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THE ADJECTIVE. In OE the adjective had 2 numbers, 3 genders and 5 cases: Nominative, Genetive,

Читайте также:
  1. The Adjective (Имя прилагательное)
  2. The Adjective and The Adverb
  3. The Categories of the Adjective


In OE the adjective had 2 numbers, 3 genders and 5 cases: Nominative, Genetive,

Dative, Accusative, Instrumental. Instrumental case was used when an adjective served as­ an attribute to a noun in Dative expressing an instrumental meaning.­

Lytle werede = with (the help of) a small troop­

Adjective had 2 declensions: strong and weak. The formal difference was similar to noun­ declensions. Strong and weak declensions arose due to the use of several stem-forming­ suffixes in Proto-Germanic: vocalic a,o,u,i and consonantal n. The endings of strong­ declension mainly coincided with the endings of a-stems of the noun for the adjective in­ masculine and neuter and of o-stems in feminine with some difference between long and­ short stemmed adjective variants with j, w, monosyllabic and polysyllabic adjectives,­ some remnants of other stems. Some endings in strong declension had no parallels in­ noun paradigm. They are similar to endings of pronouns:­

-um (Dat. Sg.);

-ne (Acc. Sg. Masc.);

[ r ] (in some feminine and plural endings).

Strong declension is also called "pronominal" declension.

Weak declension uses the same markers as n-stem of nouns except in Gen. Pl.

(pronominal ending - ra instead of the weak - ena).

Most adjectives can be declined according to strong and weak declensions. The choice

of declension depends on semantic factors:

1) synthectical function of the adjective;

2) degree of comparison;

3) presence of noun determiners.

Adjectives have strong declension when used predicatively and attributively without noun determiners: pa menn sindon 3ode = the men are good, mid hnesere beddin3e = with­ soft bedding.­ Weak declension is used when the adjective is preceded by a demonstrative pronoun or­ Genetive case of a personal pronoun (noun-determiner): pжt weste land = that uninhabited­ land.


- a few adjectives were always declined as strong: eall (all), mani3 (many), oper (other);

- several adjectives were always weak. They were adjectives in superlative and

comparative degrees, ordinal numerals and ilka (same).

There was semantic contrast between strong and weak forms. Strong forms were­ associated with the meaning of indefiniteness (semantically they were close to indefinite­ article), weak forms - with definiteness (close to definite article).

By the end of OE period the agreement of an adjective and a noun became looser, in­ EME -. practically lost. The changes took place in the North and North-East Midlands­ and spread to the South. The forms of gender disappeared in the 11th century. Cases:

Instrumental case fused with Dative (by the end of OE there were 4 cases); distinctions of­ other cases in EME were unsteady. By the end of the 13th century case distinctions were­ lost. The category of number was the most stable category. Even in the 14th century­ opposition plural - singular was indicated with the help of the ending - e in strong­ declension. But this marker was regarded as insufficient and the ending - s appeared. It­ was either the influence of the French adjectives or just ending -. s of nouns. The loss of final e in the transition to NE made adjective entirely uninflected.


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