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Sweet [swiːt] (adj) – солодкий, свіжий, незіпсований, приємний

Has a sugar sweet taste?

Can we say that sweet water is not salty one?



Exercise 2. Look through the words and try to remember them.

cream (n) – вершки; крем

cream cheese – вершковий сир

madder (n) – марена (фарбувальна)

putrefaction (n) – гниття, розкладання; гнилість

brick (n) – брусок, брикет

case (n) – ящик; коробка; скринька; контейнер

cave (n) – камера

crumb (n) – частинка; крихта (хліба)

sage (n) – шавлія

leaf (n) – (pl. leaves) лист, листок

hard (adj) – твердий

soft (adj) – м'який

press (v) – тиснути; натискати, надавлювати; давити, пресувати

place (v) – ставити, поміщати; розміщати

remain (v) – залишатися

take on (v) – набувати (значення), приймати (форму, якість)

impact (v) – додавати, додати, придавати, придати


Exercise 3. Learn the most common and useful words.

somewhat – небагато, певною мірою, трохи; почасти, злегка

until – до, поки


Exercise 4. Determine the meaning of the following words.

Camembert ['kæməmˌbeə] (n)

Limburger ['limbəgə] (n)

Roquefort ['rɔkfɔː] (n)

structure ['strʌkʧə] (n)

process ['prəuses] (n)


Exercise 5. Знайдіть незакінчені речення та придумайте до них кінцівку.

1. Camembert cheese made in France

2. A hard cheese made from skimmed milk pressed into round molds

3. A soft cheese is kept until putrefaction begins

4. Limburger cheese packed in full cases weighing about 125 pounds


Exercise 6. Прочитайте наступні речення та з’ясуйте спосіб вираження обставини.

1. When become solid, a hard cheese is placed m caves, where it takes on a reddish colour.

2. Adding leaves of the sage, one can impart the sage flavour to the cheese.

3. Being flavoured а cream cheese is packed in round wooden boxes.


Exercise 7. У наступних реченнях вкажіть, чим виражено підмет.

1. Producing soft cheese is followed by putting it up in one- and two-pound bricks.

2. The breadcrumbs are used in preparing Roquefort cheese.

3. To impart a green colour to green cheese means to add some leaves of the sage.

4. The cheese pressed into round molds is coloured a reddish tint.


Types of cheese

Camembert cheese. A finely flavoured cream cheese of a pale yellow colour made in Prance; usually put up in small round wooden boxes and in round tins.

Dutch cheese. A hard cheese made from skimmed milk pressed into round molds, the outside being coloured a reddish tint with a preparation of madder.

Swiss or Emmenthaler cheese. A cheese intermediate between hard and soft, yellow, and of an open structure; characteristic holes of this cheese are caused by gas-producing bacteria during the process of ripening; a mild cheese, dry, and of a distinct, somewhat sweet flavour.

Limburger cheese. A soft cheese; is kept until putrefaction begins; put up in one- and two-pound bricks; packed in full cases, weighing about 125 pounds, half and quarter cases.

Roquefort cheese. A hard cheese; when almost solid and dry it is placed in caves, in which the temperature remains at 40°F, where it takes on a reddish colour and develops the green mold around the bread crumbs used in preparing it.

Sage or Green cheese. Regular American cheese to which leaves of the sage have been added to impart a green colour and the sage flavour.

Exercise 8. Look through the text. If you are an attentive reader, you can answer the following questions:

1. How many types of cheese are mentioned in this text?

2. What hard cheese do you know?

3. What soft cheese is described in this article?

4. What type of cheese is intermediate between hard and soft?



Exercise 9. Look through the text more attentive. Find the answers to the following questions.

1. What kind of cheese has a pale yellow colour?

2. What sort of milk is a hard cheese made from?

3. What substance are the characteristic holes of Swiss cheese caused by?

4. What type of cheese is placed in caves in which the tempe­rature remains at 40°F?

5. What purpose are leaves of the sage added to the green cheese for?


Exercise 10. Do exercises 1, 2, 3 again.



Exercise 11a. Find Ukrainian equivalents:

a). cream b). дозрівання
to impart вага
tint шавлія
ripening вершки
putrefaction твердий
weigh відтінок
solid гниття
regular надавати
sage звичайний


Exercise 11b. Fill in the blanks with one of the suitable words given below:

madder, pale, sweet, tin, skimmed, hole

1. Camembert cheese is a cream cheese with a _____ yellow colour.

2. Swiss cheese has a characteristic which are developing during the process of _____.

3. Emmenthaler cheese is a mild cheese which has a _____ flavour.

4. Dutch cheese is made from ______ milk.

5. The outside of Dutch cheese is coloured a reddish tint with a preparation of _____.

6. Camembert cheese is usually put up in round _____.


Exercise 12. Prove that you are an attentive reader. There are some statements and three of them do not coincide with the con­tent of the text. Find them:

1. Dutch cheese is a hard one made from whole milk.

2. Roquefort cheese is placed on hot caves, where it takes on a reddish colour.

3. Characteristic holes of Swiss cheese are caused by distinct bacteria during the process of ripening.

4. Limburger cheese is a cream one, which is put up in four-pound bricks.

5. Camembert cheese is usually put up in round boxes.

6. To impart red colour to cheese sage leaves of this plant are added.


Exercise 13. Listen attentively to the text and try to reproduce it as closely to the original as possible.


Cheese spread manufacture

Cheese spreads are combinations of cheese with condensed whey, whey powder, condensed skim milk, skim milk powder or a combination of whey and skim milk. Avoid an excess of milk su­gar in the manufacturing process. The cream curd used is usual­ly made from a 6% fat milk which is pasteurized at 170°F for 30 minutes. Sometimes the addition of less than 1% of gelatin is used in this milk since it seems to hold the cheese curd to­gether and also results in a smoother cheese spread. After the pasteurized milk has been held for 30 minutes, it is cooled to 145°F, homogenized under 2500 pounds per square inch pressure and allowed to cool to 60ºF or even lower. Twelve to fourteen hours before the cream curd is to be used, the milk is once more brought up to 69 to 70°F, and a 5% starter added. This starter is a lactic acid culture and should give the milk a smooth curd and a rich creamy flavour.


Exercise 14. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What are cheese spreads?

2. What is the cream curd made from?

3. What purpose is a starter added to milk for?


Exercise 15. Write a paper on manufacture of cheeses on the base of the texts you read in this manual.


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