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Exceed [ɪk'siːd] (v) - перевищувати

to exceed the percentage content; to exceed speed; to exceed the limit



Exercise 2. Look through the words and phrases and remember them.

tallowy (adj) – сальний; схожий на сало

rancid (adj) – прогірклий, протухлий (особл. про жири)

clean flavour – свіжий смак

off-flavour – несвіжий смак

surplus (n) – надлишок, перевищення

to bear in mind – мати на увазі

Ibs. = pounds – фунти


Exercise 3. Learn the most useful and common words.

as…as – так само, як

seldom – нечасто, зрідка

too – дуже; украй

neither… nor – ні… ні…


Exercise 4. Read the following words and give their Ukrainian equivalents.

company ['kʌmpənɪ]

concentrate ['kɔnsəntreɪt]

season ['siːz(ə)n]

combination [ˌkɔmbɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n]

acidity [ə'sɪdətɪ]


Exercise 5. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the expressions of comparison.

1. Whole milk is as desirable as solids-not-fat in ice-cream manufacture.

2. Fresh whole milk is more expensive than fresh skim milk.

3. This problem is not so difficult as that one.

4. Frozen cream is a less desirable source of butterfat than fresh sweet cream.

5. Plain condensed skim milk is used more frequently than any of the other condensed milk products.


Exercise 6. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the Modal Verbs.

1. Only the best fresh cream should be used for storing frozen cream.

2. In frozen cream certain off-flavours may develop.

3. Fresh skim milk should have a low acidity and a clean flavour.

4. Butter can be transported at low cost and can be stored for months.

5. Non-fat dry milk must be kept in cold storage.



Exercise 7. Look through Text A. Find the answers to the following questions.

1. What milk should be used in the production of ice-cream?

2. Why is fresh sweet cream expensive?

3. What off-flavours may develop in frozen cream?

4. Why should fresh skim milk be used in ice-cream making?

Text A.

Milk products used in ice cream

Whole milk is very desirable as a source of fat as well as of milk solids-not-fat. Only of clean flavour and odour, with low acidity of 0,2 per cent or less, should be used. A combination of milk and sweet cream is probably the best source of fat for ice cream. Fresh whole milk is seldom used because in many markets it is too expensive as a source of fat and milk solids-not-fat. Fresh sweet cream is the most desirable concentrated source of butterfat for use in the mix. Other concentrated milk products do not impart the same clean, rich, creamy flavour that is carried by a good quality sweet cream. Cream concentrating 40 per cent fat should not exceed 0,15 per cent acidity and should be free from off-flavours and odours. But sweet cream is relatively expensive as a source of fat and is difficult to secure in good quality at certain seasons of the year on some markets. Frozen cream is stored by many companies during the months of surplus and low price. Only the best fresh cream should be used for storing frozen cream. It should be pasteurized at 165° to 175° F for 15 minutes to inhibit the development of off-flavours. Neither the milk nor the cream should come into contact with exposed iron and copper. Copper, iron and bronze may dissolve in the cream, producing a tallowy and metallic flavour during storage of the frozen cream. In frozen cream certain off-flavours may develop, such as rancid, fishy, oily and tallowy ones. When we store cream for use in ice cream we must bear in mind that the addition of 10 per cent by weight of cane sugar is necessary. Fresh skim milk should be used in the mix, because it is a cheap source of milk solids-not-fat. It should have a low acidity and a clean flavour. A 40-quart can of skim milk will contain about 7,5 Ibs. of milk solids-not-fat.



Exercise 8. a) Do exercises 1, 2, 3 again.

b) Repeat the words in exercises 4 and memorize them.


Exercise 9. Translate the following word combinations in written form.

a) into Ukrainian

1. clean odour

2. to impart the creamy flavour

3. to be free from off-flavours

4. to store frozen cream

5. to inhibit the development

b) into English

1. низька кислотність

2. краще джерело

3. вершки хорошої якості

4. відносно дорогий

5. сальний і прогірклий смак

6. тростинний цукор


Exercise 10. Arrange the following words in pairs of antonyms.

Good; cold; off-flavour; cheap; clean flavour; desirable; hot; seldom; to buy; often; after; undesirable; expensive; to sell; to increase; bad; before; to close; different; to lower; to end; to open; the same.


Exercise 11. Fill in the blanks with the right words.

1. _____ is the most desirable concentrated source of butterfat for the use in ice cream.

a) frozen cream

b) fresh cream

2. Only milk of _____ and a low acidity should be used.

a) clean flavour

b) off-flavour

3. Fresh whole milk is seldom used because it is too _____.

a) cheap

b) expensive

4. Frozen cream should be _____ at 165° to 175° F for 15 minutes.

a) pasteurized

b) desiccated


Exercise 12. Read Text A again. Divide it into logical units. Express the main idea of each unit in a single sentence in English.


Exercise 13. Write a summary of Text A. Use the key-patterns.




Exercise 14. Read Text B attentively.

Text B.

Unsalted butter (sweet butter) is next to sweet cream in importance as a source of fat. The advantages of butter are such that it is a comparatively cheap source of fat; it can be transported at low cost, can be stored for months with little deterioration in quality and is nearly always available in fairly uniform quality.

Non-fat dry milk is one of the concentrated solids-not-fat which frequently used. There are three forms of non-fat dry milk on the market: spray process powder, drum-dried powder and flakes. Each contains over 90 per cent milk solids-not-fat. Non-fat dry milk should be bought only in such quantities as can be used before the product develops off-flavours and preferably should be kept in cold storage.

Plain condensed skim milk is used more frequently than any of other condensed milk products. The keeping quality of condensed skim milk is only a little better than that of cream. Condensed skim milk varies from 25 to 35 per cent in milk solids-not-fat.


Exercise 15. Read Text B again. Give the title to the text.


Exercise 16. List the principle ideas of the text. Write them down in your summary of Text B.


Exercise 17. General Topics for Discussion and Composition (based on Text A and Text B)

- Milk products used in ice cream.


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