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Oil extraction = oil production isa process of oil recovery from a well.
Lead – in
Associations: close your eyes and think of Oil extraction. Youshould jot down all the things associated with the process that come into your minds. The time limit is 2 minutes. If you don’t know the English terms, you can jot down things in Russian. Then start sharing what you have jotted down. Listen to other students making suggestions, explanations and try to learn the English words for the ideas which you have tried to jot down.
Terms and Vocabulary
extract oil | добывать нефть |
establish (v) | оценивать, устанавливать |
refinery | нефтеперерабатывающий завод |
reserves | запасы |
decrease (v) | уменьшать, убывать, понижаться |
increase (v) | увеличивать,повышать, усиливать |
discover (v) | обнаруживать, открывать |
recover (v) | получать (керн), добывать(нефть, газ) |
pump (v\n) | качать, откачивать \ насос |
substance | вещество, материя |
сomposition | состав, соединение |
viable | жизнеспособный |
recovery factor | коэффициент нефтеотдачи |
extract (v) | извлекать (нефть, газ или инструмент из скважины) |
excess pressure | избыточное давление |
sluggish | медлительный, медленный |
treacle | вязкая жидкость |
seam | пласт; тонкий слой; прослой |
Pronounce the following words. Pay special attention to the underlined stress.
re fi nery su bstance re ser ve com mer cial qua lity a mou nt tech no logy fur ther re servoir su ffi cient sur face de sert in stall re mo tely a ngle li quid
The following words and phrases appear in the text.
production freely flowing wells
inject (v) thin seams of rock
edges of a reservoir economically viable
production facilities bottom of a well
drill at an angle recovery factor
Ø Which of these terms do you already know?
Ø Give Russian equivalents to the above–given English terms.
Ø Define the term “recovery factor”.
Ø Find the terms (or phrases) in the text and decide whether:
A -you need to know the terms now and add them to your active vocabulary;
B -you only need to know the term now because it is preventing you from understanding the general meaning of the text;
C- you don’t need to know this term and add it to your active vocabulary.
Complete the following table. The final column of the table should be completed by filling the word class judging by its position in relation to other words and its function in the text.
Term | A | B | C | Word class |
4. Read the text “How to Extract Oil” and do the exercises.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 82 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав |