Читайте также:
16. Is it dark...?... Let’s say: “Good mor...” - How...? - I’m fine, thank you! How are you (ф.о.)? - I’m fine too, thank you! So, let’s begin the lesson! Who is... - 1!
(magic window) Look out of the window! Is the weather fine or nasty? -... - Why? Because the sky is... because the sun is (not) in the sky... because it is (not) raining]
17. (4 pencils) How many pencils are there on the table? - 4 - What colour is this pencil? - It is red (yellow, green, blue). - Which pencil do you like best? -Ilike...
18. (picture 5-1-3) Look at the picture! How many... are there in the picture? -... - What’s the difference between these 2...? - This... is... and this... is... (Про каждую картинку.)
19. (cat, dog, parrot, frog) What’s this? - This is a... - Let’s sing a song! -1 have a cat...!
20. (your family) I have a mother (father, sister, brother). (Раскладывая картинки.) Do you have a mother (...)? - Yes, I do! - How many sisters (brothers) do you have?...
21. (Sweets) {Sweets 3-1-5} Are you tired? Stand! Hands! Come! Clap!
22. (за дверью - a rabbit. Bunny, 6 with a big bag (horse, sheep, bear, cockerel, hen, chick, parrot, wolf, snake, mouse) and the pictures of the family) {Guest - guess: Who...?... Who are you? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Are you a... (5-6 раз) - No, I’m not a... -1 give up! I don’t know! Who are you? - I’m a rabbit! - Come... Good morning... How are you? I’m fine, thank you! What’s your name? How old are you? Let’s be friends... “Are we friends? Let's say: “We are friends!” (Дети держат друг друга за руки.)}
Is the rabbit good or bad (big/little; wicked/kind)?
{Family: Bunny, do you have a mother (f.,sis.,br.)? - Yes, I do! I have a mother (f.)! This ismy mother (f.)! (Достает картинку, кладет ее на пол) (No. I don’t! I don’t have any sisters!) - Do you have any brothers? - Yes. I do! - And how many brothers do you have? - I have one brother!This is my brother! - Let’s sing a song! (Песенку сопровождают пальчиковой игрой. Гость - большой пальчик. Остальные пальцы - его родственники. При пропевании “Yes, I do!” соответствующий палец соединяют с большим.)} Is your mother (f.,br.) wicked or kind? -...
23. (a bag) What’s this? - This is a bag! - Are there any toys in the bag? - Yes! There are sometoys in the bag! - How many toys are there in the bag? - There are 10 toys in the bag! - (Достает игрушки.) What’s this? - This is a horse (...). Are there any toys in the bag now?
(heart №2) And which toy do you like best? - I like the mouse! (Дарит сердечко мышке.) - Let’s play a game! (Учитель завязывает кролику глаза, и он пытается найти мышку.) - Is it аmouse? - No, it isn’t! - This is not a mouse! This is a... (5-6 раз)
24. (shop, треуголка, платок) {Generals: Let’s play “Generals”! - “Generals”? - (Надевая маленькую треуголку.) I’m a general now. Give me the doll! - Yes, sir! - Boys and girls! Let’s play “Generals”! Pretend you are generals. Don’t say: “Can I have...” Generals say: “Give me...” } (За кролика играют по очереди 2-3 ребёнка. Последний “Кролик” прячет игрушки под платком.) Rabbit! Hide the toys! Do you have a sheep? - Yes, I do! (Достаёт игрушку.) Children! Let’s guess... Do you have a sheep? - Yes, I do! (Все игрушки возвращаются на стол.)
25. Now, ask for any toy you like! - Can I have...(Каждый ребёнок выбирает игрушку.) - So, what do you have? (Подходя к каждому ребенку) - I have а... (ф.о.) - (Кролик начинает плакать.) - Why are you crying? - Because I don’t have any toys! - Don’t cry! - (Дети хором кричат, как на базаре, размахивая «товаром».) I have a doll (...). - What do you want? Ask for any toy you like! - Can I have...please? - (Ребенок дает игрушку кролику.) - Here you are! - Thank vou! - (Учитель, обращаясь к этому ребенку.) Do you have any toys now? - No! - Begin crying! - (Ребенок изображает плач.) - Why are you crying? -1 don't have any toys (ф.о.)! - Don’t cry! What do you want? Ask for any toy you like! (Игра повторяется 4-5 раз.)
(4 boxes) How many boxes are there on the floor? - 4! - What colour is this box? -... - Can I have...please? I want to put the... in the...box. (Игрушки выглядывают из коробки.)
26. Are you tired? I’m tired! I’m not the teacher! You are the teacher now! - Stand... Clap...
27. Where is the bear? In the red (...) box? - No!/Yes! - Yes, it is! Here is the bear! (3-4 раза)
28. (На столе - a box (doll, chair, picture, table, block, flower, hare, clock, horse, bow) and a book) Are there any toys on the table? - No! - No, there are no toys on the table! (Делает из раскрытой книжки крышу над коробкой, получается домик.) Look! What’s this? This is a house! Are there any toys in the house? - Yes! - Yes, there are some toys in the house! (Дети заглядывают в коробку.) What’s there in the house? - There is a... in the house. (В домике остаётся 5 игрушек.) Are there any toys on the table/in the house? -... - How many toys are there on the table/in the house? -... - Let’s count the toys! -... (Вываливает игрушки на стол.) Are there any toys in the house now? -... - And how many toys are there on the table now?
(heart 2; a table in the box) I like the doll and which toy do you like? -1 like... (Дети дарят игрушкам сердечки.) - And which toy do you like? (Обращаясь к кролику.) - That’s a secret!Guess! - Do you like...? - No, I don’t! /Yes, I do! I like the flower. - And do you have a flower? - No! I don’t! I don’t have a flower. - And what do you have? - 1 have a box! - And what do you have in the box? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Do you have a... - No, I don’t have a.... (5-6 раз) -1 give up! I don’t know! What do you have? - 1 have a table!
29. Boys (girls), stand... 1, 2, 3, hop! 1, 2, 3, stop! (4-5 раз)
30. (flower, sky, sun, grass; red heart.,.)What’s this? - This is a flower (...). - And do you know, what I like and what I don’t like? - I don’t know! -1 like... I don’t like... - And now, stand up! The lesson is over! Goodbye!
6. Is it dark...? So, let’s begin the lesson! Where is Olga? (Жест - ладонь над бровями.) -1 - Oh! Here is Olga!... Good mor...! - How...? - I’m fine! - Are you good boys and girls? Why don’t you say “Thank you?” - Thank you!
7. (difference - red/yellow flowers, big/small houses, 4 stars (red, yellow, green, blue) Look at this! I have some pictures! What’s this? What colour is...? What’s the difference between these 2 flowers (...) Which... do you like best?
8. (стол N1- a box (sheep, cockerel, hen, chick, parrot, wolf, snake, cat, mouse, hare) {Some - Any 3-1-6} What’s there on the table? There is a... 1 like the hare and which toy do you like best? -1 like... (По кругу, затем учитель раздает каждому по игрушке.) - Here is the... Hide your toys! (Помогает детям спрятать игрушки.) I want to guess, what you have! Do you have
а...? - No, I don’t (ф.о.)! (2-3 раза) Well, I give up! 1 don’t know! What do you have? -1 have...- (треуголка) Now I’m a general. And I don’t have any toy! I want to ask for the toy! Give me the...! - Yes, sir (та’ат)! (Ребенок отдает честь.) - Thank you! (Игра идет по кругу. Тот, у кого нет игрушки, надевает треуголку и приказывает.)
(4 boxes) How many boxes are there on the floor? - 4! - Yes, there are 4 boxes on the floor! What colour is this box?... Now, put the bow in the red box... (Игрушки выглядывают из коробок.)
9. Are you tired? Stand! Hands! Come! Go! Clap! Stamp! (Boys! Girls!)
10. (за дверью - a rabbit with a box (in the box - a horse) {Guest - guess 5-1-7 }
And what’s there in the box? - That’s a secret! Guess! (Учитель вызывает одного ребенка и показывает ему содержимое коробки.) Nick! Now you know, what there is in the bag, but that’s a secret! You, boys and girls, guess! - Is it a... - No, it isn’t! Yes, it is!
Rabbit, which toy do you like best? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Do you like... - No, I don’t! I don’tlike the... (Если не могут отгадать: Do you give up? -1 give up!)
б. (a fox, Alice, 9 with family pictures) {Game: Listen! Someone’s knocking at the door! Who is it? - It’s me! - Who are you? - I’m a fox! - This is a fox! Let’s hide the rabbit! (Учитель прячет кролика за спину ребенка, сидящего с края.) - Come in, fox!... Hello!... How are vou? - “Children, the fox is here! Why? Do you know? The fox wants to have a rabbit. (Учитель шепчет.) Don't give the rabbit to this fox. Let's talk (жест) with this fox. {Name.Age.Friends}
Alice, do you have a mother (father, any sisters)? - Yes. I do! I have a... - How many sisters do you have? - 1 have 1 sister! - Do you have any brothers? - No, I don’t! I don’t have any brothers! - Let’s sing a song! (Дети подпевают.) I have a father...
Fox! Is your mother (f., sis.) kind or wicked? - My... is wicked! (Рычит.) - Are you kind or wicked? - I’m wicked! Where is the rabbit? (Подходит к ребенку с кроликом.) Give те therabbit! Do vou have the rabbit? - (Учитель шепчет детям.) “Give this rabbit to your friend!” (Ребенок передает кролика соседу.) -1 don’t have the rabbit (ф.о.)! (Лиса идет по кругу.)
Is the fox good or bad? (kind /wicked?) -... - Do you like the fox? - I don’t like the fox! - Let’s say: “Go away!” - Go away, fox! (Уходит.) And where is the rabbit? Here is the rabbit! Is the rabbit good or bad? (kind /wicked)? -... - Do you like the rabbit? -...}
13. (треуголка) Well, Rabbit, what do you want to do? - Let’s play “Generals”! - Let’s! - Stand! Hands... Now you are the general! (Учитель надевает на ребенка треуголку, тот командует.) - Stand!...
14. (picture 5-2-8) Rabbit, what do you want to do now? - Let’s play schools! - Look! How many toys are there in the picture? - Many! - What’s this?...
15. I’m tired! Let’s play a game! Stand!... 1, 2, 3, hop! 1, 2, 3, stop!
16. (magic window; fine weather) Boys and girls! Rabbit wants to go home! - Is the weatherfine or nasty? - Fine! - Is the sky...? What’s in the sky?... Goodbye! - Goodbye! Come again!
17. And where is the bag (еще 3-4 игрушки)? In the red box? - No! (Yes!) - Here is the...
18. (5-2-12 TV (2 bags, 3 men, house) What’s this? -1 don’t know! - This is a TV! Do you like the TV? -...- Let’s watch TV! What can you see? I can see a house (...) (Меняет картинку.) Can you see the house now? - No, I don’t! - I can see 2 bags! What’s the diff... I can see 3 men! What’s the diff... And now, the lesson is over! Stand up! Goodbye!
1. Where is Ann? - Here is Ann! - Good morning! - Good morning! - How are you? - I’m fine! Thank you! How are you? - I’m fine too. Thank you!
2. (а bag with а TV, 3 pictures) Look! What’s this? - This is а bag! - And what’s there in the bag? Do you know? - I don ’t know! - That’s a secret! Guess! Bob, come up to me and look at the secret! - Is it a...? - No, it isn’t! This is not a... (8-10 paз) Ask if they give up! - Do you give up? We give up! -What’s this? - This is а TV! - Let’s watch TV! - Let’s! - What can you see? I can see...а boy (girl...) - (Меняет картинку.) Can you see the boy now? - No! - And what can you see? I can see... a chair... (Меняет картинку.) What can you see now? I can see 2 men! This is a man and this is а man! And what’s the difference between these 2 men? - This man is kind and this man is not kind! - No, this man is not kind! This man is wicked!
3. (стол N1 - a box (fox, rabbit, horse, sheep, cockerel, hen, chick, parrot, wolf, snake) {Are there any toys on the table? – No! - No, there aren’t any toys on the table! Are there any toys in the box? – Yes! – Yes, there are some toys in the box! (вываливает содержимое коробки на стол) Are there any toys in the box now? - … - Are there any toys on the table? - … - How many toys are there on the table? Let’s count the toys! 1, - 8. There are 8 toys on the table! }
(платок) There are 10 toys on the table! What’s there on the table? (Учитель Дает Детям 5 секунд, чтобы они могли рассмотреть игрушки, и затем закрывает их платком.) - There is a...on the table. (Достает)
(shop) Let’s play shops! - Let’s! { I’m a shop assistant! Come to my shop! I have many toys. Ask for any toy you like. Hello, Peter! - Hello! - What do you want? - Can I have a...please! - Here you are! – How much is it? – 2 claps - Thank you! (ф.о.) Good-bye! - Good-bye! - Come again!}
(У каждого в руках по игрушке.) – Hide your toys! (Отворяачивается) Are you ready? - Yes! - Do you have a...? - No, I don’t! - I give up! I don’t know! What do you have? - I have a...
4. (3a дверью - а boy, Andy, 5 (mother, father, sister) { Guest – guess: Who...?... Who are you? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Are you a... (5-6 раз) - No, I’m not a... - I give up! I don’t know! Who are you? - I’m a boy! - Come... Good morning... How are you? I’m fine, thank you! What’s your name? How old are you? Let’s be friend. “Are we friends? Let’s say: We are friends!”}{Name. Age. Friends.} (Плачет) - Look! Andy is crying! Do you know why? - I don’t know! - Ask him! – Why are you crying? - Let's sing a song! Why are you crying? Why? Why? Why are you crying? Why, Why, Why?
Because I don’t have any toy! - Don’t cry! - I have a... (Как на базаре.) - Ask for any toy you like! - Can I have a... please? (Энди просит игрушку у одного из детей.) - Here you are! – Thank you! - Now, you, begin crying! (Ребенок, отдавший игрушку, становится Энди и начинает плакать)
5. (5 boxes + white) How many boxes are there on the floor? - 5! - Yes, there are 5 boxes on the floor! What colour is this box? - It is red (... white). - Put the in the red box! - In the red box!
6. (треуголка) {“Generals”? – (надевая маленькую треуголку) I’m a general now. Give me the doll! – Yes, sir! - Boys and girls! Let’s play “Generals”! Pretend you are generals. Don’t say: “Can I have...” Say: “Give me...” }
7. (Andy’s family) Andy, do you have a father (m., any sis., any br.)? - Yes, I do! I have a father! This is my father! Nо, 1 don’t! I don’t have any brothers!) - Let’s sing a song! - Let’s! - Let's sing the song about Andy's family! –
I have a father! I have a mother. I have a father.
I have a sister. I have a brother.
(I don’t have any sisters)
(I don’t have any brothers)
Do you like you father? – Yes, I do!
Do you like your mother? – Yes, I do!
Do you like your sister (s)? – Yes, I do!
Do you like your brother (s)? – Yes, I do!
(You don’t have any brothers, do you?)
Is your mother (f., sis.) wicked or kind? - My mother (f,, sis.) is kind!
Is your mother (f, sis.) wicked or kind? - My mother (father, sister) is kind!
8. (треуголка) Now, Andy, what do you want to do? - Let’s play “Generals”! - Let’s! – Give me the...
9. (стол N2 - clock, sweet, bag, pencil, bow, box, picture, doll, car) How many toys are there on the table? -...- What’s this? This is a clock (...)! - And which toy do you like best? - I like... Andy, which toy do you like best? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Do you like...? - No, I don’t! (Yes, I do!)
(Boxes) And now, look at the boxes! Where is the cockerel? In the red box? - No, it isn’t! – In the green box? - No, it isn’t! - Where is the cockerel? - In the yellow box (ф.о.)!- Yes, here is the cockerel. (4-5 раз)
10. (magic window; f /n) (Энди плачет.) Look! Andy is crying! Do you know why? - I don ’t know! - Ask him! - Why are you crying. Why? (Песенка) Why are you crying, Andy? – Because the weather is not fine! It is nasty! – (Окошко) Look out of the window! Is the weather fine or nasty? - Nasty! - Is the sky dark or light? - Dark! - Is the sun in the sky? - No! – No! The sun is not in the sky!- Is it raining? - Yes! - Yes, it is! It is raining! Do you like the rain? – No, I don’t. I don’t like the rain! – Let’s say “go away” to the rain! - Rain, rain, go away! Come again another day!
-Is the weather fine or nasty? - Fine! - Is the sky dark or light? -... - What’s in the sky? - The sun! - Yes! The sun is in the sky! (солнышко к рисунку)- Good-bye! - Good-bye! - Come again! - Thank you! Good-bye!
11. Разминка.
12. (diff. - green/white stars, good/bad boys, kind/wicked dogs, big/small balls) What’s this? -...How many...? - What’s the difference between these 2...? - This star is green and this star is white!...
And now, the lesson is over! Goodbye!
1. (Перекличка.) Where is Ann? - Here is Ann!
(morning/morning pictures, a pill) Is it morning or evening? Look! This is morning! We get up in the morning! (жест) And this is evening. We go to bed in the evening! (жест) Look out of the window! Is it morning (evening) now? - Yes, it is! (No, it isn’t!) - Good morning! - Good morning! - How are you? - I’m fine, thank you! How are you? - I’m fine too, thank you! (С этого урока, если ребенок говорит: I’m not fine! – отвечать: Are you ill? I’m sorry! Take a pill!)
2. (TV with the pictures (6-1-2) + wicked/kind men (5-3) Let’s watch TV! - Let’s! - What can you see? I can see... (дети досказывают фразу) What’s the difference between these 2 beds? - This bed is blue and this bed is not blue! This bed is purple! - Do you like this man? - No, I don 77 (Yes, I do!) - Why? - Because he is... wicked (kind), bad (good).
3. (ball/doll/car/star -pic.) { I don’t have: What do you want to do? Let’s play a game! - Let’s! - What’s this? - This is a ball (doll...). - (Учитель откладывает 3 картинки рубашками вверх, а одну прижимает к груди так, чтобы дети не видели, что на ней изображено.) Now, listen! I don’t have a ball, I don’t have a doll, I don’t have a car, I have а... (Дети отгадывают. Тот, кто отгадал, становится на место учителя. Учитель дает ему одну из картинок, а остальные держит перед ним, как карты, так, чтобы остальные не видели картинок.) - So, what don’t you have! - I don’t have а... (На место водящего становится ребенок, отгадавший первым.) }
4. (треуголка) Разминка “Generals”
5. (Monkey, Timmy, 5. with fam/ pictures and a bag with a bed) { Guest – guess: Who...?... Who are you? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Are you a... (5-6 раз) - No, I’m not a... - I give up! I don’t know! Who are you? - I’m a rabbit! - Come... Good morning... How are you? I’m fine, thank you! } - {Name (Bunny), How old..., Friends...} - Look! The monkey has a bag! And what’s there in the bag? - That’s a secret! Guess! - (Учитель приглашает одного из детей заглянуть в сумку и ответить на вопросы детей.) Is it a...- No, it isn’t (8-9 раз) - Ask if they give up! - Do you give up? -I give up! - (Учитель достает игрушку.) What’s this? Do you know? -I don ’t know! - Ask me! - What’s this(p.o.)? - This is a bed!
And do you know if the monkey has a mother or a father? - I don’t know! - Ask her! - Do you have a mother? (f., any sis., br.) - Yes, I do! (No,...) - Let’s sing a song! - Let’s! -1 have a father...
Is your mother (father) wicked or kind? - My mother (f.) is kind! Is your mother (f.) wicked orkind? - My mother(f.) is kind! -
(picture 6-1-5) How many toys are there in the picture? Let’s count the toys! - 1... 10! -There are 10 toys in the picture! Look at the picture for 5 seconds! 1-2-3-4-5. (Учитель переворачивает картинку так, чтобы дети её не видели.) What’s there in the picture? - There is a... in the picture.
(heart 2) I like the... and you, monkey, which toy do you like? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Do you like... - No, I don’t! (Yes, I do!) - (Ребенок, отгадавший игрушку, “становится” обезьяной.) Are you ready? - Yes! - Do you like... (По кругу 3-4 раза. Если ребенок задерживается - Are you ready? Be quick!)
6. (shop, a box (bow, bag, pencil, sweet, picture, chair, clock, house, flower, block, fox, rabbit) What do you want to do? - Let’s play shops! - Let’s!
{ Some – Any: Are there any toys on the table? – No! - No, there aren’t any toys on the table! Are there any toys in the box? – Yes! – Yes, there are some toys in the box! (вываливает содержимое коробки на стол) Are there any toys in the box (on the table) now?} How many toys are there in the shop? –
{ Shop - ребенок – продавец: I’m a shop assistant! Come to my shop! I have many toys. Ask for any toy you like. Hello, Peter! - Hello! - What do you want? - Can I have a...please! - Here you are! – How much is it? – 2 claps - Thank you! (ф.о.) Good-bye! - Good-bye! - Come again!}
(У каждого в руках по игрушке.) Hide your toys! (Отворачивается.) Are you ready? - Yes! - Do you have a... - No, I don ’t/ (Yes, I do!)
7. (6 boxes) How many boxes are there on the floor? - 6! - Yes, there are 6 boxes on the floor! What colour is this box? - It is red (green, yellow, blue, black, white). - Put the... in the red box! - In the red box!
8. Are you tired? I’m tired! I’m not the teacher! I’m a little girl! You are the teacher now! (Ребенок дает команды.)
9. Where is the cat? - In the red box! - Yes, it is! Here is the cat! (Достает кошку, кладет ее на стол) (6-7 раз)
10. (picture 6-1-10) What’s this? - This is a snake (wolf, bear, hare). - Is the snake (...) good or bad (kind or wicked; big or small)? - It is... - Now, listen! It is not big! It is small! It is not wicked! It is kind! It is not bad! It is good! What’s this? - This is a hare! - Yes, it is! This is a hare! (4 раза)
11. (school) Well, monkey! What do you want to do now? - Let’s play schools! - Let’s! - I’mnot a monkey! I’m the teacher! What’s this? You! (Указывает на одного из учеников.) - This is
а... - Who wants to be the teacher? Lena, you are the teacher now! - What’s this? You! - This is...
12. What do you want to do now? - Let’s sing a song! - Let’s! - Hands up!...
(Дети выполняют команды вместе с учителем и обезьяной.)
13. (magic window; fine/nasty) (Плачет.) - Look! The monkey is crying! Do you know, why? - I don’t know! - Let’s ask her! - Why are you crying, monkey? - Because the weather is notfine! It is nasty! - Look out of the window! { Cry: Why are you crying, Andy? – Because the weather is not fine! It is nasty! – (Окошко) Look out of the window! Is the weather fine or nasty? - Nasty! - Is the sky dark or light? - Dark! - Is the sun in the sky? - No! – No! The sun is not in the sky!- Is it raining? - Yes! - Yes, it is! It is raining! Do you like the rain? – No, I don’t. I don’t like the rain! – Let’s say “go away” to the rain! - Rain, rain, go away! Come again another day!
-Is the weather fine or nasty? - Fine! - Is the sky dark or light? -... - What’s in the sky? - The sun! - Yes! The sun is in the sky! (солнышко к рисунку)- Good-bye! - Good-bye! - Come again! - Thank you! Good-bye! }
And now, the lesson is over! Goodbye!
1. (Перекличка.) Where is Ann? - Here is Ann!
(m/ev pictures) Is it morning or evening?-... Is it morning (evening) now? -...- Good morning! -...- How are you? - ...How are you? - I’m fine too, thank you!
(seasons/pictures) { Seasons: How many seasons are there in a year? There are 4 seasons in a year! What are they? They are spring, summer, autumn and winter! Look out of the window! Is it winter (spring, summer, autumn) now? (Показывает картинку.) - No, it isn’t! (Yes, it is! It is autumn now!)}
2. (ball/doll/car/star pic.) { I don’t have: What do you want to do? Let’s play a game! - Let’s! - What’s this? - This is a ball (doll...). - (Учитель откладывает 3 картинки рубашками вверх, а одну прижимает к груди так, чтобы дети не видели, что на ней изображено.) Now, listen! I don’t have a ball, I don’t have a doll, I don’t have a car, I have а... (Дети отгадывают. Тот, кто отгадал, становится на место учителя. Учитель дает ему одну из картинок, а остальные держит перед ним, как карты, так, чтобы остальные не видели картинок.) - So, what don’t you have! - I don’t have а... (На место водящего становится ребенок, отгадавший первым.) }
3. (TV with pictures 6-2-3) What’s this? - This is a TV! - Let’s watch TV! - Let’s! - What can you see? I can see... (Дети досказывают фразу.) And what’s the difference between these 2...
Do you like this woman? - No, I don’t! (Yes, I do!) - Why? - Because she is... wicked(kind)...
4. (sweets) { Sweets: Look! I have some sweets. This is a sweet and this is a sweet! I’m going to give the sweet to the best boy or girl! Stand up! Sit down (...)! Clap... Stamp... Come... Go... (после каждой команды ребенок, выполнивший ее первым получает конфету - You are the best!) Do you have any sweets? - … - How many sweets do you have? - … - Can I have your sweets, please!} Разминка. (Boys, stand up! Girls...)
5. (monkey with a bag (a skipping rope) - { Guest – guess: Who...?... Who are you? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Are you a... (5-6 раз) - No, I’m not a... - I give up! I don’t know! Who are you? - I’m a rabbit! - Come... Good morning... How are you? I’m fine, thank you! } Look! The monkey has a bag! Monkey! What do you have in the bag? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Do you have a...? - No, Idon’t! I don’t have any... Do you give up? -1 give up! - (Учитель достает игрушку и кладет ее на стол рядом с обезьяной.) What’s this? Do you know? -1 don’t know! - Ask me! - What’s this? - This is a skipping rope! Do you like the skipping rope? - Yes, I do! - And I like the skipping rope! But 1 don’t have the skipping rope! (Жесты.) Monkey! Can I have the skipping rope, please? - Hereyou are! (Обезьяна дает учителю скакалку.) - Thank you! Now, I have the skipping rope! I like the skipping rope and I have the skipping rope! (Жесты.)
And now, monkey what do you want to do? - Let’s play shops! - Let’s!
(shop - tree, table, block, house, flower, picture, chair, sweet, pencil, bow, pill) { Shop ребенок-продавец: I’m a shop assistant! Come to my shop! I have many toys. Ask for any toy you like. Hello, Peter! - Hello! - What do you want? - Can I have a...please! - Here you are! – How much is it? – 2 claps - Thank you! (ф.о.) Good-bye! - Good-bye! - Come again! }
(Обезьяна плачет.) Look! Lolly is crying! Do you know, why? - I don’t know! -Let’s ask her! - Why are you crying, monkey? - Because 1 don’t have any toy! - Don’t cry! What do you want? Ask for any toy you like! - Can I have...please? - Here you are! - Thank you! - (3-4 раза)
6. (6 boxes) How many boxes are there on the floor? - 6! - Yes, there are 6 boxes on the floor! What colour is this box? - It is red (green..). - Put the... in the red box! - In the red box.
7. Monkey, what do you want to do now? - Let’s play a game! - Let’s! (Разминка, дети по очереди “становятся” обезьяной и дают команды.)
8. (crocodile, Richard, 9, with the pictures of the family) { Game: Listen! Someone’s knocking at the door! Who is it? - It’s me! - Who are you? - I’m a crocodile! - This is a crodocile! Let’s hide the monkey! (учитель прячет кролика за спину ребенка, сидящего с края) - Come in, crocodile!... Hello!... How are you? – Children, the crocodile is here! Why? Do you know? The crocodile wants to eat the monkey! (Учитель шепчет детям.) Don’t give the monkey to this crocodile. Let’s talk (жест) with this crocodile! { Name... (Alice) How old...(9) Friends...}
Richard, do you have a mother (father, any sisters)? - Yes, I do! I have a... - How many sisters do you have? - I have 1 sister! - Do you have any brothers? - No, I don’t! I don’t have any brothers! - Let’s sing a song! (дети подпевают)I have a father
Little crocodile! Is your mother (f., sis.) kind or wicked? - My... is wicked! (рычит) - Are you kind or wicked? - I’m wicked! Where is the monkey? (подходит к ребенку с кроликом) Give me the rabbit! Do you have the rabbit? - Cкорее передай обезьянку, не то он его учует! (ребенок передает обезьянку соседу) - I don’t have the monkey! (ф.о.) (крокодил идет по кругу)
Is the crocodile good or bad? (kind /wicked?) -... - Do you like the crocodile? - I don’t like the crocodile! - Let’s say: Go away! - Go away, crocodile! (уходит) And where is the monkey? Here is the monkey! Is the monkey good or bad? (kind /wicked)? -... - Do you like the monkey? -...}
(Крокодил плачет.) Look! The crocodile is crying! Do you know, why? -1 don’t know! - Let’s ask him! - Why are you crying, crocodile? - Because it is my birthday today! - Ну, понятно, почему крокодил такой злой! Неприятно, когда твой день рождения никто не справляет! Давайте поздравим его! (*В данном случае позволительно описать ситуацию на родном языке, если есть необходимость эмоционально активизировать детей. Продолжайте следить за тем, чтобы дети не переходили на русский язык)
Let’s sing the Happy birthday song! - Let’s! - Happy birthday to you!
(Учитель меняет картинку.) Is the crocodile wicked? Look! It is kind now! Let’s be friends, crocodile! - Let’s! - Давайте, ребята, возьмемся за руки и скажем: “We are friends!” - We are friends! - Where is the monkey? - Here is the monkey! - Let’s be friends! - Let’s! - Are we friends? - We are friends!
9.What do you want to do, crocodile? - Let’s sing a song! - Let’s! Hands up...
10.(school: picture 6-1-5) And you, monkey, what do you want to do? - Let’s play schools! - Let’s! How many toys are there in the picture? Let’s count the toys! - 1-10! - Yes, there are 10 toys in the picture! What’s there in the picture? - There is a... in the picture. I’m not the teacher! You are the teacher, monkey! - What’s this? You! - This is a...(6-7раз)
(heart 2) I like the... and, you, crocodile, which toy do you like best? - That’s a secret!Guess! : Do you like.... - No, I don’t! (Yes, I do!) (Кто отгадал - загадывает, 3-4 раза.)
11. (boxes) Now, crocodile, you are the teacher! - Where is the... - In the... box!
12. (a clock and a bed) Look at the clock! What time is it now? - It is 9 o’clock!
The monkey is very little! Go to bed, monkey! - No, I don’t want to go to bed! – Help me, children! Let's say: “Go to bed!” - Go to bed (ф.о.)! - Good night! - Good night!
1. (Перекличка) Where is Ann? - Here is Ann!
(m/ev pictures) { Morning: Is it morning or evening? Look! This is morning! And this is not morning! This is evening. Look out of the window! Is it morning (evening) now? - Yes, it is! (No, it isn’t!) - So, let’s say “Good morning!” - Good morning! - How are you?- I’m fine, thank you! How are you? - I’m fine too, thank you!}
(seasons/pictures) { Seasons: How many seasons are there in a year? There are 4 seasons in a year! What are they? They are spring, summer, autumn and winter! Look out of the window! Is it winter (spring, summer, autumn) now? (Показывает картинку.) - No, it isn’t! (Yes, it is! It is autumn now!)}
2. (fine/nasty pictures) Look at this picture! Is the weather fine or nasty? -... - Is the sky dark or light? - Light! (Dark!) - Is the sun in the sky? - Yes! (No!) - Is it raining? - Yes! (No!)
3. (стол N1 - box (skipping rope, TV, table, grass, sweet, house, flower, picture, tree, pencil, pill) { Some – Any: Are there any toys on the table? – No! - No, there aren’t any toys on the table! Are there any toys in the box? – Yes! – Yes, there are some toys in the box! (вываливает содержимое коробки на стол) Are there any toys in the box (on the table) now?} What’s there on the table? - There is a... on the table.
(shop) Let’s play shops! - Let’s! { Shop ребенок-продавец: I’m a shop assistant! Come to my shop! I have many toys. Ask for any toy you like. Hello, Peter! - Hello! - What do you want? - Can I have a...please! - Here you are! – How much is it? – 2 claps - Thank you! (ф.о.) Good-bye! - Good-bye! - Come again! }
Hide your toys! Are you ready? - Yes! - Do you have a...? - No, I don’t! (3 раза) - And what do you have? - I have a sweet. - Where is the sweet? - Here is the sweet! (Ребенок показывает свою игрушку.)
(6 boxes) How many boxes are there on the floor? - 6! - Yes, there are 6 boxes on the floor! And what colour is this box? - It is red (...).
Put the... in the... box! - In the... box!
(треуголка) Are you tired? Let’s play “Generals”! (Разминка.)
4. (Tom with a bag (a wolf) and the pictures of the family) { Guest – guess: Who...?... Who are you? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Are you a... (5-6 раз) - No, I’m not a... - I give up! I don’t know! Who are you? - I’m a rabbit! - Come... Good morning... How are you? I’m fine, thank you! } - {Name (Bunny), How old..., Friends...} {Name. Age. Friends.} And do you know if the boy has a mother or a father? - I don’t know! - Ask him! - Do you have a mother? (father, any sisters, any brothers) - Yes, I do! -
Let’s sing a song! - Let’s! -I have a father...
Is your mother (f.s.) wicked or kind? - My mother (f.s.) is kind!
(a bag with a wolf) Look! Tom has a bag! What’s there in the bag? Do you know? - I don’t know! - Tom, what’s there in the bag? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Is it а... (Один из детей, заглянув в сумку, отвечает на вопросы.) - No, it isn’t! (Yes, it is! This is a wolf!) - Is the wolf good or bad? (wicked or kind) - It is bad! It is wicked! - Do you like the wolf? - I don’t like the wolf!
5. Are you tired? - Yes! (Разминка - дети от лица Тома дают команды.)
6. (стол N2 - monkey, crocodile, bear, hare, horse, cockerel, hen, dog, cat, parrot) How many toys are there on the table? - 10! -Yes, there are 10 toys on the table! What’s this? - This is a...
I like the... and you, Tom, which toy do you like? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Do you like...- No. I don’t! (Yes, I do!) - So, you like the... and do you have...? - No. I don’t! I don’t have the... - Do you want the...? -... - Ask for... - Can I have the...please? - Here you are! - Thank you! Now, Ihave the... I like the... very much!
7. (6 boxes - red, yellow, blue, green, black, white) Look at the boxes! Where is the.... - In the red (...) box! - Yes, here is the...
8. (school, picture 6-3-9) Well, Tom, what do you want to do now? - Let’s play schools! - Let’s! - What’s this? - This is а.... (Дети отвечают хором 4-5 раз.) Now, Tom, you are not the teacher! Helen, you are the teacher now! - What’s this? - This is a... (3-4раза)
9. And what do you want to do now? - Let’s sine a song! - Let’s! - Hands up. hands down...
10. (a clock and a bed) Look at the clock! Is it morning? - No, it isn’t. - Is it evening? - Yes, it is! - Tom is a little boy! Go to bed, Tom! - 1 don’t want to go to bed! - Children, can you help me, please! - Go to bed, Тот (ф.о.)! - I’m not tired! - Tired or not, Tom! Go to bed, Tom! - OK! But Iwant to sing a song! - Let’s sing a song! - Let’s! (Том поет песенку, обращаясь к картинкам своей семьи и к детям.) - Good night, father!... - Good night, Tom!
And now, the lesson is over! Goodbye!
АУДИР. GR. Are vou...? | ОТРАБ. GR. I’m... I’m not... | ПОВТОРЕНИЕ GR. Do vou have..? - Yes. I do. No, I don't. |
Yes, I am. No, I’m not. | I have... I don't have... Do you like...? - Yes, I do. No, I don't. I like... I don't like. Is it a...? - Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. This is... This is not... | |
VOC. mv - vour. | VOC. black, woman, floor, cap, autumn, on, put, bed, I - you, new, leaf, lion, tiger, hop, stop Spin around! Wink your eye! | VOC. wicked, white, man, skippins rope, tree, pill, TV. monkev. |
apple, old. sins, draw, play, momins, evening; your, tired, purple, winter, see, summer, spring, men, women, some, plur. | crocodile, table, bed; anv Hands on knees! bad, good, little, dark, light; fine, nasty, big, small, kind; red, green, yellow, blue; the sun, the sky, grass, a flower; toy, ball, doll, car, star, bow, box, sweet, bag, pencil, clock, block, house, picture, chair; come, go, Stand up! Sit down on the floor (chair)! Clap your hands! Hands up(down)! Stamp your feet! Come up to me! bear, parrot, wolf, snake, hare, dog, frog, cat, mouse, cockerel, hen, chick, horse, sheep, fox, rabbit; boy, girl, I, my, mother, father, sister, brother; yes, no, in; many, one, two, three, four, five, six; seven, eight, nine, ten | |
PH. There are... | PH. Where is...? That's a secret. Guess! I can see... Come again. What do you want? There are 4 seasons in a year. What season is it now? Topic: Shop | PH. What’s this? Here is... It’s me. We are friends. Because...How |
What colour is...? Be auick! Are vou readv? Let's plav a same (draw, count the tovs). What’s this? | much is it? There is a... on the... Here you are. Why are you crying? Give me! How are you? - I’m fine, thank you! Let's be friends! I don't know! Happy birthday! Who are you? Can I have...please? This bear is red. Who is it? I give up! Come in! Go away! How old are you? - I'm 6. Hello! Good morning! Goodbye! What’s your name? - My name is... Are you tired? What do vou want? Ask for anv tov vou like! What | |
What do you want to do? | do you have? What’s there on the... What’s the difference between...? Do you know...? Which... do you like best? How many...? |
I’m not a white hare. I’m not a black bear. I don’t like to watch TV I live in the tree. |
“Little mouse, little mouse! Where is your house?” “Little cat, can you see?
It is under the tree!”
1. (Перекличка) Where is Ann? - Here is Arm!
(m/ev pictures) {Morning 6-3-1}
(seasons).{Seasons 6-2-1}
2. (diff. - kind/wicked men, big/small houses, new/old dolls, caps, black/white cats)
What’s this? (Who is this?) -...- How many...? -... - What’s the difference between...? -...
3. (5 pencils in the box; picture 7-1-3} What’s this? -... How many pencils are there in the box?-... - What colour is this pencil? -... - Let’s draw a picture! (Делает вид, что рисует картинку, пряча её от детей, а сам берет готовую.) Do you like the picture? -... - What can you see in the picture? -1 can see....What colour is the... -It is...
4. (picture 7-1-4) How many toys are there in the picture? Let’s count the toys! - 1...10! - Yes, there are 10 toys in the picture! (Прячет картинку.) What’s there in the picture? - There is a...
5. Are you tired? - Yes! I’m tired (ф.о.)! Разминка.
6. (a lion, Leo, 9 with fam. pictures and a bag (a leaf) {Guest - guess 5-1-7} - Is he a big
lion or a little lion? - Big! - Yes! Leo is a big lion! - Yes. I’m a big lion and who are you? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Are vou a boy (man, girl)? - No, I’m not a boy (...)! - And who are vou? - I’m a woman! - Let’s be friends! - Let’s! - Who are vou? - That’s a secret! Guess! (ф.о.) - Are you a man (woman)? - No, I’m not a...- Who are vou? - I’m a boy (girl)! - Let’s be friends! - Let’s! - We are friends!
7. Leo, do you have a mother (f.s.br.)? - Yes. I do! I have a mother (...)! This is my mother...! (Кладет картинку на пол.) - And how many sisters (br.) do you have? -1 have 2 sisters (1 br.)!
Let’s sing a song! -1 have a father...- Is the lion good or bad (big or little; wicked or kind) -...
(a bag) {Ask me What’s this? - This is a bag! - And what’s there in the bag? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Is it a.... - Do vou give up? -1 give up! I don’t know! - I know! Ask me! - What’s this (ф.о.)? - This is a leaf! (Учитель отвечает на ухо 2-3 детям, первым, задавшим вопрос.) Now Masha knows. Olya knows and Denis knows. Ask them! (Проследите, чтобы дети задавали друг другу вопросы и на ухо отвечали друг другу. После того, как все «по секрету» узнали:) So, what’s this? - This is leaf. (Хором.) - Do you like the leaf?}
8. Lion, what do you want to do? Let’s count the toys (sing a song; draw a picture)! - No, I don’t want to count the toys (...)! - Let’s play a game! - Let’s! Let’s play a game! - Let’s!
(игра “I’m...” (monkey, crocodile, horse, sheep, snake,...) {I’m... Look! I have many pictures! What’s this? - This is a... - Now, I’m not the teacher! You are the teacher! - (Каждый ребенок задает вопрос по 2 раза.) What’s this? - This is а...(Отвечают хором.)
(Учитель вешает на шею табличку.) I’m not the teacher! I’m not a woman! (Раскладывает на стенде 4 картинки - fox,dog, frog, cat.) I’m not a frog. I’m not a fox. I’m not a dog. I’m a... cat! Yes, I am! I’m a cat! (Прикрепляет к табличке картинку с котом.) And who are you? (Ребенок загадывает картинку.) I’m not а... (Прикрепляет ее на свою табличку.) - I’m а... (После того, как все дети выбрали по картинке, учитель подходит к каждому.) Who are you? - I’m a... - Prove it! - R-r-r (Каждый изображает животное по-своему.)}
9. (shop - rabbit, cockerel, hen, chick, ball, car, star, parrot, wolf, bear) {Shop 3-1-8 дети - звери: Dog! Come up to me and knock at the door! (Ребенок подходит и стучит по столу.) Who is it? - It’s me! - Who are you? - I’m a dog! - Come in, dog! Hello! - Hello! -... }
(heart 2) {Have-Like: (Учитель, подойдя к каждому ребенку, задает ряд
последовательных вопросов.) Which toy do you like? (Показывает сердце N2.) -1 like the bed! - And do you have the bed? (Жест.) - Yes, I do! I have the bed. /No, I don’t. I don’t have the bed! (Разводит руками.) - And what do you have? (Жест.) - I have a clock!}
Now, boys and girls, put your toys on the floor, on the table or on the chair! Put the bed on the floor! Children, help me, please! Let's say together: “On the floor!” - On the floor!
10. (треуголка) What do you want to do now? - Let’s play “Generals”! - Let’s! - (Разминка.)
11. Where is (жест) the car? On the table? On the chair? - No, it isn 77 On the floor!
12. (fine/nasty window) (Плачет лев.) The lion is crying! Do you know, why? -1 don 7 know! - Let’s ask him! - Why are you crying? -... {Cry 3-1-9}
13. (6 boxes, mouse, house) {Mouse - House: How many boxes are there on the floor? - 6! - Yes, there are 6 boxes on the floor! What colour is this box? -... - I’m not the teacher now. I’m a mouse! And this is my house! Let’s play a game! Now, you are not boys and girls! You are cats! Say: “Little mouse, little mouse! Where is your house?” -... - That’s a secret! Guess! It is in the red box, in the yellow box,... in the black box! (С каждой фразой учитель опускает руки с домиком в соответствующую коробку, в одной из них незаметно оставляет домик.) Guess, where it is! - In the red box? - No, it isn’t! (Yes, it is!) (2-3 раза)}
And now the lesson is over! Goodbye!
I. {Hide: Hide behind your chairs! (Дети прячутся за свои стульчики.) Olya! Come up to me! Where is Ann? - Here is Ann! (Тот, кого назвали, садится на свое место.)}
(m/ev pictures) {Morning 6-3-1}
(seasons) {Seasons: 6-2-1} + And what colour are the leaves (trees) in autumn? (Показывая на картинку.) - Yellow! Red! - Yes, they are yellow, red and orange!
2. (diff.- black/white hares; new/old cars, caps and dolls - аудир.; big/small TVs; woman/women)
What’s this? -...-How many...? -...- What’s the difference between...? -...- Which... do you like best? -1 like the... + How many women are there in this picture? - One. - Yes, there is. There is one woman in the picture. Have a look at this woman. She is not happy. She is sad. (Жесты.) Because she is alone. (Жест - 1 палец.) She is saying: “Woman”. (Учитель говорит это выразительно, вытягивая ударный слог с выражением тоски на лице.) Let’s say it together! - Woman. - And now have a look at this picture. How many women are there in this picture? - Two. - Yes, there are. There are two women in this picture. They are happy! They are talking! They are smiling! They are saying: “Women”. (Произнося это слово, учитель чётко артикулирует ударный слог, вытягивая губы в улыбку и изображая восторг на лице.) Let’s say it together! - Women. -
3. (picture 7-2-3} Look at the picture! What can you see in the picture? - I can see...- What colour is the... - It is red (...)! (Если позволяет время, можно поиграть в эту игру следующим образом: первый ребёнок говорит “I can see a chick.” Учитель повторяет за ним и прибавляет своё слово: “1 can see a chick and a hen.” Следующий ребёнок должен добавить ещё одно слово и т.д.)
4. Are you tired? (Разминка - boys, girls, stand..., hands..., come..., hop, stop...)
5. (a tiger, Chris, 10 with a bag (a rabbit) and pictures of the family (m., f. and 2 sisters) {Guest - guess 5-1-7} Yes, I’m a big tiger and who are vou? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Are vou a boy (man, girl-)? - No, I’m not a boy (...)! - And who are vou? - I’m a woman! Let’s be friends! - Let’s! - Who are vou? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Are vou a man (woman)? - No, I’m not a...- Who are vou? - I’m a boy (girl)!
6. Tiger, do you have a mother? - Yes, I do! I have a mother! {Family 5-1-7} + Is your mother (f.) wicked or kind?
(a bag - rabbit) {Ask me 7-1-7} - This is a rabbit. (Хором.) - Do you like the rabbit? - Yes, I do! - And why? - Because it is...kind (good, little)! - Do you like the tiger? - No, I don’t! - And why? - Because it is,...wicked (bad)! - Let’s say: “Go away!” - Go away, tiger! (Уходит.)- Let’s be friends, rabbit! - Let’s! - Are we friends? - We are friends!
7. (стол N1 - leaf, picture, pencil, chair, bed, TV, bow, pill, block, cap) How many toys are there on the table? - 10! - Yes! There are 10 toys on the table! What’s there on the table? - There is a... on the table! - I like the... And you, rabbit, which toy do you like best? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Do you like the...? - No, I don’t! (Yes. I do!) - So, Rabbit, you like the... and do you have the... - No, I don’t have the... - Ask for the... - Can I have the...please? - Here you are! - Thank vou! Now. I have a... I like the... very much!
8. And what do you want to do now? - Let’s play “Generals”! - (Разминка.)
9. (игра “I’m a...”(cat, dog, frog, fox, lion, monkey, crocodile, horse, sheep, snake, parrot, wolf) {I’m... 7-1-8}
(shop) Let’s play shops! - Let’s! {Shop 3-1-8}
(треуголка) I’m not the teacher now. I’m a General. Give me the TV! - Yes, sir! (ma’am)] (По кругу.)
10. Now put the... on the floor (on the table; on the chair)!
II. (Кролик плачет.) Look! The rabbit is crying! Do you know, why? -1 don’t know! - Let’s ask him! - Why are you crying, rabbit? - Because the weather is not fine! It is nasty!
(fine/nasty window) Look out of the window! {Cry 3-1-9}
1. Let’s sing a song! - Let’s! Hands up...
2. (6 boxes, a mouse and a house) {Mouse - House 7-1-13}
And now the lesson is over! Goodbye!
1. {Hide 7-2-1}
(m/ev pictures) {Morning 6-3-1}
(seasons) {Seasons 6-2-1} + And what colour are the leaves (trees) in autumn? (Показывая на картинку) - Yellow! Red! - Yes, they are yellow, red and orange!
2. (diff.- big/little rabbits (5-1-7); new/old TVs; new/old houses; big/small pencils)
What’s this? -... -How many...? -... -What’s the difference between...? -... -Which... do you like best 1 -1 like the...
3. (7-1-3 picture) Look at the picture! Is the weather fine or nasty? - Fine! - Yes, it is fine! Why do you think so? Because...the sky is light (the sun is in the sky; it is not raining)! What can you see in the picture? -1 can see... - What colour is the... - It is red (...)!
4. (стол - leaf, bed, picture, sweet, cockerel, hen, doll, star, pill, cap) How many toys are there on the table? -... - Let’s count the toys! - 1-10! - Yes, there are 10 toys on the table! What’s there on the table? - There is a... on the table!
5. (sweets) {Sweets 3-1-5} Are you tired? - Yes! - Stand...
6. (игра “I’m a...”(cat, dog, frog, fox, lion, monkey, crocodile, horse, sheep, snake,
parrot, wolf) {I’m 7-1-8}
7. Which toy do you like? -1 like... (Учитель запоминает, какие игрушки нравятся детям и дает им другие.) - Here you are! {Have-Like 7-1-9}[2]
Hide your toys! (Учитель подходит к одному из детей.) Cat! Do you have a... - No, I don’t! (Yes, I do!) - (После того, как учитель отгадал, он просит эту игрушку.) - Can 1 have
a...please? (Ребенок, отдавший игрушку, сам угадывает, что прячет за спиной тот или иной ребенок; игра продолжается по кругу.)
(треуголка) Let’s play “Generals”! Give me the... - Yes, sir (ma’am)!
8. Now, let’s play a game! You are the teacher! (Учитель обращается к ребенку, у которого нет игрушки.) Tell the boys and the girls, where to put the toys! On the table, on the
chair or on the floor! - Put the...on the table! (Дети хором - On the table!)
9. Are you tired? I’m not the teacher! Ann and Nick, you are the teachers! (Дети дают команды.)
10. Where is the... - On the... (5-6раз) And do you know, what I like? -1 don’t know! - That’s a secret. Guess! - Do you like the...? - No, I don’t! (Yes I do!)
11. (6 boxes, a mouse and a house) {Mouse - House 7-1-13}
12. What do you want to do? - Let’s... (Если кто-то из детей предложит спеть или порисовать, непременно потратьте на это пару минут!) Let’s play a game!
(picture 7-3-12) {Cat and Mice: What’s this? - This is a cat (mouse). - Is the cat wicked or kind? - It is wicked! - The cat is saying: “Little mouse, little mouse! Where is your house?” And the mouse is saying: “Little cat, can vou see? It is under the tree!” - Let’s play a game! You are not a boy (girl)! You are a mouse! (Говорит всем детям, кроме последнего.) And you are not a boy! You are a cat! (Кот садится на стул напротив детей.)
Cat: Little mouse, little mouse! Where is your house? (Притворяется спящим.)
Mice: (Встают и дразнят кота.) Little cat, can vou see? It is under the tree! (После слова “tree” мышки должны спрятаться в домики (сесть на стульчики), кот просыпается и ловит их; пойманная «мышь» становится «котом».)}
And now, the lesson is over! Goodbye!
АУД. GR. | ОТРАБ. GR. Are you...? - Yes, I am. No, I’m not. | ПОВТОРЕНИЕ GR. I’m... I’m not... Do you have...? Yes, I do. No, I don't. I have... I don't have... Do you like...? - Yes, I do. No, I don't. I like... I don't like. Is it a...? - Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. This is... This is not... |
VOC. purple, orange, winter, summer, spring, some, see; plurals: mice, geese, deer, men, women | VOC. my - your, old, morning, evening, draw, play, sing, shoe, apple, goose, deer | VOC. black, woman, floor, cap, autumn, on, nut, spin around, wink vour eve; |
I - vou, new. leaf, lion, tiger; bad, good, little, dark, light; fine, nasty, big, small, wicked, kind; red, green, yellow, blue, white; the sun, the sky, grass, a flower, a tree; toy, ball, doll, car, star, bow, box, sweet, bag, pencil, clock, block, house, picture, chair, skipping rope, TV, table, bed; come, go, stand up, sit down on the floor (chair), clap your hands, hands up (down), hands on knees, stamp your feet, come up to me; take, hop, stop; bear, parrot, wolf, snake, hare, dog, frog, cat, mouse, cockerel, hen, chick, horse, sheep, fox, rabbit, monkey, crocodile; boy, girl, I, my, mother, father, sister, brother, man; yes, no, in, any; many, one, two, three, four, five, six; seven, eight, nine, ten | ||
PH. There are... What colour is... Be quick! Are you ready? Let's play a game (draw, count the toys). What’s this? What do you want to do? Who is this? Topic: New guest. | PH. That's a secret. Guess! I can see...Come again. What do vou want? There | |
are 4 seasons in a vear. Where is...? What’s this? Here is... It’s me. We are friends. Because... There is a... on the... Here you are. How much is it? Why are you crying? Give me! How are you? - I’m fine, thank you! Let's be friends! I don't know! Happy birthday! Who are you? Can I have...please? This bear is red. Who is it? I give up! Come in! Go away! How old are you? - I'm 6. Hello! Good morning! Goodbye! What’s your name? - My name is... What season is it now? Are vou tired? What do vou want? Ask for anv toy you like! What do you have? What’s there on the... What’s the difference between...? Do you know...? Which... do you like best? How many...? Topic: Shop |
What is this? “Are you a tiger? Are you a tiger?”
What is this? “No, I am not! No, I am not!”
Tell me, please! “Are you a lion? Are you a lion?”
What is this? “No, I am not! No, I am not!”
“Are you a deer? Are you a deer?” “Yes, I am! Yes, I am!”
“How old are you? How old are you?’ “I’m 10! I’m 10!”
1. {Hide 7-2-1}
(morning/evening pictures) {Morning 6-3-1}
(4 seasons) {Seasons 6-2-1} -i-And what colour are the leaves (trees) in autumn? - Yellow! Red! - Yes, they are yellow, red and orange!} (Если на улице другое время года, воспользуйтесь «Волшебным окошком» с картинкой “autumn”.)
2. (diff.- big/little rabbits (5-1-7), new/oid TVs, big/small pencils, new/old clocks, big/small trees, a bear/not a bear, a parrot/not a parrot) What’s this? How many...? -...- What’s the difference between...? -....- Which... do you like best? - I like the... - What’s the difference between these 2 pictures? - This is a parrot (bear) and this is not a parrot(bear).
3. (pictures - 8-1-3. shoes, apples, rabbits (5-1), wolves (2-3)) What’s this? - I don’t know!
- Ask me! - What’s this? - This is a shoe! How many... are there in the picture? - There are in
the picture.
4. (платок; on the table - leaf, TV, house, bed, flower; on the chair - grass, sweet, pencil, cap, pill; on the floor - bow, doll, star, block) How many toys are there on the table (chair, floor)?
- 5! (4!) (Поочередно закрывает игрушки платком.) What’s there on the.... - There is a... on the... -Where is the flower? - It is on the table!...(6-7раз)
5. Are you tired? - I’m tired! - Let’s play a game! Stand!... Clap...! Hands...! Come...! Hop!
6. (deer, Bambv, 10 with the fam. pictures) {Guest - guess 5-1-7} {Name. Age.} - Let’s sing a song! “Areyou a tiger?” “No, I am not!”
“Areyou a lion?” “No, I am not!”
“Areyou a deer? ” “Yes, I am!”
“How old are you? ” “I am 10!”
-Yes, I’m a big deer and who are vou? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Are vou a boy (man, girl)? - No, I’m not a boy (...)!- And who are vou? - I’m a woman! Let’s be friends! - Let’s! - Who are vou? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Are vou a man (woman)? - No, I’m not a...- Who are vou? - I’m a boy (girl)! - Let’s be friends! - Let’s! - We are friends! Do you know if the deer has a mother or a father? Let’s ask him!
Deer, do you have a mother? - Yes, I do! I have a mother! {Family 5-1-7} Is your mother (...) wicked or kind?
(Плачет.) Look! The deer is crying! Do you know, why? - I don’t know! - Let’s ask him! - Let’s! Why are you crying? - Because it is my birthday today! And I don’t have anv toy!
(an orange car in the bag) {Ask me 7-1-7 }+ And what colour is the car? Do you know? -1 don’t know! I know! Ask me! - What colour is the car? - It is orange! (На ушко тому, кто спросил.) Now, Lena knows! Ask her! (Дети спрашивают друг у друга.) - So, what colour is the car? - Orange!
Yes, it is! - Deer, deer! Do you like the car? - Yes. I do! I like the car very much! Give me the car! - Don’t say “Give me!” Say: “Can I have...” - Can I have... - Here you are! - Thank vou! - And what do you want to do now? - Let’s play a game! - Let’s!
7. Stand!... - Now, you are the deer! - Stand...!
8. (игра “I’m a...”c картинками) {I’m a... 7-1-8}
9. (shop - sun, leaf, apple, tree, shoe, bed, TV, sweet, skipping rope, tiger) Let’s play shops! - Let’s\ {Shop 3-1-8}
{Have-Like 7-1-9}
Hide your toys! (Учитель подходит к одному из детей.) Tiger! Do you have a... - No, I don’t! (Yes, I do!) - (После того, как отгадает.) Can I have the...please? - Here you are! - Thank you! (Ребенок, отдавший игрушку, сам отгадывает, что прячет его сосед, 5-6раз.)
10. (6 boxes) How many boxes are there on the floor? - 6! - Yes, there are 6 boxes on the floor! What colour is this box? - It is...
Put the... in the...box! - In the...box!
11. (треуголка) Let’s play “Generals”! Stand up... - Yes, sir (ma’am)! (Разминка.)
12. Where is the... - It is in the... box!
13. What do you want to do now? - Let’s...{Cat and Mice 7-3-12}
And now, the lesson is over! Goodbye!
1. {Hide 7-2-1}
(morning/evening pictures) {Morning 6-3-1}
(4 seasons) {Seasons 6-2-1} +And what colour are the leaves (trees) in autumn? - Yellow! Red! - Yes, they are yellow, red and orange!} (Если на улице другое время года, воспользуйтесь «Волшебным окошком».)
2. (picture - autumn, plurals: 2 deer (8-1), parrots (2-3)) How many leaves are there in the picture? - There are many leaves in the picture. - How many... are there in the picture? - There are...
3. (a bag with a purple horse) {Ask me 7-1-7 } + And what colour is the horse? Do you know? - I don’t know! - I know! Ask me! - What colour is the horse? - It is purple! (На ушко тому, кто спросил.) Now, Lena knows! Ask her! (Дети спрашивают друг у друга.) - So, what colour is the horse? - Purple!
4. (diff.- big/small, new/old houses, blue/purple pencils, deer/not a deer, cockerel/not a cockerel) What’s this? -...- How many...? -...- What’s the difference between...? -....- Which... do you like best? - I like the... - What’s the difference between these 2 pictures? - This is a deer (cockerel) and this is not a deer (cockerel).
5. (picture 8-2-5) How many toys are there in the picture? - 10! - Let’s count the toys! - Let’s! 1-10! - Yes, there are 10 toys in the picture! (Прячет картинку.) What’s there in the picture? - There is a... in the picture!
6. Are you tired? (Разминка.)
7. (a goose, Gregory, 10 (mother, father, brother) {Guest - guess } - Let’s sing a song!
Are you a tiger? - No. I am not! - Are you a lion? - No. I am not!
Are you a goose? - Yes. I am! - How old are you? -1 am 10!
Yes. 1 am a goose and who are vou? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Are vou a boy (man, girl)? - No, I’m not a boy (...)! - And who are vou? - I’m a woman! Let’s be friends! - Let’s! - Who are vou? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Are vou a man (woman)? - No, I’m not a...- Who are vou? - I’m a boy (girl)! - Let’s be friends! - Let’s! - We are friends! Do you know if the goose has a mother or a father? Let’s ask him!
Goose, do you have a mother? - Yes. I do! I have a mother! {Family 5-1-7 } Is your mother (...) wicked or kind? - My mother is...
8. (table - tree, leaf, TV, bed, clock, block, flower, apple, shoe, bow) How many toys are there on the table? - 10! - Yes, there are 10 toys on the table! What’s this? - This is a... -1 like the
tree. And which toy do you like best? - I like the... - And you, goose, which toy do you like? -
That’s a secret! Guess! - Do you lik
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