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3. The bride and the groom exchange vows. Read the suggested oath and comment on it. Make use of the following expressions: it’s obvious that; I mean…; You see…; Look at it this way. I can’t be certain, but I think..; I could be wrong, but I think…; If you want to know what I think,…; I’m not at all sure that…; Not everybody will agree with me, but…
Wilt thou have this Woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?
I _____ take thee ____ to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth.
1. Following the older conventions, the colon is used as a slightly less definite stop than the full-stop, and the semi-colon as a less marked pause than the colon. Modern conventions reserve the colon for an introductory use: it will be followed by a list, an explanation, a quotation in direct speech, or occasionally an afterthought. The most common mistake in students' writing today is to use too many commas and too few semi-colons. In the following passage, describing correct procedure at a formal church wedding, there are twenty-five commas, many of which should be semi-colons (a few might be colons). Rewrite the passage changing commas to semi-colons (or colons) where necessary, and making no other changes.
The ushers arrive at the church first, it is their duty to show guests to their places, these are fixed by tradition, guests of the bride go to the left of the aisle, guests of the groom go to the right side, close relatives or guests of honour take front pews on the appropriate side, the first on the right being reserved for the groom and best man, with his parents immediately behind him. The bride is the last to arrive, she is accompanied by her father and immediately preceded by her bridesmaids, they wait for her in the porch.
When the bride and her attendants are ready, she walks down the aisle, taking her father's right arm. All guests should stand during this march, the groom and best man also move forward to the foot of the chancel steps, there the bride will join him, the father and best man stand a little behind the couple, at the sides, during the actual ceremony.
Immediately after the service, the clergyman leads bride and groom into the vestry, the best man escorts the bridesmaids, the parents of bride and groom also follow. The rest of the guests remain seated while the register is signed. From there the bride leads a procession back up the aisle, she takes her husband's left arm. In this procession, it is usual for her mother to take the groom's father's arm, the groom's mother accompanies the bride's father, then follow the best man and chief bridesmaid, finally the other bridesmaids and close relatives join the procession. Other guests should remain in church, until the procession has reached the porch.
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