Читайте также:
1. Aunt Betty used to live in Australia. 2. We’re used to tourists here. 3. I never got used to going to bed so early. 4. Eventually you’ll get used to the smells in the laboratory. 5. They’re used to eating fish for dinner. 6. I used to drive a Mercedes, but now I drive a Citroen. 7. I’m used to driving my new car now, but I found it very strange at first. 8. I haven’t got used to my new computer yet. 9. He isn’t used to Englisg food. 1O. Frank is used to living alone. 11. I’m used to driving on the left because I’ve lived in Britain for a long time. 12. I used to drive to work every day, but these days I usually go by bike. 13. In the past people used to go to the cinema more often. 14. It’s difficult to get used to his strange accent. 15. Some ten years ago people used to use typewriters more often. 16. Now I’m used to working on my computer two hours a day.
Exercise 22. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of “be” or “get” where necessary.
1. I... used to sit in the back of the classroom, but now I prefer to sit in the front row. 2. Wouldn’t you like to sit down? - No, thank you. I... used to standing. 3. A teacher... used to answering questions. 4. I don’t like the food here. - You’ll soon... used to it. 5. At first I made very slow progress, because I... used to the system. 6. We... used to go out often before the baby was born. 7. Ms Stanton’s job requires her to travel much throughout the world. She... used to travelling by plane. 8. You and I are from different countries. You... used to having fish for breakfast. I... used to having cheese and bread for breakfast. 9. They say one can... used to anything. 10. The children... used to the new teacher by the end of the month. 11. I can’t... used to the new machine. 12. My father... used to read a lot before his eyesight got so bad. 13. He was very annoyed by her remark, because he... used to being spoken to like this. 14. He... used to make a lot of mistakes, but now he... used to speaking good English.
15. We swim all through the winter. We... used to swimming in cold water. 16. I... used to hate this work, but I quite like it now that I... used to it.
Exercise 23. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: to + ing form or to + infinitive.
1. It won’t take you long to get used to (work) with your new word processor. 2. My parents used to (live) in London, but now they live in Bristol. 3. In London Jane had to get used to (drive) on the left. 4. Tom used to (drink) a lot of coffee. Now he prefers tea. 5. I feel very full after that meal. I’m not used to (eat) so much. 6. I wouldn’t like to share an office. I’m used to (have) my own office. 7. Bruno is Italian, but he has lived in London for over 5 years. He got used to (eat) English food now, but when he first arrived in England he didn’t like it very much. 8. Mike found Africa strange at first. He wasn’t used (to live) in such a hot climate. 9. I normally go to bed at about 10 o’clock. I’m not used to (stay) up late. 10. I used to (work) on a farm once and had to get up at 5 o’clock every morning. It was difficult at first because I wasn’t used to (get up) early. 11. I used to (drive) a car, but I sold it a few months ago. 12. When we were children we used to (go) swimming every day. 13. There used to (be) a cinema here but it was knocked down a few years ago. 14. I’m the boss here! I’m not used to (be) told what to do. 15. Our new flat is on a very noisy street. I expect we’ll get used to (live) in such noise. 16. Frank has lived alone for 15 years. It’s not strange for him. He is used to (live) alone.
Exercise 24. Translate into English using used to, be used to and get used to.
1. Не называйте Бернарда дедушкой, он еще не привык к этому. 2. Мы раньше жили в центре. 3. Энн хорошо играла на рояле в молодости. 4. Я не привык завтракать так рано. 5. Вот кафе, где мы раньше бывали. 6. Вскоре он привык водить машину в Лондоне. 7. Роберт привык решать свои проблемы сам. 8. Здесь когда-то стояли старые деревянные дома. 9. Она привыкла готовить сама. 10. Уверен, что вы вскоре привыкнете к такому расписанию. 11. Он не привык сам убирать свою комнату. 12. Он имел обыкновение изредка заходить к нам. 13. Постепенно она привыкла проводить свои выходные у нас. 14. После обеда мы бывало садились у камина и разговаривали. 15. Я раньше был очень застенчив. Когда к нам приходили гости, я обычно прятался под кроватью. 16. Он родом из Шотландии. Он привык к холодной погоде. 17. Я быстро привыкла делать домашнее задание утром. 18. Не надо заводить будильник. Я привык вставать рано. 19. Джон раньше так много не курил. 2О. Мне потребова- лось много времени, чтобы привыкнуть к его манере шутить.
HAVE (HAS) + V (Participle II)
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