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Читайте также:
  1. APPENDIX. Use the table to tell about the four major geophysical methods used in oil exploration.
  2. Classification of methods of radio therapy
  4. Contact methods of radio therapy.
  5. Electrical Methods
  6. Equipotential-line and potential-profile methods.
  8. Magnetic Methods
  9. Materials and methods
  10. Measuring methods of the ultraviolet radiation intensity


There are three general ways for erection of the Aboveground Steel Tanks (AST): by rolls; sheet by sheet and lifting method. These methods will be described briefly there.

a) rolls method – when the bottom and shell are made from rolled sheets, and roof (cone and spherical, self supported and supported) – made from shields. The advantages of this method are as follow:

- relatively quick method for erection, because the composite elements are biggest, made in special plants for metal constriction (i.e. ZMLK – “Septemvri”);
- input and output control of the production is easier and quicker, which make the terms shorter;

- increase the quality of the execution because bigger part of weld joints are made in a plant and welding of the elements is automated with special machines;
- the number of the workers needed for this operation is small.
A disadvantage of this method to some extent or limited appliance is that there is a maximum of the thickness of the sheets, which will be used for rolls making. Maximum thickness can not exceed 14 mm for ordinary low carbon steel (S235) and 18 mm for low stainless steel with increased strength. The theoretical grounding for limits is made by B. V. Popovskiy. Therefore the tanks which have volume up to V1≤20000m3 can be made using the rolls method. In addition, for bigger volumes the dimension D and H of the tank must be took into account, because the facility of the KZU in NHK – Bourgas for instance can produce roll with height H ≤ 12,0 m. Maximal height of the shell H made only by the rolls method can not exceed 18,0 m, which is due to the limit of the facility in ZMLK – “Septemvri”.

Other important disadvantages of the classical rolls method are:
- line placed crossing welds of vertical joints of the shell;
- whole uninterrupted vertical joint, made on the site, where are – inside picking;
- the use of the heavy and expensive facilities during the erection work;
- when the tanks are made according to the rolls method it is very difficult to achieve as good geometrical form as when the tanks which are made by sheet by sheet method.

b) sheet by sheet (classical) method. The whole sheet construction and section for bottom, shell and roof are cut and bend preliminary after the precise dimensions.
Advantages of the sheet by sheet method are:
- the expensive and complicated facilities such as when the rolls need, are not necessary for the sheet by sheet method:
- the erection works need relatively not so heavy facility and the facility could be applied for all the volumes of the tanks and the site;
- all vertical joints have length equal to the one course. So the crossing welds have been avoided which made the tank secure for exploitation;
- the shell and bottom shape is closer to the designed one;
- the tanks with every volumes and height can be made using the sheet by sheet method.

Disadvantages of the sheet by sheet method:
- relatively longer term for erection is needed;
- the number of the weld joints and the necessary control on the site is increased:
- more qualified workers are needed for this operation.

c) lifting method - it is kind of the sheet by sheet erection method. First must be done erection and welding of the bottom and the first (lower) course. The shell must be collected course by course on the insider part of the first course and only the vertical weld joints between sheets must be made. After the welding of the last course, the roof must be mounted and welded to the last one. The access for coming in the tank must be assured through one or two part of the roof cover plates by means of use of erecting stairs inside and outside.
The lifting began from the last course together with the roof. The jacking system type “Laterna” (10 – 15 t) must be used or hydraulic jacking system evenly positioned on the perimeter of the shell. The insider course must be lift up to the level in which the horizontal lap joint between upper course and the next one to be 60 mm of the entire perimeter.
It is necessary to be made double lap joint with minimum 2 layers per weld. First lap weld must be made outside in bottom position and then inside in ceiling position. The whole shell of the tank is executed as consecutive lifting and welding of the erecting horizontal joints. The correct lifting of the course must be controlled (the different courses must have the same axis) and every bending of the shell as a whole must be avoided.
This type of lifting method, with lap welds on horizontal joints, is not in application now. According all standards around the world every one shell joint have to be made as but, with full penetration and fusion.

d) mixed method. This is a method which is combination from sheet by sheet method and the rolls method, where the bottom is made by rolled sheets, the 6shell is made by sheet by sheet method and the roof is made by shields. This method combines the advantages of the rolls, sheet by sheet methods. This technology allows the acceleration of the erection and the use of the relatively light mechanization

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 93 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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