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Lt;variant>case flag of

Lt;variant>The value after the second colon

<question>What function is used to find the Sine of an angle?


<question>What is an array?

Lt;variant>A list of values

<question>What command can you use instead of using if?

Lt;variant>check condition

<question>What type can't you use with the case statement?


<question>What unit is used in most pascal programs?


<question>Which one of these trigonometry functions is pascal missing?

<variant>Tan ()

<question>What would X be equal to if, in pascal you had the code:-

X:= 7*8-5 mod 3? (pascal has the same order of operations as a scientific calculator)


<question>The end. statement signifies the

Lt;variant>end of the program

<question>Using the writeln statement, the cursor is positioned at the

Lt;variant>beginning of the next line

<question>Each program statement is terminated with a


<question>The statement that correctly defines an integer called sum is

<variant>sum: integer;

<question>Write a Pascal statement to display the value of the integer variable total

<variant>writeln('total=', total);

<question>Write a Pascal statement to read in a character value into the variable letter


<question>Which of the following is an invalid Pascal relational operator

<variant>= =

<question>Write a Pascal statement to compare the character variable letter to the character constant 'A', and if less, prints the text string "Too low", otherwise print the text string "Too high"

<variant>if letter < 'A' then writeln('Too low') else writeln('Too high');

<question>Write a Pascal statement which declares a constant сalled MAXSIZE with a value of 80

<variant>const MAXSIZE = 80;

<question>Write a Pascal statement which will display the value of the real variable degrees using a field width of 5 with three decimal places

<variant>writeln('Degrees = ', degrees:5:3);

<question>Write a for loop to display the following output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

<variant>for loop:= 1 to 10 do write(loop, ' ');


<question>Write a while loop to display the following output A B C D E F

<variant>loop:= 'A';

while loop <= 'F' dobeginwrite(loop, ' ');loop:= loop + 1end; <question>Rewrite the following if statements as a Case statementif flag = 1 then number:= 10 else if flag = 2 then number:= 20 else if flag = 3 then number:= 40;

lt;variant>case flag of

1: number:= 10;2: number:= 20;3: number:= 40;end;

<question>Write a Pascal statement to define an array called A, which is an integer array with elements ranging from 1 to 20

<variant>type A = ARRAY[1..20] of integer;

<question>Which of the following Pascal functions which change the value 6.6 to an integer value of 7

Дата добавления: 2015-04-12; просмотров: 67 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

<== 1 ==> | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |

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