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Follow-up Activities

Читайте также:
  2. Activities on a University Campus
  3. Choose 5 the most important engineering activities you would prefer to do and explain your choice.
  4. Follow-up
  5. Follow-up
  6. Follow-up
  7. Follow-up
  8. Follow-up
  9. Follow-up
  10. Follow-up

8. Make up questions to the following statements:

1. Half of the postdoc believed they would have to make a major career change within five years job.

2. Many with long existing visions of themselves as professors or basic researchers were deeply disappointed.

3. These surveys clearly point out that PhD students are concerned about their fate upon graduation in good times as well as bad.

4. Merely one-third said that their departments had available (or had provided) a list of alumni employers.

5. Industry wants very bright problem solvers who have a broad technical underpinning.

6. Being smart isn’t always enough.

7. Moreover there persists in academia the remnant of an elitist perception of what proper physics is and what one’s best graduates should do.

8. Although many physicists have in fact been quite successful in business, rising to the highest corporate rungs.

9. These days elitism is decreasing and is rarely expressed.

10. Students do a better job of sorting out careers.

11. Physicists are at a loss when they come to jobs in the private sector.

12. The argument is that the students would be put on an equal footing with engineers in the eyes of industry.

9. Sum up what you have learned about.

3. the up-and-down cycles of the physics job market during the last century.

4. the reasons of students’ majoring in physics.

5. the anxiety among respondents-physics about their long-term career prospects.

6. the attitude of PhD graduate students to a variety of scientific and technical disciplines.

7. the level of physics graduates needed by customers.

8. preparation of students-physics for a career outside the world of academia.

9. sources of information for students about employment market.

10. business-as-usual programme.

11. evolutionary changes programme.

12. revolutionary changes programme.

13. a full toolbox of forging a successful career.

10. Make up plan of the text revealing its main points (use questions or statements).

11. Discuss:

Academic, traditional education doesn’t contribute to long-term career prospects.

Students should be encouraged to engage in course work outside the department, to participate in external workshops and the like.

Physicists often lack

the social skills needed to work in a team

physicists are too narrowly focused on a topic

physicists are too easily diverted from practical goals by interesting science

It is a professor’s responsibility to become more knowledgeable about the physics marketplace.

Similarities and differences of postgraduate education of physicists in the USA and our country.

Level of readiness of the students - physicists of the BSU for practical and theoretical work.

12. Imagine you are to make a report on the following topics:

1. Methods and programmes used by physics departments of the US Universities for preparing students for life’s practical work.

2. Possibility of getting a fate job upon graduation in accordance with industry wants and appearance of new fields in “physics industry”.

3. Relevance and power of a good physics education.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 80 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Prologue | Follow-up Activity | What the customer wants | Losers and gainers | Pre – reading and Reading Tasks | The Physics Job Market | Employment of new PhDs | Postdoctoral appointments | Language work | Follow-up Activities |

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