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The types of tastes are ____________.

Читайте также:
  1. A * Аденовирусная инфекция.
  2. A * Атриовентрикулярная блокада ІІІ ст.(полная поперечная АV-блокада).
  3. A *Парагрипп.
  4. A and B. Floppy drives, if present.
  5. A data do casamento.
  6. A dog can hear. His body screamed silence in return. Beyond this room, beyond
  7. A Dream Come True.
  8. A few days later Michael told her he had engaged Avice Crichton.
  9. A hora a que se recebe qualquer pergunta.
  10. A look through the descriptions of things you can do with music and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold type.


I. Papilla

II. Taste bud

III. Receptor

Which of the following combination describes the size of the structures above in ascending order?



Olfactory region is _____________.

A) area of chemoreceptors

B) mucus production place

C) found only in dogs

D) sensitive only to warm air


The message of smell is carried to the brain by the __________.

A) Nasal chamber B) Auditory nerve

C) Olfactory nerve D) Nostrils


11. Which of the following is NOT one of the four tastes we detect on our tongues?

A) Sweet B) Hot C) Salty D) Bitter


12. Where is the melanin pigment located in the skin?

A) In dermis and epidermis

B) In malphigian layer

C) Everywhere in upper skin

D) Everywhere in lower skin


Our skin is an effective barrier against invasion by bacteria because___.

A) It is a tough mechanical barrier

B) It secretes substances that are toxic to some bacteria

C) Upper layers of cells are constantly worn away, taking bacteria with them

D) It is composed of many layers of cells


14. Which one of the following is NOT a function of skin?

A) Protection B) Sensory

C) Excretion D) Has chemoreceptor


Sense organs are part of the

A) peripheral nervous system.

B) central nervous system.

C) autonomic nervous system.

D) parasympathetic nervous system.


Papillae are ____________

A) bumps on the tongue containing taste buds.

B) cells in the nose that sense odors.

C) tiny bones in the ear.

D) the name for the four basic tastes.


17) Which of the following allows you to smell?

A) cochlea cells B) olfactory cells

C) optic nerves D) cones

Hair and nails are produced by the cells of the

A) dermis

B) subcutaneous level.

C) subcutaneous glands.

D) epidermis.


The skin performs all of the following except ___________.

A) protection

B) sensation of heat.

C) control of body temperature

D) production of gametes.


Specialized receptors that enable hearing are found in the

A) cornea B) semicircular canals.

C) cochlea D) cerebellum.


When we hear, _______________.

A) sound waves enter the ear canal and strike the eardrum.

B) the membrane in the cochlea moves.

C) the auditory nerve carries nerve impulses to the brain.

D) All of the above


The ear has _______________.

A) four divisions: outer, medial, maximal and auditory

B) four divisions: males, incus, stapes and cochlear

C) three divisions: outer, middle and inner

D) two divisions: outer and inner


The ear functions for ___________.

A) balance (equilibrium)

B) hearing

C) both balance (equilibrium) and hearing


24. The receptors for hearing and equilibrium are located in the _________ ear.

A) inner B) outer C) middle


Color vision has been shown to depend on the three kinds of cones that contain pigments sensitive to _____________ light.

A) red, white and blue

B) yellow, green and red

C) violet, orange and pink

D) blue, green, and red

The types of tastes are ____________.

A) hot, bland, sweet and sour

B) gradations between sweet and bitter

C) bitter, sour, sweet and salty

D) all actually types of smell

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 114 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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