economic value; the value of fresh water; to be of great value
Exercise 2. Look through the words and phrases and remember them.
scanty (adj) – скупий, убогий, мізерний, недостатній
credit (v) – приписувати
smooth (adj) – однорідний
claim American origin – претендувати на американське походження
seasonal increase – сезонне збільшення
desired percentage – бажаний відсоток
century (n) – століття
Exercise 3. Learn most useful and common words.
however – проте, однак; незважаючи на
definitely – чітко, ясно, точно; безсумнівно; звичайно
among – серед
commonly – звичайно, зазвичай
although – хоча, незважаючи на те, що
Exercise 4. Read the following words and give their Ukrainian equivalents.
dessert [dɪ'zɜːt] (n)
stabilizer ['steɪb(ə)laɪzə] (n)
product ['prɔdʌkt] (n)
concentrated ['kɔn(t)s(ə)ntreɪtɪd] (adj)
mixture ['mɪksʧə] (n)
process ['prəuses] (n)
typically ['tɪpɪk(ə)lɪ] (adv)
combination [ˌkɔmbɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] (n)
Exercise 5. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the Passive Voice.
1. Ice-cream is often called “The Great American Dessert”.
2. A number of different problems of ice-cream making is being solved at our research Institute.
3. Various records of ice-cream have been found in European history of the 16th century.
4. Only fresh dairy products must be used in the production of ice-cream.
5. The composition of milk is influenced by numerous factors.
Exercise 6. Read the following sentences. Define the functions of the words with suffix –ed and translate the sentences.
1. The United States has gained undisputed leadership among all the other countries in the production of ice-cream.
2. Ice-cream is made of pure sweet cream, milk, condensed milk or other concentrated dairy products or combination of these plus sugar and flavouring.
3. Ice-cream is made from mixture of dairy products in the percentage desired for ice-cream making.
4. Mrs. Alexander Hamilton introduced ice-cream into the United States.
Exercise 7. Look through Text A. Find the answers to the following questions.
1. What does the term ice-cream denote?
2. Who has introduced ice-cream into the United States?
3. What is ice-cream?
4. What is added to the dairy products to make ice-cream?
5. When have various records of frozen ices been found in European history?
Text A.
From the history of ice cream
Ice cream is a delicious wholesome nutritious frozen food and is often called “The Great American Dessert”. It is made of pure sweet cream, milk, condensed milk or other concentrated dairy products or combination of these plus added sugar and flavouring, with or without stabilizer or colour and with the incorporation of air during the freezing process.
The general term “ice-cream” is commonly used to denote frozen food made from such a mixture of dairy products as will give the desired percentage of butterfat and non-fat milk solids, together with sugar, colouring and stabilizer, and with or without eggs, fruit, nuts, etc. and usually made smooth by whipping or stirring during the freezing processes.
Although the product is typically American, we cannot claim its origin. Early history of ice-cream making is very scanty, however the product is definitely known to have been introduced from Europe. Various records of frozen ices have been found in European history of the 16th century. The introduction of ice cream into United States has been credited to Mrs. Alexander Hamilton. The United States has gained undisputed leadership among all the other countries in the production of ice cream.
Over 40 per cent of the ice-cream is made during the early summer months when there is a seasonal increase in milk production. The value of ice cream as food is now realized and much scientific knowledge has been gained in the production and merchandizing of ice cream.
Exercise 8. a) Do exercises 1, 2, 3 again.
b) Repeat the words in exercise 4 and memorize them.
Exercise 9. Translate the following word combinations in written form.
a) into Ukrainian
1. nutritious frozen dairy food
2. the freezing process
3. the general term
4. to claim one’s origin
5. ice-ream making
6. whipping and stirring
7. to be commonly used
b) into English
1. концентровані молочні продукти
2. сезонне збільшення виробництва молока
3. цінність морозива
4. суміш молочних продуктів
5. наукові знання
6. торгівля морозивом
Exercise 10. Arrange the following words in pairs of synonyms.
To call, to gain, tasty, investigation, delicious, big, odour, research, to begin, at present, to learn, to obtain, to remain, to start, to study, various, too, to use, different, also, to name, flavour, to stay, to apply, great, now.
Exercise 11. Fill in the blanks with the given words: increase, sugar, dairy, merchandizing, whole, desired.
1. Butter and milk are __________products.
2. __________ is used in cooking and for sweetening tea and coffee.
3. __________ milk is milk from which no constituent has been extracted.
4. Combining all necessary ingredients we can get the __________ high-quality product.
5. Is the consumption of milk still on the __________?
6. They disputed how to get the best results in the __________ of ice-cream.
Exercise 12. Speak on the problems presented in Text A. Use the active vocabulary.
- The ingredients of ice cream.
- The history of ice cream.
Exercise 13. Read Text B attentively.
Text B.
Food value of ice cream
The milk products which go into the ice cream contain the same constituents as does the whole milk, but in different amounts. Ice cream contains 3 or 4 times as much fat and about 12 to 16 per cent more obtain than does milk. Milk and its products such as ice cream are among the richest sources of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals of vital importance in building bones and teeth.
Ice cream also provides valuable milk proteins which are the most perfect proteins known and are completely assimilated by the body tissues. Like milk ice cream is a rich source of many of the essential vitamins such as vitamins A, B (thiamin), R (riboflavin) and others.
The total caloric value of ice-cream depends on (1) the per cent carbohydrates including lactose, added sweeteners and sugars that may be present in fruit or flavouring, (2) the per cent protein including milk protein or any other source of protein that may be present in nuts, eggs or stabilizer and (3) the per cent fat from any source including emulsifier, egg, cocoa or nut that may be in the mix.
Exercise 14. Read Text B again. List the principle ideas.
Exercise 15. Write a summary of Text B. Use the following key-patterns:
· The text deals with… - У тексті говориться про …
· The author stresses that… - Автор підкреслює, що …
· It is reported that … - Повідомляється, що …
· It may be concluded that… - Можна зробити висновок, що …
Exercise 16. General Topics for Discussion and Composition (based on Text A and Text B)
- The History of Ice-Cream
- The Food Value of Ice-Cream
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