Читайте также: |
To breed horses | Розводити коней |
To dote on sb | Обожнювати |
To keep sb going | Допомагати жити |
In a fool’s paradise | У вигаданому світі |
To marry sb off | Видати заміж, оженити |
A matchmaker | Сваха |
To be of fine breeding | Мати гарні манери |
To come out | З’ясуватися (про правду) |
By Judson’s treachery | Через зраду Джедсона |
To put one’s faith into smth | Довіряти |
His words didn’t match his deeds | Його слова розходились з вчинками |
Deceitful, deceptive | Брехливий, оманний |
A match (for sb) | Рівня |
To check (a smile, anger, etc) | Стримувати |
To check up on smth | Перевірити |
To bear malice | Затаїти злість |
To betray | Зрадити |
As a traitor | Як зрадник |
To look up to reality | Дивитися правді в очі |
Treacherous | Зрадницький, мінливий |
To keep emotions in check | Стримувати емоції |
A malicious smile | Злісна усмішка |
To run short of smth | Вичерпуватись (про запаси) |
To get at smth | Дістатися до чогось |
Treacherously shaky | По-зрадницьки ненадійний |
Everything’s gone | Усе пропало |
To set eyes on sb | Побачити щось |
To make up | Вигадати |
Deceit | Брехня |
Maliciousness | Злостивість |
b) Read the text paying attention to the words in bold and grammatical peculiarities of the text.
1. Mr. Wilson was doing well in life, for he was breeding horses and rabbits and had vast lands. 2. He was a widower and he doted on his only daughter Nancy by name, a girl aged 20.3.They lived an uneventful life on a remote farm and only books kept the girl going. 4. She lived in a fool's paradise. 5. Her father decided to marry her off and turned to the services of a matchmaker, since there were no eligible young men around. 6. Her father believed that an arranged marriage was better for her than being single. 7. Nancy's husband seemed to be a man of fine breeding. 8. But within several months it came out that by Judson's treachery the family skeleton (that Nancy's mother was mentally unbalanced) was made public property. 9. At first Mr. Wilson had put his faith into his son-in-law, but soon he saw through him (sized him up) and understood that Judson's words didn't match his deeds so he was deceitful, and his appearance and fine manners were deceptive. 10. There was no match for Judson in the art of deceit. 11. His first impulse was to turn Judson out, but he checked himself. 12. He checked up on all bills and papers carefully and tried to bear him no malice. 13. Rumours had it that Judson had betrayed his friends repeatedly and had begun his military career as a traitor. 14. But Nancy did not face up to reality, she loved the man, she had made up. 15. But soon she was destined to become a widow. 16. The Wilsons had a cottage near a small wood. 17. They spent their weekends there; their hands (laborers) found shelter in the cottage, especially in spring when the weather was so treacherous (or deceptive), 18. Once Judson found that a bottle of his favourite wine on the shelf in the cottage was half-empty. 19. He couldn't keep his emotions in check and decided to revenge himself on the thief. 20. When he was putting poison into the bottle, his face was wearing a malicious smile. 21. He put the bottle back on the shelf and remembered that he had run short of powder, for he intended to go hunting. 22. But he couldn't get at it, for it was on the upper shelf. 23. So he stood on a chair which was treacherously shaky, but the chair crashed under his weight, and falling down he struck his head badly against the edge of the table and lost his consciousness.24. Soon his neighbour happened to find him lying on the floor and wishing to bring Judson to senses he poured some poisoned wine into Judson's mouth. 25. Thus Judson's maliciousness recoiled on him (he brought his death on himself). 26. When Nancy heard about his death she kept repeating "Everything is gone', but when she knew the real reason for his death she wished she had never set eyes on him.
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