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Find the Russian equivalents to the following English words and phrases. There is one extra Russian word.

Читайте также:
  2. A look through the descriptions of things you can do with music and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold type.
  3. A. Listen to the description of the drilling process and fill in the missing words (no more than THREE words). The first word is given as an example.
  4. A. Read the paragraph below and choose the most appropriate words/ phrases in bold. Where could you read this extract?
  5. Abraham Wilson sat there a moment, his face defiant; then he slowly rose to his full height of six feet four inches.
  6. Abstract and Keywords
  7. Abstract and Keywords
  8. Abstract and Keywords
  9. Abstract and Keywords
  10. Abstract and Keywords


Example: соединение двух ниток трубопровода – tie-in


1. изгородь A. room
2. толщина B. low silt
3. подъём уровня C. fence
4. ручная сварка D. thickness
5. ограничение E. pass
6. сплошной F. topsoil
7. врезка в магистральный трубопровод G. burial depth
8. проход H. stockpile
9. место I. elevation
10. длина окружности J. constraints
11. колено трубопроводa K. pipe bend
12. штабель, склад труб L. manual welding
13. илистые отложения M. skid
14. глубина залегания N. timber
15. пахотный слой O. circumference
16. опорная рама для сварки трубопровода P. uniform
17. лотковая опора -трубопровода Q. consistency
18. вершина сварного шва R. plain end
19. прочность S. strength
20. передний край T. root
21. лесоматериал U. cap
22. гладкий конец, ненарезанный конец V. bevel
23. подготавливать кромки W. cradle
24. трубная головка X. leading end
25. устойчивость    


21. Match the verb with the noun and corresponding translation. There can be several answers.

Example: cushion (v) - line pipe string (смягчать / уменьшать действие чего-л.)


1. to deposit pipe (x 2) A. выравнивать
2. to lay pipe end (x2) B. включать
3. to accommodate drill string C. скользить
4. to trim line pipe D. обрезать кромки
5. to grind pipe sections E. проверять
6. to align swivel joint F. зашлифовать
7. to fuse elevation changes G. соединяться
8. to lubricate weld integrity H. прокладывать
9. to incorporate two pipes I. размещать
10. to slide excavated soil J. урегулировать
11. to verify   K. смазывать

22. Read the following word formations and translate the sentences that include these words.

Example: The “root” is the primary strength weld that fuses two pipes. – Вершина сварного шва является основным прочным соединением двух труб.

excavate (v) - excavation (выемка грунта) - excavated soil (spoil) - (вынутый грунт)
access (v) - accessible (удобный; доступный)
ream (v) - reamer (расширитель) - reaming (расширение ствола скважины)
fuse (v) - fusion (провар шва)
install (v) - installation - installing
inspect (v) - inspection


1. Working space for the construction equipment is used to install the pipeline.

2. Line pipe used for the road crossing has a thicker external coating to provide extra protection during installation.

3. For installing the line pipe, a cap is connected to the leading end of the pipe string.

4. How many welds are inspected varies depending on the code to which the pipeline is designed.

5. NDT inspection is performed after the pipe has been welded and the field-joint coating applied.

6. After NDT inspection, field-joint coating is applied to the bare sections at the pipe welds covering the exposed pipe and the weld.

7. Together the root and hot passes provide the required fusion and strength to join the pipes permanently.

8. The ditch will be excavated in two passes with a first pass removing topsoil and the second pass excavating the remaining soil to the required pipeline burial depth.

9. Line pipe is lifted onto skids made of timber and stockpiles along the ROW so that the entire circumference is accessible.

10. Tie-in welding is also required at road crossings, river crossings and other intersections along the ROW where the main production welding crew cannot access the pipe.

11. The swivel joint is connected to the reamer and the drilling rig again pulls the reamer back through the hole from the pipe side to the rig side, along with the pipe string connected to the reamer.

12. Crews attach a reaming device to enlarge the pilot hole to accommodate the line pipe.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 154 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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