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Classification of transport models

Читайте также:
  1. Classification based on the viewpoint of the speaker.
  2. Classification of Functional Styles of the English Language
  3. Classification of Law. Civil and Criminal Law. Public and Private Law.
  4. Classification of stress in different languages.
  5. Classification of the phrase according to the structure.
  6. Classification of verbs
  7. Ecological factors and their classification.
  8. Environmental noise is the summary of noise from transport, industrial and recreational activities.
  9. Genealogical Classification of Language

The system connecting the inputs and exits, is called as switching system. If any input of system can be connected to any free exit of the same system such system is called полнодоступной as system, otherwise - неполнодоступной system.

As overload is called the condition when connection cannot be executed because exits or intermediate lines of switching system are occupied. At overloads if any call is blocked such system is called as system with losses or system without delay. If the call can expect a connection establishment such system is called as system with expectation or system with delay. Graphic representation of the specified systems is resulted on fig. 8.

Full accessible systems are described as follows:

1) The entrance stream describes an order of generation or receipt of calls. Though the Poisson stream has been considered earlier, there are various other streams which will be discussed later;

2) The service mechanism describes quantity of exits (lines, servers etc.), distribution of time of deduction (service) etc. As a rule, экспоненциальное distribution is applied to the telephone traffic. However other distributions (for example, fixed or determined) can be demanded for transfer of packages of the data;

3) The discipline of service specifies principles of processing of calls during an overload (losses or delay). In systems with delay the order of service of expecting calls should be specified, such as First In, First Out (FIFO- первым пришёл - первым ушёл); last In, first Out (LIFO- последним пришёл — первым ушёл), a random order of service (RSO- случайный порядок обслуживания) etc.

For classification полнодоступных systems designations on Kendallu are used: formula

Where A - represents distribution of an entrance stream;

B - distribution of service time (service);

s - quantity of servers.

Instead of positions A and B the following symbols specified in tab. 1 are used.

Table 1

Designation A distribution Kind

M Exponential (Markovsky)

Ek K-phase Erlangovyj (curtailed from k exponential with identical population means)

Hn GiperExponential of an order n (alternative n-Exponential)

D Determined (fixed)

G General (any)

GI Any independent (pulsing)

MMPP Markovsky modulation of Poisson process (not pulsing -> raging)

For example, the system with Poisson receipt, экспоненциальным service time and with s servers is expressed as M/M/s. At final number of inputs (sources) we will receive M (n)/M/s, and at the expecting complete set from m positions model СМО(Система массового обслуживания –Queuing System) will register as M/M/s (m) or M/M/s + m. Therefore the system with losses is expressed as M/M/s (0) or M/M/s/s. Without such additional symbols designate system with the delay, serving infinite turn in the order of FIFO.


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