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English Grammar in Use.
A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students.
With answers.
Raymond Murphy
Second Edition
Thanks vii
To the student viii
To the teacher ix
Present and past
1 Present continuous (I am doing)
2 Present simple (I do)
3 Present continuous and present simple (1) (I am doing and I do)
4 Present continuous and present simple (2) (I am doing and I do)
5 Past simple (I did)
6 Past continuous (I was doing)
Present perfect and past
7 Present perfect (1) (I have done)
8 Present perfect (2) (I have done)
9 Present perfect continuous (I have been doing)
10 Present perfect continuous and simple (I have been doing and I have done)
11 How long have you (been)...?
12 When...? and How long...? For and since
13 Present perfect and past (1) (I have done and I did)
14 Present perfect and past (2) (I have done and I did)
15 Past perfect (I had done)
16 Past perfect continuous (I had been doing)
17 Have and have got
18 Used to (do)
19 Present tenses (I am doing/I do) for the future
20 (I'm) going to (do)
21 Will/shall (1)
22 Will/shall (2)
23 I will and I'm going to
24 Will be doing and will have done
25 When I do/When I've done When and if
26 Can, could and (be) able to
27 Could (do) and could have (done)
28 Must and can't
29 May and might (1)
30 May and might (2)
31 Must and have to
32 Must mustn't needn't
33 Should (1)
34 Should (2)
35 Had better It's time...
36 Can/Could/Would you...? etc. (Requests, offers, permission and invitations)
Conditionals and 'wish'
37 If I do... and If I did...
38 If I knew... I wish I knew...
39 If I had known... I wish I had known...
40 Would I wish... would
41 Passive (1) (is done/was done)
42 Passive (2) (be/been/being done)
43 Passive (3)
44 It is said that... He is said to... (be) supposed to...
45 Have something done
Reported speech
46 Reported speech (1) (He said that...
47 Reported speech (2)
Questions and auxiliary verbs
48 Questions (1)
49 Questions (2) (Do you know where...? I She asked me where...
50 Auxiliary verbs (have/do/can etc.) I think so I hope so etc.
51 Question tags (do you? isn't it? etc.)
~ing and the infinitive
52 Verb + ~ing (enjoy doing/stop doing etc.)
53 Verb + to... (decide to do/forget to do etc.)
54 Verb + (object) + to... (I want (you) to do etc.)
55 Verb + ~ing or to... (1) (remember/regret etc.)
56 Verb + ~ing or to... (2) (try/need/help)
57 Verb + ~ing or to... (3) (like/would like etc.)
58 Prefer and would rather
59 Preposition (in/for/about etc.) + ~ing
60 Be/get used to something (I'm used to...
61 Verb + preposition + ~ing (succeed in ~ing/accuse somebody of ~ing etc.)
62 Expressions + ~ing
63 To... for... and so that... (purpose)
64 Adjective + to...
65 To... (afraid to do) and preposition + ~ing (afraid of ~ing)
66 See somebody do and see somebody doing
67 ~ing clauses (Feeling tired, I went to bed early.)
Articles and nouns
68 Countable and uncountable nouns (1)
69 Countable and uncountable nouns (2)
70 Countable nouns with a/an and some
71 A/an and the
72 The (1)
73 The (2) (School/the school)
74 The (3) (Children/the children)
75 The (4) (The giraffe/the telephone/the piano etc.; the + adjective)
76 Names with and without the (1)
77 Names with and without the (2)
78 Singular and plural
79 Noun + noun (a tennis ball/a headache etc.)
80 -'s (the girl's name) and of... (the name of the book)
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