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Chapter 19
I. Transcribe, translate the words and reproduce the situations where they were used: ethereal, tough, vital, weight, invisible, exhausted, sheer, fiercely, colossal, comb.
II. Mark the statements as True or False. Correct the false statements.
1. When Matilda came home all her relatives were at home.
2. Her mother was at work.
3. Her plan to help her beloved teacher formed in her mind in almost every detail.
4. Matilda was sure of her success in the end.
5. It took her a great deal of effort and practice to make the first cigar move.
6. Matilda enjoyed extracting eye-power, to her intense surprise.
7. Her next step was to train the power to lift objects into the air.
8. Matilda concentrated fiercely on lifting a cigar but her effort was in vain.
9. With a colossal effort the girl kept practicing and succeeded in two hours.
10. Matilda was a perseverant girl and in almost a week she was prepared to put her great plan into action.
III. Choose the correct variant:
1. Matilda shut herself in her bedroom because …
a) she had taken to smoking;
b) she wanted to read a book;
c) she planned to practice her eye-power;
d) she was going to search the drawers of the sideboard.
2. What did her plan for helping Miss Honey depend on?
a) A box of cigars. b) Her eye-power.
c) Bingo. d) Her confidence.
3. For practice Matilda put the cigar
a) on the dressing-table, b) on the bed,
c) on the dinner-table, d) on the sideboard.
4. What did Matilda feel when she concentrated? She felt ……… beginning to flow inside her head:
a) eye-power, b) confidence,
c) determination, d) electricity.
5. For Matilda what she felt was
a) the power which is produced by a battery of generation, which is carried usually by wires, and which provides heat, light, and drives machines;
b) a feeling of great excitement, especially one that spreads through a group of people;
c) a feeling of hot power behind the eyes and sparks flashing out of her eyes; d) millions of invisible hands pushing and pulling inside.
6. Matilda found the sense of power almost
a) real, b) unearthly light and delicate,
c) eternal, d) unethical.
7. Why was Matilda extremely exhausted in the end?
a) It had taken her a colossal effort and fierce concentration to keep practicing for an hour and succeed in the end.
b) The cigars did not obey.
c) She was killed by her own inside power.
d) Pushing a trigger in the brain was beyond her power.
8. What was the final thing Matilda had learned to do before she fell asleep?
a) She managed to lift a thing up about an inch off the table-top.
b) She could extract strong eye-power.
c) She could push a thing.
d) She managed to hold a lifted cigar in the air for about a minute.
9. What “began to come together in the most wonderful way” six days later?
a) She never felt exhausted any more.
b) She gave up practicing with cigars.
c) She was able to lift cigars in the air and move them around exactly as she wished.
d) The mother did not suspect anything.
10. One of the conclusions you may come to upon reading this chapter is that Matilda was not
a) successful. b) powerful.
c) idle. d) determined.
IV. Give synonyms to the following words or word-combinations or explain their meaning. Reproduce the sentences from the text: enjoy, lovely, ethereal, exhausted, depend, effort, confident, essential, determined, from then on.
V. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary. Translate the phrases.
1. Little waves ___ lightning seemed ___ be flashing ___ ___ her eyes.
2. The Trunchbull was standing ___ the class quivering ___ fury.
3. The child spoke ___ total calmness.
4. I said I wouldn’t do it, but ___ second thoughts I think I will.
5. Miss Honey marveled ___ the child’s lack ___ conceit and self-consciousness.
6. Miss Honey was walking slowly so that the small child could keep ___ ___ her ___ trotting too fast, and it was very peaceful out there ___ the narrow road now that the village was ___ them.
7. They came finally ___ a gap ___ the hedge ___ the left-hand side ___ the road where there was a five-barred gate.
8. The massive spreading branches ___ the oak tree seemed ___ be enfolding and embracing the tiny building, and perhaps hiding it as well ___ the rest ___ the world.
9. ___ her wisdom Matilda seemed ___ be aware ___ the delicacy ___ the situation and she was taking great care not ___ say anything to embarrass ___ her companion.
10. She finally owned ___ to having taken the money.
VI. Find in the text the words and word-combinations which mean the following (Pay attention to the postpositions used). Reproduce the sentences where they were used:
1. Difficult to do or deal with, not easy, needing effort;
2. Containing nothing;
3. To bring or to move from a lower to a higher level or position;
4. To sit comfortably;
5. To bring (a quality) out of oneself, especially with ah effort;
6. Feeling or showing a calm unworried feeling or manner based on a strong belief in your abilities, showing self-assurance;
7. A small piece of metal pressed by the finger to fire a gun;
8. To appear as a sudden very bright flame or flare, to move very fast;
9. To perform or do an action regularly or repeatedly in order to gain skill;
10. To direct one’s thoughts, efforts, attention towards a particular activity or purpose.
VII. Complete the sentences with the words from the text:
1. We are _____ that next year’s profits will be much higher.
2. I am _____ to go and nothing will stop me.
3. The murder of the ambassador was the ____ that set off the war.
4. I won’t have my children going to school on an _____ stomach.
5. Everything in her story is correct down to the smallest _____.
6. I am afraid I haven’t got a very good _____ of direction, so I easily get lost.
7. ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ she succeeded in the end.
8. The magician drank the mixture to make himself _____.
9. You stop the machine by ____ this button.
10. I am not sick. I am completely _____. All I need is a good rest!
VIII. Match the halves to make phrases used in the text. Translate them. Restore the sentences where they were used:
1. To manage smth | the power | |
2. To feel fairly | practising | |
3. To her intense | confident | |
4. To give smb | into action | |
5. To summon up | surprise | |
6. To keep | she wished | |
7. All she had to | with you? | |
8. To put a plan | right away | |
9. What is the matter | do now was to do… | |
10. Exactly as | a sense of power |
IX. Answer the questions on the plot of the chapter:
1. Where did Matilda rush when she came home?
2. Why did she shut herself in her bedroom?
3. Was she sure of her success?
4. What did their cigar do by her eye-power at first?
5. What was her next step?
6. Was lifting a cigar as easy as pushing it?
7. How long did Matilda practise lifting the cigar?
8. What did the girl’s mother see when she entered the room?
9. Was the woman scared? What makes you think so?
10. What did she do every day after school?
X. Study the following phrases with various intensifiers collected throughout the book. What is their function? Translate all the following word-combinations and make up sentences of your own with 10 of them. You are allowed to make use of the text of the book and give quotations.
1. Extremely unpleasant
2. Totally new (experience)
3. Unbearably angry
4. Horribly uncomfortable
5. Wildly animated
6. Exceptionally (or unbelievably) precocious
7. Profoundly moved
8. Far too wrapped up in their own struggles to worry over
9. Perfectly normal
10. Exceptionally small
11. Extra large
12. Pretty cool
13. Dead straight
14. Pretty wonderful
15. Terrifically strong
16. Fling smb clear out of the open classroom
17. Fairly common
18. Incredibly ugly
19. To understand totally
20. Truly extraordinary (mathematical brain)
21. Precious few
22. Fairly dull
23. (Lean) far forward
24. Completely forgotten
25. Totally absorbed in the book
26. Truly magnificent (parrot)
27. Pretty good (actress)
28. Fairly confident
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