OE ordinal numerals are declined as weak adjectives, except opre (second), that is
declined as a strong adjective.
Forming suffixes: OE ME NE
-ta, -opa -> -te, -the -> -th
-teopa -> -tenthe -> -teenth(13 - 19)
-ti3oa -> -tithe -> -tieth (20 - 90)
Ordinal Numerals
Numeral | OE | ME | NE |
forma, fyresta | first | first | |
oper, жfterra | second (French second) | second | |
pridda, pirda. | thirde | third | |
feora | fourthe | fourth | |
ffta | fifte | fifth | |
siexta, sixta, syxta | sixte | sixth | |
siofopa | seventhe, sevethe | seventh | |
eahtopa | eighte | eighth | |
niopa | ninthe | ninth | |
teopa | tenthe | tenth | |
endlefta | eleventhe | eleventh | |
twelfta | twelfth | twelfth | |
рreoteoрa | thirtenthe | thirteenth | |
feowerteoa | fourtenthe | fourteenth | |
twenti3oрa | twentithe | twentieth | |
pritti3oрa | thirtithe | thirtieth | |
feowerti3oрa | fourtithe | fortieth | |
hundsiofonti3oрa | seventithe | seventieth | |
hundeahtati3oрa | eightithe | eightieth | |
hundni3onti3oрa | nintithe | ninetieth | |
hundteontio3oрa | hundredthe | hundredth | |
hundжllefti3oрa | qn hundred tenthe | one hundred tenth | |
hundtwelfti3oрa | qn hundred twentithe | one hundred twentieth | |
pusendti3oрa | thousandthe | thousandth |
ME milliounthe -> NE millionth
Compound numerals:
22 48
OE twa and twenti3 eahta and feowerti3
ME two and twenty eighte and fourty
NE twenty-two forty-eight
Forming suffixes: OE ME NE
tiene -> tene -> teen (13-19)
(hund). ti3 -> ty -> ty (20-90)
Cardinal Numerals
Numeral | OE | ME | NE |
an | qn | one | |
twegen, tu,twa | two, tweie(n) | two | |
prie, prio, preo | thre | three | |
feower | fower, four | four | |
fif | five | five | |
siex, six, syx | six | six | |
seofon, siofon, syofn | seven | seven | |
eahta | eighte | eight | |
ni3on | ni3en, nin, nine | nine | |
tien, tyn, ten | ten | ten | |
endlefan | enleven, elleven | eleven | |
twelf | twelf, twelve | twelve | |
priotiene, -tyne | thirtene | thirteen | |
feoweritene | fourtene | fourteen | |
fiftiene | fiftene | fifteen | |
siextiene | sixtene | sixteen | |
siofoneine | seventene | seventeen | |
eahtatiene | eighte(te)ne | eighteen | |
ni ontiene | ni3entene, nintene | nineteen | |
twenti3 | twenty | twenty | |
priti3 | thritty, thirty | thirty | |
feowerti3 | fourty | forty | |
fifti3 | fifty | fifty | |
siexti3, sixti3 | sixty | sixty | |
hundsiofonti3 | seventy | seventy | |
hundeahtati3 | eighty | eighty | |
hundni3onti3 | ninty | ninety | |
hundteonti3, hundredhund | hundred | hundred | |
hundжllefti3 | qn hundred ten | one hundred ten | |
hundtwelfti3 | qn hundred twenty | one hundred twenty | |
tu hund | two hundred | two hundred | |
preo hund | thre hundred | three hundred | |
pusend | thousand | thousand | |
tu pusend | two thousand | two thousand |
In ME the word millioun (million) appeared
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