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For ages mankind was dreaming of travelling in space. In 1865 Jules Vern published his famous novel "From the Earth to the Moon". In this story the great speed required to overcome earth's gravity is achieved and we learn that the heroes are fired from an enormous gun specially designed and built for this purpose.
But that was only science fiction. The science itself came later. K.E. Tsiol-kovsky the great Russian scientist is the father of the theory of interplanetary travels. He first outlined the design for a jet-driven flying machine, a thing unheard of at that time. It was Tsiolkovsky, who suggested the idea of a multistage rocket and of a man-made satellite which could serve as a laboratory for studying the universe. His words that "mankind will not remain on the Earth forever" were spoken at the end of the century and became prophetic. For half a century later these words came true.
On October 4, 1957 the Soviet Union launched the world's first satellite "SPUTNIK" being its name in Russian. The Russian word "sputnik" immediately began to be used in all the languages. That was the beginning of the space era.
Why must man go into space? Hasn't he got enough to do on the Earth?
These are the questions we sometimes hear. Yes, we want to fly to the other planets and learn more about our planet first of all.
The sputniks are little laboratories which bring to our scientists different information about our planet and space around us. They help to get information about radio and telecommunication to make it much better.
On April 12, 1961 Soviet radio stations announced that a man Yuri Gagarin a Soviet cosmonaut had been launched into space and was successfully orbiting the Earth. A man in space!
The astonishing news spread like a wildfire, Gagarin orbited the Earth only once staying in space for only 108 minutes, a feat that has been surpassed many times since by other astronauts both in the USSR and abroad, but Yuri Gagarin was the first to prove that a man could endure space flight conditions without
any harm to himself and also retain full capacity of work. Years will pass, 5 people conquer the Universe and make landing on other planets performing j even greater feats, but the bright image of Yuri Gagarin will never fade. •! Mankind will always remember him as the first to pave the way to the stars, i Today the whole world knows the Soviet Union's remarkable success in the science of astronautics.
Each space flight means new achievements and each new experiment enriches world science by new discoveries.
The scientists of many countries of the globe devoted their lives to enlarging of our knowledge in space mysteries. A great deal of research is carried out in the USA. In 1969 an American spacecraft "APPOLLO-2" landed on the moon with American astronauts onboard. After that the spacecraft successfully returned back to the Earth. In July 1975 the Soviet and American scientists prepared a joint space flight on the spaceship "Souz-19" and "Apollo". The construction of the American space shuttle became a new step in space exploration.
Rocket carriers and space crafts are being designed in Japan, Britain, France, China, etc. Besides many interplanetary stations have been launched. Space became inhabited, its exploration and exploitation is going ahead.
1. The Soviet Union was the first country that launched the first sputnik into
space, wasn't it?
2. Was the SU the first country that sent the first person into space?
3. When was it and who was the first cosmonaut?
4. What other cosmonauts do you know?
5. The results of space flights are used in science and the world's and the
national economies, aren't they?
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