Читайте также:
A 1. do 2. measure 3. install 4. carry out 5. build 6. train 7. apply 8. take 9. provide 10. vary | B a. an air-conditioner b. a house c. utility services d. management principles e. the windows f. measurements g. among CAD systems h. a civil engineering course i. as a surveyor j. building design |
12.2 Цель занятия: ознакомить студентов со значениями профессиональных слов и выражений раздела; научить противопоставлять и обобщать слова по значению, подбирать синонимы.
На занятии осуществляется работа с лексическим (терминологическим) материалом раздела:
12.2.1 Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text “Building Engineering as a Discipline” and translate the given sentences:
1. appliance n – приспособление, прибор
2. branch n – ветвь; филиал; отрасль
3. concern (with) v – касаться, относиться; интересовать
4. conflict with nature – противоречить природе, бороться с природой
5. divide (into) v – делить, разделять
6. distinguish (from) v – отличать от
7. execute v – выполнять
8. lead (to) v – вести (к)
9. protect oneself against – защищаться от чего-л.
10. sustain v – поддерживать; выдерживать
11. apprentice n – ученик, подмастерье
12. bid n – предложение цены; претензия
13. carpenter n – плотник, столяр
carpentry – плотничье дело, плотничьи работы
The coming of the Iron Age brought tools which made possible the development of carpentry. A carpenter checks vertical and horizontal work.
14. chimney n – труба, дымоход
15. cornice n – карниз
16. drain n – дренажная труба, канава; v дренировать, осушать
17. expose v – выставлять (напоказ, на продажу), подвергать (опасности)
18. granolithic adj. – сделанный из искусственного гранита
19. joiner n – столяр
20. lathing n – сетка (под штукатурку)
21. mould n – форма, тех. лекало, шаблон; v формовать, делать по шаблону
22. plumber n – водопроводчик; паяльщик
plumbing n – водопроводная система
Great technological advances have been made in plumbing. As soon as the plumbers have finished their work, the carpenters begin.
23. sheet n – лист (бумаги и т. п.); ~ iron листовое железо
24. occupy v – занимать (помещение и т.п.)
occupation n – род занятий, профессия; trade – профессия, ремесло; производство, промышленость; trade worker (labourer) – промышленный рабочий; construction trade worker – строительный рабочий
The family occupied a small flat. Please state your name, address, and occupation. The building industry comprises skilled and unskilled workers in many trades. Having completed the preparation of the site, the trade workers begin the initial stage.
25. contractor n – подрядчик
construction contractor – строительный подрядчик
general contractor – генеральный подрядчик
subcontractor n – субподрядчик
The contractor should also be aware of all the subcontractors so that the best sequence of building operations can be secured.
26. sewer v – канализационный коллектор
sewerage п – канализационная система
install a sewerage system – прокладывать (устанавливать) канализационную систему
The removal of all kind of liquid waste is usually done by means of sewers which are a part of a sewerage system.
27. relate (to) v – относиться, иметь отношение
closely related – тесно связанный
The form of a building component is related to the way in which it is used. Air-conditioning is closely related to ventilation.
28. plaster n v – штукатурка; штукатурить
apply plaster – наносить штукатурку
plasterer n – штукатур
A float (мастерок) is a tool for smoothing the plaster on a wall. The plasterer usually shows up after all the internal walls were built.
29. reinforce v – укреплять, усиливать
reinforcement n – арматура, армирование, укрепление
To reinforce ordinary concrete structures is to introduce steel rods. There are two kinds of reinforced concrete: with ordinary reinforcement and concrete with prestressed reinforcement.
30. site n – место работ, территория строительства
construction (building) site – стройплощадка
The site for the new factory has not been decided. The building materials produced are transported to the construction sites.
31. order n v – заказ; порядок; приказ; заказывать
obtain an order – получать заказ
in order to – для того, чтобы
Your order is nearly ready. The house is in good order. They ordered some new finishing materials. Careful thought had to be given to the composition of the plastic in order to make it fireproof.
32. employ v – нанимать (на работу); использовать
employer n – наниматель, работодатель
Only high quality cement should be employed for reinforced concrete work. He asked his employer for a pay rise.
33. hang (wall)paper – оклеивать обоями
paper hanger – оклейщик обоев
My wife wants to hang papers on the wall but I would rather paint them. Paper hangers, like most persons who work in the decorating industry, tend to have an eye for colour, texture, and form.
34. mason n – каменщик; производить кладку
brick mason n – каменщик
masonry n – кирпичная или каменная кладка
Skilled labour is required for good stone masonry construction because the defects left by a careless mason cannot be rectified easily.
35. supervise v – наблюдать, контролировать
supervision n – надзор, контроль
supervisor n – бригадир, руководитель работ
superintendant n – управляющий, руководитель, заведующий
Не supervised the labourers on the construction site. He can only operate the machine under supervision. The supervisor will show you how to work the machine. The superintendant is in charge of building.
36. varnish v – лак, олифа; покрывать лаком
stain n v – краска; протрава, морилка; красить; протравлять
Varnish plays an important role in finishing wooden surfaces. Painted surfaces are varnished to enhance their appearance of the paint. Stain is used to change the colour of various types of cheap quality wood. The wooden doors were stained brown.
37. partition n – перегородка, внутренняя стена
Partitions separate space from space.
38. glaze v – вставлять стекла, застеклять
glazier n – cтекольщик
There are different types of glazing compounds that can be used to glaze windows. The heating contractor works at the same time as the glaziers.
39. insulate v – изолировать
insulation n – изоляция, изоляционный материал
Many houses could be warmer if they were insulated against heat loss. Mud was used for filling the spaces between bricks and acted as concrete and insulation.
40. finish n v – отделка поверхности (результат); отделывать
apply finishes – отделывать поверхность
finishing materials – отделочные материалы
Builders often finish surfaces in plastic materials. The natural .finishes of materials provide the decorative effect. The factory shows some very interesting uses of finishing materials.
12.2.2 Read and translate the following international words. Look up their transcriptions in the dictionary if necessary. Mind the part of speech.
Segment n, general adj, residential adj, commercial adj, infrastructure n, tunnel n, coordinate v, specialize v, portion n, panel n, electrician n, communication n, select v, decorative adj, interior n adj, exterior n adj, asphalt n, thermoplastic n, column n, form v, excavation n, assist v, code n, organizational adj, phase n.
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