Читайте также: |
19. Now, look at this! What’s this? (Показывая на игрушки на столе.) - This is a bear(....) Научим мышку петь нашу песенку? This is a bear...
20. Stand up! Sit down on the chair (floor)! Come up to me! Go away! (3-4 раза)
21. (cat) Расскажу-ка я вам сказку про нашу мышку! Когда она была совсем маленькой, мама мышка сказала ей: “Ты должна расти сильной и смелой, но помни: все мыши должны бояться котов! Если увидишь кошку, беги от нее, куда глаза глядят!” И пошла наша мышка впервые на прогулку по лесу. (Учитель инсценирует сказку с помощью игрушек на столе.) А навстречу ей - лягушка! Мышка никогда раньше не видела лягушек, поэтому очень испугалась и закричала: ’’This is a cat! This is a cat!” (Учитель, обращаясь к детям.) Is this a cat? - No! - No! This is not a cat! Ребята, давайте успокоим мышку! Скажем вместе: “This is not a cat!” - This is not a cat! - Not a cat? - Not a cat! - What’s this? - This is a frog! - Good frog!Good frog! (Мышка гладит лягушку. To же повторяется с собакой, зайцем и медведем.) И вдруг ей встретилась настоящая кошка! Но кошка так ей понравилась, что она и не думала пугаться! Good! Good! (Мышка гладит кошку.) Кошка может съесть мышку! Давайте предупредим её! This is a cat! - This is a cat! - No! This is not a cat! - Вот упрямая! This is a cat!
- This is a cat! (Мышка прячется.) - A cat? - Yes, it is! This is a cat! (Кошечка заплакала.) - I’m agood cat! I’m not bad! - И правда, хорошая кошка, и вовсе она не хотела нашу мышку съесть, а просто хотела с ней поиграть! Давайте скажем ей: “Good cat!” - Good cat!
22. Now, let’s play a game! How many toys are there on the table? 1? 2? 3? 4? - No! - Let’s count the toys! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. There are 6 toys on the table! (Учитель убирает со стола несколько игрушек.) And how many toys are there on the table now? Let’s count the toys! (3-4 раза)
23. Stand up! Sit down on the floor (chair)! Come up to me! Go away! (Жесты.) (2-3 раза)
Sit down on the floor! Let’s sing a song! 1 and 2 and 3 and 4...
24. (red heart/black box) Мышка наша загрустила! Дадим ей игрушки? - {Like 1-2-9}- Good bear.
25. (Roy/bad boy) {Diff.: And now, look at the picture! Is this a boy or a girl? - This is a boy!
- Is the boy good? - No! - No! This boy is not good! This boy is bad! Is this boy bad? - No! - No! This boy is not bad! This boy is good! So, what’s the difference between these two boys? This boy is good! And this boy is not good! This boy is bad!}
And now the lesson is over! Goodbye!
*Помните о необходимости чётко проговаривать полный вариант ответа, если дети отвечают кратко.
GR. I like... I don't like... Do you like...? - Yes, I do. No, I don't. I have... I don't have. I’m... | GR. Is it a... Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. | GR. This is... This is not... |
voc. fine, nastv, vellow, the skv. box Stand up! Sit down on the floor (chair)! Hands up (down)! Clap your hands! Stamp your feet! in, on, floor, chair, table, picture; big, any, some, plurals | VOC. bad, little, red, dark, light; seven; the sun, ball, doll, car, star, parrot, wolf, snake; come, go Go away! | VOC. bov, girl, bear. hare, dog, frog, cat, mouse.a tov; manv, ves. no; I. good; one. two, three, four, five, six |
PH. Let's be friends! I don't know! Who are vou? | PH. How old are you? - I'm 6. Who is it? I give up! Come in! What’s there in the bag? | PH. Hello! Good |
Can I have... please? This bear is red. | morning! Goodbve! | |
What’s this? Let's count the toys! Thank you! Come up to me. That's a secret. Guess! Let's play a game! There are... It’s me. How are you? - I'm fine, thank you. Are you ready? Which do you like best? Do you know...? What do you want? | What’s vour name? - Mv name is... How many...? |
This is a bear, this is a hare, This is a dog and this is a frog. This is a car, this is a star,
This is a ball and this is a doll.
“Good morning! Good morning!
Good morning to you!” “Good morning! Good morning! I’m fine! How are you?”
16. Hello! {Start 1-2-1} Good morning! - Good morning! I’m fine! (Жест: I’m - указательный палец к груди; fine - большой палец вверх.) Догадались, как у меня дела? I’m fine! How are you? (Жест.) Fine (ф.о.)! - И вы наверняка догадаетесь, про что песенка, которую я хочу вам спеть! Good morning!.. So, let’s begin the lesson!
17. (fine/nasty pictures, the sun) Look at the picture! Is the weather fine? (Жест - большой палец вверх.) - No! - No! It is not fine! It is nasty! (Жест - пренебрежительно машет рукой.) Is the sky light? (Показывает на небо на картинке.) - No! - No, it isn’t! It is not light! It is dark! Now look at this picture! Is the weather nasty? (Жест.) - No! - No, it isn’t! It is not nasty! Is the weather fine? (Жест.) - Yes! - Yes, it is! It is fine! Is the sky dark? - No! - No, it isn’t! It is not dark! Is the sky light? - Yes! - Yes, it is! It is light! The sun is in the sky! (Показывает на солнце, прикреплённое к картинке.)
18. (good/ bad cat s) {Diff. 1-3-13} + Let’s make the cat good! Abra - cadabra! Be good! -
Abra - cadabra! Be good! (Учитель меняет картинку.) Is the cat bad now? -... - Is the cat good? -...*
19. (на столе - a bear, a hare, a dog, a frog) How many toys are there on the table? 1? 2? 3? Many? - No! - Let’s count the toys! -... 4. - How many toys are there on the table? - 4! - Yes! There are 4 toys on the table! What’s this? - This is a bear (...)! Let’s sing a song! This is a bear...
Let’s play a game! {This is not... 1-3-2} Now you! Come up to me! (Подзывает ребенка.) Попробуй теперь ты загадать игрушку и дать нам подсказку! (На этом уроке ребенок говорит на ухо учителю, какую игрушку он загадал, и учитель помогает ему вопросами.) Are you ready? Yes or no? Is it a bear (...)? - This is not a bear! - What’s this? - This is a dog! (Ребенок,
угадавший игрушку, становится водящим.) (4-5 раз)
* В последствии по аналогии всех злых превращаем в добрых.
20. (учитель достает и ставит на стол одну за другой игрушки: a cat, a mouse, a sun)
What’s this? - This is a cat (...)! - And how many toys are there on the table now? Let’s count the toys: 1,... 5, 6, 7! - Yes! There are 7 toys on the table!
21. (Don’t) Stand up! (Don’t...) Sit down on the chair (floor)! Come up to me! Go away!
22. (За дверью - a parrot, Pat. 9 a box, a ball. Стук.) {Who? Hello! Name. Age. 1-2-6} - Интересно, как у него идут дела? How are you? - I’m fine, thank you! How are you? - I’m fine too! Thank you! А вы хотите узнать, как зовут попугая? Спросим? (Игра «Повторюшки».) - What’s your name? - Не отвечает! А знаете, почему? Он хочет, чтобы его спросили песенкой! Let’s sing a song! - What’s your name?...
My name is Pat! My name is Pat! (Идет по кругу.) What’s your name? - My name is... - Интересно, а сколько Пату лет? Ну-ка повторюшки! Приготовили свои ушки! How old are you? (Игра «Повторюшки».) Let’s sing a song! How old are you? - I’m 8! And you?
Is the parrot little? - No! - Is the parrot big? - Yes! - Yes, it is! It is big! It is a big parrot! (Жест.) - (Идет по кругу.) How old are you? - I’m 6 (ф.о.)! - Big boy (girl)! Let’s be friends! - Let’s!
23. (a doll) Do you have any toys? - Yes, we do! We have many toys! And what do you have? - I have a box! - And what’s there in the box? - That’s a secret! Guess! - Is it a... (Дети жестом приглашаются принять участие в отгадывании, они заканчивают фразу учителя.) Well! I don’t know! I give up! Do you give up? - 1 give up! - So! What’s this? - This is a ball! - A ball! (Учитель достает мяч.) Is the ball good or bad? - Good! - I don’t have a ball, but I have a doll! (Достает куклу.) Look! This is a ball and this is a doll (ф.о. - a ball, a doll)! Is the doll good or bad? - Good! - Yes, it is! The doll is good! (Гладит и кладет обе игрушки на стол.)
24. (shop, повязка на глаза) How many toys are there on the table now? 1? 2? 3? - No! - Many? - Yes! - Yes! There are many toys on the table! Let’s play a game! Это необычный магазин. Все хотят купить в нем кошку. Продавцу это надоело, он выключает свет и в темноте пытается подсунуть покупателю что-нибудь другое. А покупатели сердятся, топают ногой и говорят: This is not a cat! - This is not a cat (ф.о.)! (Ребенку завязывают глаза.) Hello! - Hello! - What do you want? - A cat! - This is a cat! - This is not a cat (2-3раза, 4-5 детей)!
25. Stand up! Sit down on the chair (floor)! Come up to me! Go away! Hands up (down)!
26. (red heart/ black square; big bag) Ребята! А вы хотите узнать, какие игрушки нравятся нашему попугаю (Кладет на пол картонное сердце), а какие не нравятся (черный квадрат или плоскую черную коробку)? Parrot! Which do you like best? - That’s a secret!Guess! - Do you like the bear(...)? - Yes I do! I like the...(No. I don’t! I don’t like the...) (Дети раскладывают на сердце или на квадрат игрушки.) Дадим попугаю эти игрушки поиграть? Parrot! What do you want? Ask for any toy you like! - Can I have a bear (...) please? (Детискладывают игрушки в его большую сумку) Thank you! Good boy! - Good parrot! (Каждый ребенок гладит попугая.) - Ну вот! Нашему попугаю пора домой! Goodbye, parrot! - Goodbye!
- Goodbye! - Хотите, чтобы он пришел к нам еще раз? Тогда надо сказать ему: “Come again!”
- Thank you! Goodbye!
27. Эх! Попугай ушел, а мешок с игрушками забыл! Поиграем с ними? Я попробую с закрытыми глазами угадать, что за игрушка у меня в руках! А вы, если я правильно сказала, кивайте головой и говорите: “Yes, it is!” (ф.о.), а если я не угадала: “No!” (Учитель закрывает глаза, по одной достает игрушки из сумки и почти всегда угадывает.) Is it а... - Yes, it is (ф.о.)!
28. Stand...! Sit...! Hands up (down)! Let’s sing a song! - 1 and2 and3 and 4, I’m...
29. (небо, 4 красных и 2 желтых солнца) Look! I have a picture! This is the sky! And this is the sun! How many suns are there in the sky? - I! - Yes! There is 1 sun in the sky! And how many suns are there in the sky now? - 2! -Yes! There are 2 suns in the sky! (Добавляя по одному, доходит до 6-ти.) This sun is red. Is this sun red? - No! - No, it isn’t! This sun is not red! This sun is yellow! So, how many red (yellow) suns are there in the sky? - 4! (2!) - Yes! There are...
30. (на стенде - red yellow bears, cats, mice) Are there any hares (dogs, frogs) in the pictures? - No! - What’s this? - This is a bear (...). - How many bears (...) are here? - 2! - And what’s the difference between these two bears (...)? This bear (...) is red! And this bear (...) is not red! This bear (...) is yellow!.And now' the lesson is over! Stand up! Goodbye!
13. Come in, sit down on... Is it dark (light) now? - Yes! (No!) - So, let’s begin the lesson! Hello, boys and girls! А кто помнит, как мы с вами здороваемся по-взрослому? Правильно! Позвенели колокольчиком над ухом! - ing - ing - Good morning (ф.о.)! - Посмотрите, как здороваются мои пальчики! (Указательным пальцем одной руки изображает учителя, пальцами другой руки- учеников.) (Песенка “Good morning!”)
(Перекличка.) Who is... -1
14. (fine/nasty weather) Now look at the picture! Is the weather fine (nasty)? -...Is the sky dark or light? -....- Is the sun in the sky? -.... (Дети отвечают - “Yes!” (“No!”).
15. (good/bad girls) {Diff. 1-3-13} This girl is... and this girl is not..., this girl is... (Учитель делает паузы перед ключевыми словами, для того, чтобы дети вставляли их сами.)
16. (boys/girls) {Is this a boy? 1-3-3 - Is this a boy or a girl? - This is a...}
17. (на столе N1 - bear, hare, dog, frog, ball, doll, наготове - car, star) How many toys are there on the table? 1? (Показывает 1 палец.)- No! - 2? - No! - Many? - No! - Let’s count the toys! - 1, 2, 3, 4... - Yes! There are 6 toys on the table! What’s this? - This is a.... (ф.о.) ball, doll (ф.о.). (Достает по очереди - a car, a star.) Is it a ball (doll)? - No! - What’s this? Don’t you know? -1 don’t know! - This is a car (star) (ф.о.). Is the car (star) good or bad? - Good! - How many toys are there on the table now? 1?... - 3? -... Many? - Yes! - Yes! There are many toys on the table! И это не просто игрушки, а целая песенка! Let’s sing a song! - This is a bear...
18. Are you tired? (Жест.) I’m tired! Stand... Sit.... Hands... Come... Go... 1, 2, 3, 4...
19. (За дверью - a wolf with a box (a boy, Tom, 4 Стук.) Listen! Someone’s knocking at the door! Who is it? - It’s me! - Who are you? - I’m a wolf! - Come in, wolf! - I’m not good! I’mbad! I’m a bad wolf! - What’s this? - This is a box! - And what’s there in the box? - That’s a secret!Guess! - Is it a...? - No. it isn’t! (Yes, it is!) - Do you give up? -1 give up! - This is a boy! - Is the boy good or bad? - Good! - Is the wolf good or bad? - Bad! - Let’s say “go away” to the wolf! - Go away, wolf! (Уходит) (Учитель достает мальчика из коробки.)
{Hello! Name. Age. 1-2-6} (Гость идет по кругу, задавая вопросы.)
(стол №2: cat, mouse, parrot) Do you have any toys? - Yes, we do! - Let’s play a game! - Let’s! - {This is not 1-3-2}
20. Are you tired? Stand... Come...Go...Clap your hands! Stamp your feet! Hands...
21. (big bag; red heart/ black square) And which toys do you like, Tom? Do you like... - Yes, I do! I like the...(No. I don’t! I don’t like...) (Дети раскладывают игрушки на сердце или на квадрат.) Том что-то загрустил! Дадим ему наши игрушки поиграть! Tom, ask for any toy you like! What do you want? - Can I have a... please? Thank you! Good boy (girl)! (Дети по очереди подают ему игрушки, гладят и говорят - Good boy!)
Goodbye! - Goodbye! - Do you like the boy? - Yes! - Is the boy good or bad? - Good! - Хотите, чтобы он к вам еще пришел? Тогда скажем ему - Come again! - Thank you! Goodbye!
22. (Don’t...) Stand... Clap... Stamp...
23. Посмотрите! Мальчик оставил свою сумку! Let’s play a game! Я попробую на ощупь определить, что за игрушки лежат в ней! Если я угадаю, вы будете говорить “Yes, it is!”, а если не угадаю “No, it isn’t!” (ф.о.) (Учитель прикрывает глаза, на ощупь достаёт игрушки и всякий раз ошибается.) Is it а - No, it isn’t!
24. (red/yellow suns, mice, parrots) {Stand:Look at the pictures! Are there any parrots (cats, bears) in the pictures? -... - What’s this?... How many suns (mice, parrots) are there in the picture?... What’s the difference between these 2...? - This mouse is ...red! And this mouse (жест) is not red! This mouse is yellow!}
And now, the lesson is over! Stand up and say “Goodbye!”
12. {Start + Dark + Song: Hello! Come in boys and girls! Sit down on the chairs! (Учитель рассаживает детей.) You, sit down on this chair. Is it dark in the classroom? - No! - No! It is not dark! It is light! (Выключая.) Is it light now? - No! - No! It is not light! It is dark! (Включая.) Is it dark or light now? - Light (dark), (ф.о.) Good morning to you!... I’m fine! How are you?}
(fine/nasty weather) Who is.... - 1! - So, let’s begin the lesson! Look at the picture! Is the weather fine or nasty? -... Is the sky dark or light?... Is the sun in the sky? -... - Look out of the window! Is the weather fine or nasty? -... Is the sky dark or light? -... Is the sun in the sky? -...
13. (стол N1 - bear, hare, dog, frog, car, star, ball, doll) How many toys are there on the table? -... Let’s count the toys! - 8! - Yes! There are 8 toys on the table! What’s this? - This is a...(bear, hare, dog, frog, car, star, ball, doll) - Let’s sing a song! - This is a bear...
14. (pictures 2-3-3: parrots, wolves, a cat, a mouse, the sun) Look at the picture! How many cats (mice, parrots, wolves, suns) are there in the picture? -... - Yes, there are... in the picture.
15. (cards - frogs/not frogs) Ребята, у меня проблема! Я перепутала карточки и теперь не могу найти лягушек! (Карточки сложены следующим образом: каждая 4-я карточка - лягушка; лягушек столько же, сколько детей, учитель предлагает каждому ребенку найти по одной лягушке.) This is not a frog! (Убирает карточку.) This is not a frog! This is not a frog! (Доходит до лягушки.) This is a frog! (Учитель даёт лягушку ребенку. Обойдя всех детей, собирает картинки.) Can I have your picture, please? Thank you!
16. Are you tired? Hands... Come... Go... Stand... 1-2-3-4...
17. (good/bad girls) {Diff. 1-3-13} This girl is ...good! - Do you like this girl? -
18. (За дверью - a snake with a box (a girl, Pearl, 3) Listen! Someone’s knocking at the door! Who is it? -... - Who are you? - I’m a snake! - Come in, snake! - I’m a snake! I’m not good!I’m bad! I’m a bad snake! - And what’s this? - This is a box! - What’s there in the box? - That’s asecret! Guess! - Is it a... - No, it isn’t! (Yes, it is!) This is a little girl! - Is the girl good or bad? - Good! - Is the snake good or bad? - Bad! - Let’s say “Go away!” - Go away! (Змея уходит. Учитель достает девочку из коробки.)
{Hello! Name. Age. 1-2-6} (Гость идет по кругу, задавая вопросы.)
(стол N2 - parrot, cat, mouse, wolf, snake) - Do you have any toys? - Yes, we do! We have many toys! Интересно, а знает ли она, как называются наши игрушки? Well, Pearl, what’s this? - I don’t know! - (Обращаясь к детям.) - What’s this? - This is a cat (mouse, parrot, wolf, snake) - Проверим ее? - Is it a... - Yes, it is! (No, it isn ’t!) (Отрабатываются оба ответа.)
19. (Don’t...) Clap... Stamp... Stand...
20. (red heart, black square) {Heart: А какие игрушки ей нравятся? Pearl, which toys do you like? - 1 like... I don’t like... (Игрушки по количеству детей в группе; дети раскладывают игрушки на сердце и на квадрат.) Дадим ей игрушки поиграть? Pearl! What do you want? Ask for any toy you like! - Can I have... please? (Ребенок дает ей игрушку.)} Thank you! Good boy! - Good girl! - Goodbye! - Goodbye! - Come again! - Thank you! Goodbye!
21. Hands... Stand... Clap... Stamp... 1, 2, 3, 4...
22. (red/yellow suns, parrots, cats) {Stand 2-2-12}
And now, the lesson is over! Stand up and say.... Goodbye!
GR. Do vou like...? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. I have... I don’t have... Do you have...? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. | GR. I like... I don’t like... | GR. Is it..? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. This is... This is not... |
VOC. big, small, grass, bag, sweet, pencil, green; Clap vour hands! Hands up (down)! Stamp your feet! Come up to me! in, on, floor, chair, table, picture, draw, mice, any, some; plurals | VOC. fine, nasty, yellow; eight; the sky, hen, bow, box, chick, cockerel Stand up! Sit down on the floor (chair)! | VOC. bad, little, red, dark, light; seven; the sun, ball. doll. car. star, parrot, wolf, snake; come, go boy, girl, bear, hare, dog, frog, cat, mouse, toy; many, yes, no, I, good; one, two, three, four, five, six |
PH. How are vou? - I’m fine, thank vou! | PH. Let’s be friends! I don’t know! Happy birthday! Who are you? Can I have... please? This bear is red. Which do you like best? Do you know...? | PH. Who is it? |
What’s this? What colour is...? Let’s count the toys! Thank you! Come up to me. That’s a secret. Guess! Let’s play a game! Are you ready? Here you are! There is a... on the table. There are... What do you want? Come again! Give me! How much is it? What’s the difference between...? What do you want? Ask for any toy you like! | I give up! Come in! Go awav! How old are vou? - I’m 6. Hello! Good morning! Goodbye! What’s your name? - My name is... What’s there in the bas? How many..? |
Rain, rain, go away! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!
Come again another day! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you!
LESSON 3-1 1. Hello! {Start + Dark + Song 2-3-1}
12. (картинки - 3-1-2 горы; a bow) {Mountains: Now, let’s play a game! I’m not the teacher! I’m a little girl! (Бант на голову.) This is my bow. You are not boys and girls! (Подходя к каждому.) You are not a boy (girl)! You are mountains! (Показывает картинку - горы.) You are big mountains! Stand up and say: “I’m big!” (Жест.) - I’m big! - Вы знаете, что в горах живет эхо? Сейчас мы проверим, у какой горы самое большое эхо! So, I’m a little girl. I’m walking in the mountains and singing a song. What’s your name... (Учитель подставляет ухо детям, давая понять, что хочет услышать их эхо, дети подпевают) Oh! I've lost my way home. I'm sitting and crying: (ф.о. дифтонгов и сочетаний звука [w] с гласными; после каждого звука учитель поворачивается к детям ухом). OK! You are good mountains! And you are the best mountain!}
13. (fine/nasty pictures; magic window) Look out of the window! Is the weather fine or nasty? - Fine! - Is the sky dark or light? - Light! - Is the sun in the sky? - Yes! - Yes, it is! The weather is fine, the sky is light, the sun is in the sky! (Достаёт игрушечное окно.) This is a window and this is a window! What’s the difference between these 2 windows? This window is big and this window is not big. It is small! It is a magic window! Look out of this window! Is the weather fine or nasty? - Nasty! - Is the sky dark or light? -...- Is the sun in the sky? - No! - The weather is nasty! The sky is dark. The sun is not in the sky! It is raining! Прогоним дождь? Я знаю заклинание, которое нам поможет! Следите за руками и повторяйте за мной! Rain, rain!... - Shut your eyes and count up to 5! - 1... 5- (Меняет картинку в окошке на “хорошую погоду” и повторяет все вопросы.)
14. (sheet of paper, red/green/yellow pencils) What’s this? Do you know? -1 don’t know! (ф.о.) - This is a pencil! And how many pencils do I have? - 2? 1? 4? - No! I have 3 pencils! Is this
pencil red? - No, it isn’t! - No, it isn’t! It is not red! And what colour is the pencil? - Yellow! - Yes, it is! It is yellow! Is this pencil red? - Yes, it is! - Yes, it is! It is red! Is this pencil red? - No, it isn’t! - No, it isn’t red! And what colour is this pencil? -1 don’t know (ф.о.)! - It is green!
Let’s draw a picture! Can I have the yellow (...) pencil, please?... Thank you! I want to draw the yellow sun (green grass, a red ball). (Рисует.) I like the sun (...)! Do you like the sun? - Yes!
15. (sweets в 2-3) {Sweets: Look! I have some sweets. This is a sweet and this is a sweet! I’m going to give a sweet to the best boy or girl! Stand up! Sit down on the...! Clap... Stamp... Come... Go... (После каждой команды ребенок, выполнивший ее первым, получает конфету.) Do you have any sweets? -... - How many sweets do you have? -... - Can I have your sweets, please?}
16. (На столе - box (parrot, wolf, snake, cat, mouse, sweet, car, sun, shop, повязка на глаза.) {Some - Any Are there any toys on the table? - No! - No, there are no toys on the table! Are there any toys in the box? - Yes! - Yes, there are some toys in the box! (Вываливает игрушки на стол.) Are there any toys in the box now? -... - Are there any toys on the table? -... - How many toys are there on the table? Let’s count the toys! - 1 - 8 - There are 8 toys on the table!} What’s there on the table? There is a parrot (...) on the table. What’s this? - This is a... -
17. Stand...! Sit...! Hands... Clap... Stamp... Don’t...
18. (За дверью - a cockerel, Peter. 8. a bag, a hen. Стук.) {Guest Listen! Who...? Come in... Good mor... How are you? - I’m fine, thank you! - What’s your name? (По кругу.) - And do you know, if Peter is a big cockerel or a little cockerel? - / don’t know! - Let’s ask him! - How old are you? - I’m 8! - Big! - How old are you? (Дети говорят за гостя по кругу.) Let’s be friends! }
Is the cockerel good or bad? - Good! - Do you have any secret? - Yes, I do! It is in the bag! - And what’s there in the bag? - That’s a secret! Guess! - (Дети пытаются определить предмет наощупь.) Is it а... - No, it isn’t! - I give up! I don’t know! - This is a hen! - (Учитель достает курицу.) Yes, it is! This is a hen! Is the hen good or bad? - Good! - And which do you like best the cockerel or the hen? I like the cockerel! And which do you like? - I like the... (По кругу.)
Give me the cat! - He умеет он вежливо просить. Научим его! Don’t say “Give me!” Say “Can I have...”- Can I have the cat, please? - Can I have the cat, please? - Here you are! (3-4 раза)
{Shop: Let’s play shops! - Let’s! - I’m a shop-assistant. Come to my shop! I have many toys. Ask for any toy you like! Hello, Peter! - Hello! - What do you want? - Can I have a car, please? - Here you are! (Задумывается.) How much is it? - 2 claps! (Петушок 2 раза хлопает по ладони учителя.) - Thank you! - Good bye! - Good bye! - Come again!}
19. (Magic window, fine/nasty pictures, sun) {Cry: (Плачут.) Why are you crying, cockerel? Why are you crying, hen? - Because the weather is not fine! It is nasty! - (Окошко.) Look out of the window! Is the weather fine or nasty? - Nasty! - Is the sky dark or light? - Dark! - Is the sun in the sky? - No! - No! The sun is not in the sky! And it is raining! Do you like the rain? - No! I don’t like the rain (ф.о.)! - Let’s say “go away” to the rain! - Rain, rain, go away! Come again another day!
Look out of the window! Is the weather fine or nasty? - Fine! - Is the sky dark or light? - Light! - And what’s in the sky? - The sun! - Yes! The sun is in the sky! Is it raining? - No! - No! It is not raining! - Thank you! Thank you very much! Goodbye! - Goodbye! - Come again!}
20. Are you tired? Stand... Hands... Clap... Stamp...
21. (мешок - bear, hare, dog, frog, star, doll (по количеству детей) I have a bag! And I
have some toys in the bag. I have a star. (Ставит на стол.) I have a doll (bear...). What do you want? Ask for any toy you like! - Can I have... please (ф.о.)? Here you are! Now, hide your toys! (Жест.) Do you have any toy? - Yes! - Do you have a... - Yes! (No!) - Yes! You have... (По кругу.)
(сердце/квадрат, сердце N2 (маленькое) And do you know, which toys I like and which toys I don’t like? - 7 don t know! - I like... I don’t like... (Дети раскладывают игрушки на сердце и на квадрате.) And best of all I like the hare! (Дарит зайчику сердечко N2.) And which toy do you like best? (Каждый ребенок “дарит” сердечко N2 игрушке, которая ему нравится.) I like... (ф.о.)
22. (3-1-12 cars) Look at the picture! What’s this? -... How many cars are there in the picture? -... Which car do you like? I like this car. And you? Which car do you like? -1 like this car (ф.о.)!
And now the lesson is over! Stand up and say... Goodbye!
12. Hello! {Start + Dark + Song 2-3-1} {Mountains 3-1-2}
13. (applique work- sky, sun, grass, flower) Look out of the window! Is the weather fine or nasty? -... - Is the sky dark or light? -... - What’s in the sky? - Sun! - Yes! The sun is in the sky!
Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 121 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав |