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1Work in two pairs. Read the Respondents' replies and decide:
a if you like each respondent.
b whether each respondent is basically honest or basically dishonest.
2. Tell the other pair in your group about your four respondents. Find out if they agree with your opinions of them.
Chris Greaves (Psychiatric nurse) If I. thought someone was going to get hurt, the answer would be 'Yes' so I'd give money back to the corner shop and I'd leave a note on the car, but I wouldn't bother with the railway, the tax office or the bookshop if it was one of those big shops like Smiths. I wouldn't want to create trouble, so I think I'd say 'No' to number 6. Numbers 5 and 7 have got nothing to do with me, so I wouldn't do anything. Angela Watson (Novelist) I think England used to be a much more honest place than it is now. People don't have the standards of good behaviour that they used to have. It's simply not honest to steal. I would definitely say 'Yes' to 1, 2, 3, 9 and 10. And also number 5; people should realise that they can't get away with it. After all, it's our money. As for 4, 6, 7, 8 and 11 it's difficult to say. I think it would depend on the situation. Roddy Carmichael (MP) Numbers 4 and 11 are more questions of courage than honesty. If you're confident enough to say 'This is me, this is what I'm like' then other people will follow you instead of you following other people. Morality is just a way of people trying to control other people. ' What's important is who you are and who you want to be. Once you've got that sorted out, everything else just comes naturally, and you become the sort of person who makes the rules that other people live by. So if you need the money, you'd keep it, but if you didn't, you'd give it back. Anyone who says they'd behave differently is just a hypocrite. Tony Ferrabee (Secondary school Maths teacher) I guess I should say I'd do all the right things and say 'Yes' to everything, but I don't think I would. If I was sure I could get away with it I'd probably say 'No' to 1, 2, 3, 6, 8. 9 and 10. Numbers 5 and 7 are different. If you say 'Yes' to those, you're not being honest; you're just being an interfering old busy-body. | Helen Bailey(Insurance company director) I have a fairly senior post in the City as director of one of the larger insurance companies, so I have to keep my nose clean and be seen to be honest. I can't afford the consequences of failing to return money or pay my taxes. The same goes for my personal life. I wouldn't risk my career for a one-night fling and I wouldn't get involved with my sister's affairs either. It's important to have people's respect, so I don't think I would admit to numbers 4 and 11. Georgina Carlyle(Solicitor) I think it all varies. It depends on time and place. I've done some things in the past that I regretted, but after a short time it all blew over and doesn't matter any more, so I don't think it's very important. If you can gain something in the short term I see no reason why you shouldn't. We all get hurt in life and we should get what we can when we can. I don't have much time for moralists, and I think people who answer 'Yes' to number 7 should be put against a wall and shot. Sabrina Carley (Receptionist) I wouldn't confess to a one-night stand. What people don't know doesn't hurt them, and I think it's very arrogant to go around hurting people for your own mistakes just because you need the personal satisfaction of feeling big and wonderful. The same applies to 5 and 7. I think I would give the money back, it feels like the right thing to do, and if I liked the poem I think I'd say so. As for number 8, if it was about me I think I would listen, but not if it wasn't. Simon Jones (Computer programmer) I'd say 'Yes' to all of them. The most important thing is being honest to oneself. If you can say 'Yes' to 4, 8 and 11 then you will probably be strong enough to go and say 'Yes' to the others too. I think in number 7 I would talk to my brother and give him the choice of telling his partner. I think you should get involved if you care about their marriage. Number 5 I'd do the same thing. I'd go and talk to the family first. I'm sure the police need never get involved. |
3. Try to think of anything to add to the columns.
4. Look back at the Respondents' replies. Decide:
a what kinds of dishonesty the respondents think are justified.
b the respondents' reasons for being honest.
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