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E-Mail Practice

Читайте также:
  1. Action Research and Reflective Practice
  2. Application forms and articles for participation in the conference should be sent by e-mail to redbookconf2014@ukr.net Deadline: 25 March 2014.
  3. Business Letter Practice
  4. Complaint Letters Practice
  6. E-mail: dance_power@list.ru
  7. E-mail: glory-lash.ekb@yandex.ru, страница Вконтакте: http://vk.com/glorylash.ekb96
  9. How Ukraine is changing childbirth practices

1. Choose the suitable subject for the following message:

a) Hello!

b) Test on Writing Business Letters will take place next term.

c) Test on Writing Business Letters

To: students© school.ru

From: Tatyana Dogaeva < tatyana_dogaeva@mail.ru >


Hello my students,

Because of the holiday on Monday the test on Writing Business Letters will take place next term.

See you, Tatyana O. Dogaeva

2. Write the subject heading for this message:

To: john@hotmail.com

From: Jane Smith<janesmith@yahoo.com>


Hello John,

I'm arriving by train 234, compartment 6. Please meet me at the station. See you, Jane.

3. Write the phrase: "You have done everything yourself “

A. as if you're calm but want to emphasize slightly that you're a little bit offended that your recipient didn't give you a chance to do this work.

B. as if you are very angry that it is your recipient who has done the whole work.

C. as if you're thrilled, shocked and insulted that everything has been
done without you.


4. In what cases such salutations should be used? Tick the right columns.


  Neutral Direct Informal Formal
Dear Anna,        
Dear Professor,        
Dear Mr Brown,        
My dear friends,        
Dear colleagues,        


5. Identify the style of each e-mail (Fformal, I -- in­formal} and write their subject headings.


  F   Subject heading
Dear Jane,   I'm glad you're coming soon, but UNFORTU­NATELY, I can't meet you at the station:-((( Don't worry, Alex is going to meet you *for sure* See you John      
Dear Professor,   I am writing to confirm my participation in the programme on Internet English, September 2003 - May 2004.   Sincerely yours, Jane Smith Janesmith@hotmail.com Tel.: (3333) 555-555      


8. Write the messages for the following situations. Ex­change e-mails with your groupmate and teacher.


Student A. You're writing to your group mate. You'd like to ask him/ her if he/she is going to take part in "English World" Annual Competi­tion. Inform him/her of the time and place it is going to take place.

Student B. You've received this message and your task is to react to this information (express your readiness to take part, or refuse and say you're sorry, ask for details, etc.). Use all possible ways of emphasizing in your message.


You're writing to your teacher of English Linda Daniels.You've just received the announcement of the "English World" Annual Competi­tion. You're interested to know if you have a chance to take part in it. Ask for the time and place it is going to take place. Thank your teacher in ad­vance.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 90 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Business Letter Practice | Thank-You Letter Practice | The Practice |

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