th-th-th! Как русская пчела жужжит? - з-з-
з. - А английская? - th-th-th (3-4 раза). - А к вечеру русская пчела осипла и стала жужжать так: с-с-с. А как жужжала английская пчела? Правильно! th-th-th (глухой звук)! (3-4 раза)
19. (За дверью - a cat, Margie, 5), red bag with picture 1-2-13. Стук.) {Who? Hello! Name. Age: Listen! (Жест.) Someone’s knocking at the door! Who is it? - It’s me! - Who are you? - I’m a cat! - Come in, cat! - Hello! - Hello! - Научим ее здороваться по-взрослому! Позвенели колокольчиками! -ing - Good morning! - Good morning! - Нравится кошечка? Хотите узнать, как её зовут? Спросим? - What’s your пате? (ф.о.) - Му name is Margie! What’s your name? - My name is... - Подружимся с ней? - Let’s be friends! (Кошка идет по кругу, дети пожимают ей лапу, учитель отвечает за каждого: “Let’s!”) - Интересно, большая она или маленькая? How old are you? - I’m 5! - 5! Let’s count! 1-5! Is the cat big (little)? (Жест.) - No! /Yes!- Yes! The cat is little! Little cat!} Проверим, знакома ли она с игрушками! What’s this? - 1 don’t know! - This is a bear! (...) (ф.о. This is...)
20. Споем песенку! This is a bear. This is a hare. This is a dog and this is a frog.
21. Let’s play a game! Stand up! Sit down on the chair (floor)! 1, 2, 3, 4, I’m sitting on the...
22. (red heart/ black square) {Like: Can I have a bear (...), please? (Ребенок дает кошке игрушку.) Thank you! Good boy (girl)! (Гладит ребенка по голове.) - Do you like the bear (hare, frog, dog)? - Yes, I do! I like the bear (...)! (Целует игрушку, кладет ее на сердце.) - No, I don’t!I don’t like the dog! (Отворачивается, учитель кладет собачку в черную коробку.) The dog isnot good! It is bad! - Давайте пожалеем собачку, погладим её и скажем: Good dog! - Good dog!}
23. (учитель достает картинки - 5 girls и 5 boys) Look! This is a boy! And this is not a boy! This is a girl! Is this a boy (girl)? - Yes! (No!) - (Раскладывает картинки.)
How many girls (boys) are there on the floor? Let’s count...
24. Stand up! Sit down on the chair (floor)!
25. (стол) How many toys are there on the table? 1?...6? - No! - Let’s count the toys! -1-5. What’s this? - This is a bear (...). - Let’s play a game! Я закрою глаза и попробую отгадать, где кошечка! (Наощупь пытается определить.) This is not a cat! (3-4 раза) This is a cat!
26. {Bag 1-1-10 } What’s this? (Указывая на одну из мышек.) This is a mouse. And this is a mouse! (5 раз) This mouse is red and this mouse is not red! (3 раза)
(Roy, 8) Look! Who is this? This is a boy! What’s his name? How old is he? Let’s sing a song! - What’s your name?... - And now the lesson is over! Goodbye!
13. {Start 1-2-1}
14. (на столе - bear, hare, dog, frog) {Many? What? 1-2-3} Let’s play a game! {This is not: Я загадаю одну из этих игрушек, а вы догадайтесь по подсказке, что это. This is not а
bear. This is not a hare (dog, frog). What’s this? - This is a bear! - Yes, it is! This is a bear! And
what is this? This is not... (Загадывает ещё 3-4 раза.)}
15. (Картинки boys/girls) Is this a boy? - Yes! - Yes! This is a boy. Is this a boy? - No! - No! This is not a boy! This is a girl! (3-4 раза)
{Is this a boy? Let’s play a game! (Учитель перемешивает карточки и складывает их в руку тыльной стороной вверх.) Is this a boy or a girl (Показывая на верхнюю карточку.)? - This is a boy (girl). (Карточка открывается. Если ребенок отгадал, он получает эту карточку, если нет - она подкладывается под остальные. Затем учитель собирает карточки.) - Do you have any pictures? -... - Can I have the picture, please?}
16. Now, stand up! Sit down on the floor (chairs)! (5-6 раз)
17. (За дверью - mouse, Minnie, 3), red bag with the sun. Стук.) {Who? Hello! Name.
Age. 1 -2-6} - How old are you? -А вы сможете ответить мышке, сколько вам лет? Приготовили кулачки и посчитаем! (Доставая пальцы из кулачка.) - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, б, 7. I’m 7 (ф.о.). - How oldare you? - I’m 5(6,7) (ф.о. с каждым ребенком)!
18. {Bag 1-1-10} - This is the sun! - The sun! Let me have a look at the sun! (Достает из сумки солнышко.) Yes, it is! This is the sun! This is the red sun! Is the sun good? - Yes!* - I like the sun! (Целует солнышко.) Do you like the sun? - Yes!
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