<question>Write a Pascal statement which subtracts the value 10 from the variable X, leaving the result in the variable A.
<variant> A:= X - 10;
<question>Write a Pascal statement to display the text string "OPEN", if the variable X is equal to 1, AND the variable X is equal to 0
<variant>if (X = 1) AND (X = 0) then writeln('OPEN');
<question>A symbolic name made up of letters and digits that must begin with a letter
<question>A place in memory where a data value that cannot be changed is stored
<question>What are the results of evaluating the following expression?
5 * 3 DIV (1+4)
<question>What are the results of evaluating the following expression? 10 * 4 DIV 5
<question>Mark the following identifiers valid.
<question>What is the value of Result in the following statement?
Result:= 15 MOD 4;
<question>What is the value of Result in the following statement?
Result:= 7 DIV 3 +2;
<question>What is the value of Result in the following statement?
Result:= SQR (4 * 2 +2)
<question>What does the following program print?
b:=5; a:=3;
if (a>=b+5) then a:=10*a else b:=10+b;
writeln(b, a);
<variant>b:=15; a:=3;
<question>Given the following program fragment, determine the value of expression below.
Case cos(x) Of
0: X:=X+1;
1: X:=X+2;
2: X:=X+3;
End; Write(X);
<question>Given the following program fragment, determine the value of expression below.
For k:=1 to 3 do S:=S+sqr (k);
Write (‘S=’,S);
<question>Given the following program fragment, determine the value of expression below.
Begin D:=7;
If D-8<0 then writeln(2*D) else writeln(D);
<question>Given the following program fragment, determine the value of expression below.
If A=3; B=8.
Program example;
Var M, A, B: real;
Begin read (A, B);
If A>B then M:=sqrt(A) else M:=sqr(B);
Write (m);
<question>A step-by-step procedure to solve a given problem
<question>An artificial and informal language that helps programmers develop algorithms.
<question>What kind of Properties of Algorithms?
Lt;variant>Input specified, Output specified, Definiteness, Effectiveness, Finiteness
<question>A case where the steps in an algorithm are constructed in such a way that, no condition step is required
Lt;variant>The sequence structure
<question>Case where in the algorithm, one has to make a choice of two alternatives by making decision depending on a given condition.
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