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In groups discuss the following:
a) Eddie’s nickname is Eddie the Eagle. Why do you think he has been given this nickname?
b) Have you heard or read a similar story about a famous sportsman, how he got started and became successful?
Text Title: What people say
Cassette: From Kernel Two, by R.O’Neill
Pre-Listening Vocabulary
Go over the list of words below to avoid any difficulty of understanding.
carbohydrate [ÇkAùb«UÈhaIdreIt] - углевод
intake [ÈInteIk] - потребление
lazy habits - привычка к лени
deny oneself sth - отказывать себе в чем-то, не позволять себе чего-либо
Listening Exercises
2.1. You’ll hear 5 people speaking. Do these people speak about:
a) their illnesses; b) likes and dislikes; c) daily routine; d) keeping fit?
Identify the following sentences as True or False.
1. One of the speakers says that people should work hard to keep fit.
2. Another speaker says he spends hours exercising.
3. All the speakers keep to a balanced diet.
4. One of the speakers is fond of swimming.
5. One of the speakers says she is fit because she denies herself things.
Listen to these people again and note down their names.
2.4. Listen to the recording once more and complete the following sentences:
1. I don’t think people should......... all this...... it and...
If they don’t work so hard.............
2. I don’t do.............
Just...... nothing.
3.......... of meat, vegetables,.............
............ meat and vegetables.
4...., what I do......... is go swimming.............
I go... the sea............, weather....
5. I love... and... and I like......, and........., and I like....
I love to sleep, and so..................... and I like to get... or...hours..., if I can.
Language Focus
Do the following translation. Use the words and word combinations given in the box below.
to do sth in the way of... extra exercises dieting to do all this worrying... weather permitting |
1. Я не думаю, что люди должны беспокоиться об этом и о диете, потому что если люди едят много, значит им приходится много работать.
2. Мы придерживаемся сбалансированной диеты из мяса и овощей, не слишком много углеводов.
3. Мы не часто употребляем в пищу консервированные или замороженные продукты.
4. Мы сами готовим для себя мясо и овощи.
5. Если погодные условия позволяют, я плаваю в море круглый год.
6. Я отказываю себе в некоторых вещах.
7. Я не занимаюсь никакими дополнительными физическими упражнениями. Хорошо было бы, если бы я это делала.
Text Title: Triathlon
Cassette: From Progress to Proficiency, by L.Jones
Pre-Listening Vocabulary
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