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Text: Higher education in Kazakhstan.
Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense.
Практические цели: ознакомление с лексическим материалом по теме «Higher Education in Kazakhstan», развитие умений и навыков разговорной речи по теме «Higher Education», введение и тренировка грамматической темы The Past PerfectTense, развитие навыков монологической речи по теме. The Almaty State University named after Abai.
In 2003 the Almaty State University (ASU) named after Abai celebrated its 75th anniversary. ASU is a classical higher education institution that gives its graduates fundamental educational and scientific training and a high level of general and professional culture. The university has 10 departments that prepare highly qualified specialists in 94 specializations. The university offers instruction in the following languages: Kazakh, Russian, English, German, French, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese, Korean, Farsi, Uigur, etc. ASU successfully implements a multilevel system of higher education, which varies according to duration and level of training and includes educational and professional programs for secondary specialized education, higher and additional higher education, and retraining of specialists.
13 000 undergraduate students and 650 graduate and post-graduate students and university-fellows study at ASU named after Abai. Over one thousand of instructors work in 69 sub-faculties. They include 208 with doctorate degrees, 550 senior lecturers, 40 members and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School. During the past 5 years 33 doctorate and 69 graduate theses were defended by university’s instructors.
During 2001, the university’s instructors presented 62 papers at international conferences in U.S.A., France, Germany, Czech Republic, Japan, Holland, India and CIS countries. 34 papers were presented at republic-wide conferences. 11 and 15 works correspondingly were exhibited at international and republic-wide exhibitions. 63 monographs and 45 books were published, 6 certificates of authorship were received.The president of the country, N.A.Nazarbaev referred to the role of the Kazakhstan's oldest higher education institution as the “leader of university education in the country”. The following are honorary professors of ASU named after Abai: President of Ukraine, L.D.Kuchma; President of Belarus, A.G.Lukashenko; President of Mongolia, N.Bagabandi; President of Georgia, E.A.Shevardnadze; President of International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School V.E. Shukshunov, and others.
Electronic textbooks, educational software and laboratory workshops on various subjects are created at the university. 27 modern computer classes with Internet access are functioning. ASU has specialized language auditoriums. There are 3 ultramodern language laboratories for 90 seats – a gift of the Japanese Embassy – and language laboratories for teaching French, Turkish, German, English, Arabic and Korean languages. Embassies of foreign countries provided educational literature and study methods, video and audio materials, videotape recorders, television sets, tape recorders and other equipment. There are 920 550 books in the library.
The university maintains contact with 35 higher education institutions of U.S.A., Germany, Holland, Russia, Austria, France, Italy, Turkey, Japan, South Korea and other countries. Its instructors and staff are involved in implementing projects of Tacis and Tempus, United States Information Agency, United States International Cooperation Agency, and Asian Development Bank. During the last school year approximately 70 students and 40 instructors travelled abroad. Over 200 foreign citizens study at ASU. The president of the university, Tokmukhamed Sadykov is a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Higher School. He is a major organizer of the educational system and initiator of implementation of the best international educational standards in the Kazakhstani higher school. Today, in the beginning of the 21st century, the Almaty State University named after Abai maintains its high status of Kazakhstan's first higher education institution, carrying on and multiplying its renowned traditions.
1.qualified квалифицированный
2. to offer предлагать
3. to implement выполнять
4. retraining переподготовка
5. undergraduate выпускник
6. papers статья, диссертация
7. exhibition выставка
8.to publish опубликовывать
9.workshops семинар
10.to create создавать
11. to specialize специализироваться
12. embassy посольство
13. equipment оборудование
14. approximately приблизительно
15. to carry on выполнять
16. to maintain поддерживать
17. to multiply умножать
18. scientific научный
19. anniversary годовщина
Ex.1. Suggest the Russian for:
Anniversary; fundamental educational and scientific training; qualified specialists; multilevel system; retraining of specialists; undergraduate students; 34 papers were presented; were exhibited; laboratory workshops; create; a gift of the Japanese Embassy; provided educational literature; to maintain; other equipment; implementing projects; carrying on and multiplying; its renowned traditions;
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