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Читайте также:
  3. Appendix 1 - Ringelmann Scale
  9. APPENDIX. Use the table to tell about the four major geophysical methods used in oil exploration.

From: 23439684.inmc@skyfile-C.com

Sent: 26 June 2011 14:08

To: ops@newmar.com

Copy: fleet@dragun.com

Subject: [IMN: 2349684 REF: 1928324]


Subj: noon


Fm: Gloria/erfh


Date/time:26.06.2011 1100 utc

Pos:19 30.1 n-061 47.8 e

Brob:ifo:91.3 mt mgo:7.25 mt

Speed: 3.5 knts


Wind:sw 8/8 bft

Sweel:sw-wsw 5-6 m

Daily dist: 103 nm

Next port:1275 nm


Eta to djubuti 01.07.2011 pm wp agw

Note:course altered to north due to very high swell. Looking safety anchorage place.


From: 23439684.inmc@skyfile-C.com

Sent: 26 June 2011 14:12

To: aiops@weather.com

Copy: ops@newmar.com; fleet@dragun.com

Subject: [IMN: 2349684 REF: 1928546]





A:26.06.2011 1100 utc 19 30.1 n-061 47.8 e b:ifo 91.3 mt mgo:7.25 mt


D:sw 8/8 bft-sw-wsw 5-6 m


F:01.07.2011 pm wp agw to port of djbuti g:course altered to north due to very high swell.looking safety anchorage place.


From: 23439684.inmc@skyfile-C.com

Sent: 28 June 2011 18:10

To: ops@newmar.com

Copy: fleet@dragun.com

Subject: [IMN: 2349684 REF: 2657835]




Dear sirs

We cant more proceed to destination due to heavy gale and now we are going to safe anchorage place.if you check again our noon reports you can see we did everything for to proceed in heavy sweel and with slow speed, due to this reasons our mgo quantity down to critical level.for our safety I kindly invite you to arrange some place for supply mgo (I think muscat can be).

After the anchorage we will check our mgo quantity, if I seen not safety for to completion of voyage you must supply definitely, I kindly advise yours as master, you must begin search from now. Pls don’t forget we are in sea, nothing is 100 percent guarantee at sea.


From: 23439684.inmc@skyfile-C.com

Sent: 29 June 2011 12:44

To: ops@newmar.com

Copy: fleet@dragun.com

Subject: [IMN: 2349684 REF: 4675897]




29.06.2011 0900 utc vessel at anchore due to the bad weather.


Pos:22 36.06 n-059 37.9 e

Ifo:79.3 mt

Mgo:5.75 mt


From: 23439684.inmc@skyfile-C.com

Sent: 30 June 2011 16:05

To: aiops@weather.com

Copy: ops@newmar.com; fleet@dragun.com

Subject: [IMN: 2349684 REF: 0749603]




30.06.2011 1140 utc heaved up anchore 1250 utc sea passage begin pos

22 42.3 n-059 34.8 e

Brob:ifo 79.2 mt mgo 5.1 mt


Note:proceeding to north west.we cant stay more at anchorage due to oman coast guard rules.we are looking any safe place for waiting and passing the gale


From: 23439684.inmc@skyfile-C.com

Sent: 30 June 2011 15:04

To: ops@newmar.com;

Copy: fleet@dragun.com

Subject: [IMN: 2349684 REF: 0978976]


Subj:top urgent pls give answer

Fm: Gloria


Sear sir

30.06.2011 1150 utc vessel is underway. I kindly inform you due to bad weather I can not wait at drift.pls urgently inform me what I must do?if you can not say anything I will proceed to north I must save my cargo and vessel as captain.if you want avoid the problems urgently answer us.otherwise nobody hold me responsible from anything. Pls do not stay me alone and share you advise…I say again pls give answer us urgently…


From: 23439684.inmc@skyfile-C.com

Sent: 30 June 2011 14:09

To: ops@newmar.com;

Copy: fleet@dragun.com

Subject: [IMN: 2349684 REF: 0856743]




Dear sir

Oman coast guard said us “you can not stay here without agent, urgently heave up anchor and leave from here”. Due to this reason I will proceed to muscat.

When we will underway I will inform you


From: 23439684.inmc@skyfile-C.com

Sent: 30 June 2011 17:47

To: ops@newmar.com;

Copy: fleet@dragun.com

Subject: [IMN: 2349684 REF: 1068754]


Fm: Gloria


Good days dear andrey

30.06.2011 1440 utc vessel begin to drift. We are open from shore 15 nm, I spoke with coast guard commander via mobile phone and take special permission for waiting here.now we are rolling and pitching but swell not roughly here, I think you are not care but crew, cargo and vessel is safe now don’t worry. But I want sadly say you during to this hardly time you are not help us note care us, this is not acceptable as per the trade rule and human rule, due to this reasons I hold you as charterer fully responsible for all consequences which may arisen there from.



From: 23439684.inmc@skyfile-C.com

Sent: 30 June 2011 09:13

To: ops@newmar.com;

Copy: fleet@dragun.com

Subject: [IMN: 2349684 REF: 0684256]


Subj:top urgent



Good morning dear sir

Oman coast guard called us and they say you can not stay in oman coast more then 24 hour without any authorized local agent.pls try arrange authorize agent at oman,otherwise they not give permission for stay anchor,in this situation my vessel and my cargo can see heavy damage at open sea.

Secondly,our mgo qnty is 5.3 mt presently,as per the forecast rep sea not will calm before of 2 july, this that men I stay here more 3 day.my mgo quantity will be at 2 july less than 4 mts,and I have 1300 nm to djibuti from here.this is a big risk for us…pls be carefully,and think safety for us.


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