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Exercise 4. Translate into English the following sentences.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Read and translate the text.
  3. An English restaurant
  4. Answer the following questions and do the given assignment.
  5. Answer the following questions.
  6. Answer the following questions.
  7. Answer the following questions.
  8. Answer the following questions. Work in groups of four.
  9. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
  10. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.

1. Бизнес этикет поможет вам избежать непонимания и ложной интерпретации некоторых вопросов, а так же заложит основу прочным партнёрским взаимоотношениям

2. Для увеличения потенциала развития вашего бизнеса, просто необходимо владеть основами бизнес этикета.

3. Избежание бессмысленных слов и действий защитит вас от негативных последствий.

4. Бизнес этикет учит вас, как выгодно представить себя и чего избегать.

5. Ваш характер отражает то, что вы как личность привнесёте в бизнес.

Exercise 5. Imagine that you are business partners to be. Divide into two groups and choose one person who will introduce each person in the group. The others should tell about themselves, following the principles of business etiquette, while hearing his/her name.

ex. A. This is Helena Ivanova, staff supervisor of our company.

B. Thank you Mr. Johns for introducing me to our partners. I’ve been working with this company for 5 years. During the work I…..

Listen to each other carefully and comment on speech and behavior mistakes if there were any.


Exercise 6. Watch the film “Guide to International Business Etiquette” and do the quiz.


Choose the right variant (sometimes several variants are possible:


1. Good first impression includes communicating well and

a) understanding the protocols of business

b) knowing foreign languages

c) being a well-paid person.


2. Every culture has it’s own way of

a) making money

b) doing business

c) making conversation


3. Always say good bye

a) when leaving the room

b) to every person you met

c) if you said hello to somebody.


4. According to the video “People are most valuable resource because…

a) help reach your goals,

b) are easily motivated

c) become your friends, customers, employers, suppliers


5. Standing straight makes you feel

a) healthier

b) happier

c) more power


6. Slouching Poor Eye contact, crossing arms are

a) negative signals

b) impolite behavior

c) poor education


7. Introduction is started from

a) the first person you see

b) the closest person to you

c) the most important person


8. Why should you hold a glass of red wine by the bottom

a) because it is the most comfortable way

b) not to spill the wine

c) because it is better when it is warm


9. What are tree things to remember when starting a small talk

a) find out the commonalities

b) ask names

c) complimenting


10. Why a business card should be given with the right hand?

a) because most persons are right-handed

b) because it is a hand of respect in most cultures

c) because it is very polite



Exercise 7. Read the text and do the exercises.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 85 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Exercise 12. Read the text and find information on the following points. | Fill in the spidergram with the words associated with Taxation and Audit. | Production and Costs | Exercise 9. Read the article and do the exercises. | Exercise 1. Read the text and comment on the principles of a Business Plan. | Services | Market Segmentation | Sales Forecast | Personnel Plan | Projected Profit and Loss |

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