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Задача 1. Наличие и движение основных фондов.

Читайте также:
  1. C. Движение информации и ее трансформация от исходной в командную
  2. D1. Задача
  3. I группа - наличие персонала.
  4. II. Оценка эффективности использования основных средств
  5. III. Организация и проведение натуральных обследований структуры и интенсивности автотранспортных потоков на основных автомагистралях
  6. III. Практическая задача
  7. III. Практическая задача
  8. III. Словарь основных терминов
  9. IV. Краткие данные о философах и их основных идеях
  10. V. Методические рекомендации к выполнению основных разделов курсовой и выпускной квалификационной (дипломной) работы


139.1. The year of «Boston Tea Party»?

А) 1773

B) 1774

C) 1775

D) 1776

E) 1777


140.1. What body adopted a "Declaration of Independence" of the U.S.?

A) Congress

B) General states

C) The Continental Congress

D) The Supreme Federal Court

E) The Parliament


141.1. When the U.S. Independence Day?

A) June 4, 1776's

B) 4 July 1775's

C) June 4, 1775's

D) 4 July 1776's

E) 4 August 1777's


142.1. Who is Thomas Paine?

A) Author of the "Declaration of Independence"

B) The first president of the United States

C) The author's pamphlet "Common Sense"

D) The Minister of Finance England

E) The head of the army of the colonists


143.1. What is Luddism?

A) the workers' struggle by destroying cars

B) capture farmers idle land

C) the establishment of responsible parliamentary government

D) shift from manual labor to machine

E) fight for the reconstruction of the church


144.1. In which country was the workers' movement Luddism?

A) England

B) France

C) German

D) Italy

E) Russia


145.1. Day the Bastille fell is

A) July 4, 1776

B) July 14, 1789

C) August 10, 1792

D) May 31, 1793

E) November 9, 1799


146.1. What is the Bastille?

A) Royal prison

B) Royal Palace

C) An industrial city

D) Shopping center

E) Major river


147.1. In the years of which revolution was executed Louis XVI?

A) English bourgeois revolution

B) Of the French Revolution

C) The July Revolution of 1830

D) Of the Paris Commune

E) The War of Independence


148.1. In the years of what revolution Charles I was executed?

A) English bourgeois revolution

B) Great French revolution

C) July revolution of 1830

D) Commune of Paris

E) Wars for independence


149.1. Who is the author of the "Encyclopedia of..." in France?

A) Diderot

B) Beaumarchais

C) Kandilyak

D) Montesquieu

E) Mably


150.1. Which country won the territory of Venice and Lombardy by the Congress of Vienna?

A) England

B) France

C) Austria

D) Italy

E) Russia


151.1. Which country won the Rhineland Congress of Vienna?

A) England

B) Prussia

C) Austria

D) Russia

E) France


152.1. Which country has received Westphalia by the decision of the Congress of Vienna?

A) England

B) Prussia

C) Austria

D) Russia

E) France


153.1. Which country has received Bessarabia by the decision of the Congress of Vienna?

A) England

B) Prussia

C) Austria

D) Russia

E) France


154.1.What country received the island Ceylon after the Vienna congress?

A) England

B) Prussia

C) Austria

D) Russia

E) France


155.1. A prominent representative of the German Enlightenment:

A) Montesquieu

B) Diderot

C) Schiller

D) Mably

E) All of the above


156.1. How parliament chambers in England in the XVII century were called?

A) chamber of lords and House of Commons

B) senate and House of Representatives

C) senate and Mazhilis

D) chamber of peers and House of Representatives

E) senate and Bundestag


157.1. Years of activity of "Long parliament" in England -

A) 1640-1653

B) 1649-1653

C) 1653-1658

D) 1658-1660

E) 1640-1689


158.1. As a result of agrarian revolution in England in the XVIII century -

A) the peasantry ceased to exist as a class

B) there was a small landed property of peasants

C) the large farm of peasants was formed

D) the nobility ceased to exist as estate

E) there was a proletariat


159.1. As a result of what events the republic of consulate was proclaimed?

A) Overthrows of the July monarchy

B) Overthrows of the power of the Directory

C) Charles's I executions

D) Revolution 9 termidor

E) "Hundred days of Napoleon"


160.1. What battle became to history as "Fight of the people"?

A) Fight at Waterloo

B) Austerlitsky battle

C) Borodino fight

D) Leipzig battle

E) Dresden battle


161.1. In what year the battle known as "Fight of the people" took place?

A) 1812

B) 1813

C) 1814

D) 1815

E) 1810


162.1. Years of activity of the Vienna congress?

A) 1812-1813

B) 1813-1814

C) 1814-1815

D) 1815-1816

E) 1816-1817


163.1. When Napoleon's conclusive battle near the town of Waterloo took place?

A) June 18, 1812

B) July 18, 1813

C) July 18, 1814

D) June 18, 1815

E) July 18, 1815


164.1. In what year Cromwell with the army of "new sample" goes on a gain of Ireland?

A) 1647

B) 1648

C) 1649

D) 1650

E) 1651


165.1. When military dictatorship in England was established?

A) 1640

B) 1642

C) 1649

D) 1653

E) 1660


166.1. What title was received by O. Cromwell, having established military dictatorship?

A) lord protector

B) dictator

C) emperor

D) king

E) despot


167.1 Who is the organizer of the murder of Archduke in Sarajevo F. Ferdinanda?

A) counter intelligence Austria

B) The Socialist-Revolutionaries

C) Albanian nationalists

D) members of the organization "Mlada Bosna"

E) The German militarists


168.1. The agrarian program of the Jacobin dictatorship, provided

A) the donation of land to peasants

B) the preservation of feudal obligations

C) the secularization of church lands

D) allow the sale of land

E) the nationalization of land


169.1. Year of the July Revolution and the establishment of the July Monarchy?

A) 1828

B) 1829

C) 1830

D) 1831

E) 1832


170.1. Date of the fall of the July Monarchy in France

A) 1828

B) 1829

C) 1830

D) 1838

E) 1848


171.1. Who led the July Monarchy in France?

A) Louis Napoleon

B) F.Gizo

C) Lamartine

D) Louis Philippe

E) Carl Artois


172.1. Who headed the government of the July Monarchy?

A) Louis Napoleon

B) F.Gizo

C) Lamartine

D) Louis Philippe

E) Carl Artois


173.1. Date of Louis Napoleon's coup d 'état under the pretext of "protecting the republic" –

A) December 1, 1851

B) December 2, 1851

C) December 1, 1852

D) December 2, 1852

E) December 3, 1853


174.1. The essence of the industrial revolution –

A) Transition from manual labor to machine

B) Confiscation of peasant property

C) Victory of landlordism

D) Destruction of cities

E) The emergence of "rotten places"


175.1. Time of the French Enlightenment –

A) After Great French revolution

B) Before Great French revolution

C) years of Great French revolution

D) years of Centenary war

E) years of a July monarchy


176.1. What monarchy was overthrown in France in 1848?

A) The December

B) The January

C) The February

D) the October

E) The July


177.1. The essence of the coup of 9 Thermidor –

A) the establishment of the regime of the Directory

B) formation of Napoleon's empire

C) the establishment of the Jacobin dictatorship

D) a regime consulate

E) The restoration of the Bourbons


178.1. The essence of the coup of 18 Brumaire

A) the establishment of the regime of the Directory

B) formation of Napoleon's empire

C) the establishment of the Jacobin dictatorship

D) a regime consulate

E) The restoration of the Bourbons


179.1. For what struggled Carbonaro in Italy in the early nineteenth century?

A) Approval of Catholicism

B) against the Inquisition

C) exemption from the rule of Austria

D) the restoration of absolutism

E) the formation of the anti-Napoleonic coalition


180.1. What is the Reichstag by the German constitution in 1871?

A) The lower house of parliament

B) Parliament

C) Cabinet of Ministers

D) Tax Service

E) The Supreme Court


181.1. How is the lower house of parliament German Empire?

A) of the House of Commons

B) the Reichstag

C) House of Representatives

D) Majilis

E) of the Chamber of Deputies


182.1. Who is the Chancellor of Germany?

A) King

B) Prime Minister

C) Minister of War

D) The Chief Justice

E) President


183.1. Who in Prussia called the "Iron Chancellor"?

A) Bismarck

B) Wilhelm

C) Metternich

D) Cavour

E) Gizo


184.1. When was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the famous "Communist Manifesto"?

A) 1838

B) 1848

C) 1858

D) 1868

E) 1870


185.1. The beginning of the Franco -Prussian War

A) 1856

B) 1866

C) 1870

D) 1877

E) 1886


186.1. What country declared war on Prussia in 1870?

A) England

B) France

C) United States

D) Austria

E) Sweden


187.1. The aim of the Vienna congress -

A) Restoration on a dynasty throne Bourbon

B) Dynasty restoration Bonaparte

C) Dynasty restoration Stewart

D) Dynasty restoration Tudor

E) Restoration of a dynasty of Ryurik dynasty


188.1. What was the leader of the party Zh.Klemanso?

A) Of the bourgeois republicans

B) Monarchists

C) Socialists

D) Radicals

E) Conservative


189.1. What is the metropolis?

A) the country owning a colony

B) the country deprived of independence

C) monarchy form

D) form of fight of workers

E) type of monopoly


190.1. The first colony of England on the Atlantic coast –

A) Massachusetts

B) Virginia

C) New Jersey

D) Maryland

E) Georgia


191.1. What is the colony?

A) the country owning a colony

B) the country deprived of independence

C) monarchy form

D) form of fight of workers

E) type of monopoly


192.1. During what historical era there were doctrines about the political rights and freedoms?

A) Renaissance

B) Reformation

C) Enlightenment

D) Reorganization

E) Revival


193.1. Early form of capitalist production -

A) plant

B) factory

C) trust

D) manufactory

E) concern


194.1. What essence of policy of enclosing?

A) land tenure expansion

B) sheep breeding development

C) violentсгон peasants from the earth

D) fall of the price of agricultural goods

E) land lease


195.1. In what country peasants were violently drove from the ground?

A) England

B) France

C) Russia

D) Prussia

E) Italy


196.1. Political result of English bourgeois revolution -

A) "Glorious revolution"

B) Independent republic

C) Cromwell's protectorate

D) Charles's execution

E) The army of a new sample is created


197.1. What form of government established by the Constitution of the United States in 1787?

A) absolute monarchy

B) a parliamentary monarchy

C) Republic

D) despotism

E) protectorate


198.1. Who are the Loyalists in the USA?

A) supporters of dependence on England

B) supporters of independence of England

C) supporters of an absolute monarchy

D) supporters of cancellation of slavery

E) supporters of plantatsionny economy


199.1. How many colonies participated in work of the Continental congress?

A) 15

B) 14

C) 13

D) 12

E) 10


200.1. Time of presidency of T.Jefferson-

A) 1789-1797

B) 1797-1801

C) 1801-1809

D) 1809-1817

E) 1817-1825


201.1. Time of presidency of George Washington -

A) 1789-1797

B) 1797-1801

C) 1801-1809

D) 1809-1817

E) 1817-1825


202.1. How many class of society was divided into French society?

A) 8

B) 7

C) 6

D) 5

E) 3


203.1. Who was in the first class in France?

A) Nobles

B) Clergy

C) Operating

D) Farmers

E) The bourgeoisie


204.1. Who was part of the second class in France?

A) Nobles

B) Clergy

C) Operating

D) Farmers

E) The bourgeoisie


205.1. When it adopted the "Declaration of the Rights of Man?"

A) During the French Revolution

B) During the Paris Commune

C) During the Franco- Prussian War

D) During the Second Empire

E) In the years of the July Monarchy


206.1. In the years of the revolution which adopted the " Declaration of the Rights of Man?"

A) During the French Revolution

B) During the English bourgeois revolution

C) During the American Revolutionary War

D) During the Civil War in the United States

E) in the years of the Great October Socialist Revolution


207.1. The supreme authority of the Jacobin dictatorship -

A) The Directory

B) The Committee of Public Safety

C) The Paris Commune

D) National Convention

E) The Consulate


208.1. Figure of the French Revolution -

A) M. Robesper

B) Jean-Paul Marat

C) Louis Saint-Just

D) Georges Jacques Danton

E) all of the above


209.1. Who are the sans-culottes?

A) Religious ministers

B) Urban poor

C) Large landowners

D) New nobility

E) Supporters of the King


210.1. As they called the urban poor in France?

A) Peers

B) Grossbauern

C) Sans-culottes

D) Cavaliers

E) round-headed


211.1. What do you call the supporters of absolute monarchy?

A) Sans-culottes

B) Royalists

C) Socialists

D) Grossbauern

E) Diggers


212.1. Who is Grossbauern?

A) wealthy farmer in Prussia

B) slave in America

C) the urban poor in France

D) new nobility in England

E) is a major landowner in England


213.1. As it was called in Prussia wealthy farmers?

A) Grossbauern

B) sans-culottes

C) loyalists

D) diggers

E) The Levellers


214.1. Who are paupers?

A) wealthy farmer in Prussia

B) slaves in America

C) the urban poor

D) new nobility in England

E) large landowners in England


215.1. Between which countries had signed the Peace of Tilsit in 1807?

A) France and Russia

B) France and Prussia

C) Russia and England

D) The United States and England

E) Russia and Japan


216.1. When the Peace of Tilsit was signed between Russia and France?

A) 1807
B) 1806
C) 1812
D) 1814
E) 1815


217.1. What international reactionary organization was created at the initiative of Alexander I in 1815?

A) Continental Blockade

B) The Holy Alliance

C) The Entente

D) The Triple Alliance



218.1. The decision the Peace of Tilsit between Russia and France -

A) The creation of the Continental Blockade

B) The creation of the Holy Alliance

C) The restoration of the Bourbons

D) The recognition of the independence of the United States

E) The proclamation of the Empire in France


219.1. What is the essence of the Continental blockade?

A) The prohibition of trade relations with Britain

B) Fighting against national liberation movements in Europe

C) The division of Poland between Austria and Russia

D) The expulsion of Napoleon at St. Helena

E) The restoration of the Bourbons in France


220.1. Whose interests did Jacobins express?

A) Big bourgeoisie

B) The peasantry

C) The labors

D) The sans-culottes

E) Middle bourgeoisie


221.1. Whose interests did Girondins express?

A) Big bourgeoisie

B) The peasantry

C) The labors

D) The sans-culottes

E) Middle bourgeoisie


222.1. What is the program of the Levellers?

A) The National Agreement

B) The law of liberty

C) Common Sense

D) Grand Remonstrance

E) The Bill of Rights


223.1. What is the program of the Diggers?

A) The National Agreement

B) The law of liberty

C) Common Sense

D) Grand Remonstrance

E) The Bill of Rights


224.1. Forms of capitalist exploitation –

A) an increase in working days

B) use of women and child labor

C) lack of labor protection

D) low wages

E) all of the options are correct


225.1. Date of reconstruction of the southern states,

A) 1775-1781

B) 1789-1799

C) 1861-1865

D) 1865-1877

E) 1801-1809

226.1. When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated?

A) 1865

B) 1864

C) 1863

D) 1862

E) 1860


227. 1. What does mean the Reconstruction of the South?

A) the implementation of the industrial revolution

B) the abolition of slavery

C) the provision of slaves civil rights

D) carrying out bourgeois reforms

E) all of the options are correct


228.1. Who led the army of the southern states during the Civil War in the United States?

A) General Lee

B) General U.Grant

C) General Sherman

D) General Washington

E) General Davis


229. 1. Who led the army of northerners in the Civil War the United States?

A) General Lee

B) Abraham Lincoln

C) General Sherman

D) General Washington

E) General Davis


230.1. The figure of the American bourgeois revolution II-

A) Abraham Lincoln

B) D.Lilbrеn

C) Marat

D) Cavour

E) Kossuth


231.1. The activity of the first American bourgeois revolution -

A) Thomas Jefferson

B) D.Lilbern

C) Marat

D) Cavour

E) Kossuth


232.1. Officials of the English bourgeois revolution –

A) Abraham Lincoln

B) J.Lilbern

C) Marat

D) Cavour

E) Kossuth


233.1. Officials of the July Revolution in France -

A) Abraham Lincoln

B) D.Lilbern

C) Marat

D) Cavour

E) Gizo


234.1. Officials of the Paris Commune -

A) Abraham Lincoln

B) D.Lilbern

C) Marat

D) Cavour

E) Varlin


235.1. The figure of the French Revolution –

A) A. Lincoln

B) D. Lilburn

C) Marat

D) Cavour

E) Kossuth


236.1. Which president abolished slavery in the United States?

A) D.Vashington

B) Thomas Jefferson

C) Abraham Lincoln

D) U.Grant

E) Theodore Roosevelt


237.1. What is abolitionism?

A) struggle for the abolition of slavery

B) Economic Policy patronage of development of domestic industries

C) the movement for the unification of Italy

D) the workers' struggle for universal suffrage

E) popular vote


238.1. Representative of what party was Woodrow Wilson?

A) democratic

B) Republican

C) Conservative

D) liberal

E) radical


239.1. What is the German emperor?

A) Chancellor

B) Kaiser

C) Archduke

D) Prime Minister

E) Protector


240.1. In which country the Chartist movement was formed?

A) England

B) France

C) Italy

D) Austria

E) of Prussia


241.1. What is the Chartist movement?

A) the labor movement for universal political rights

B) the movement for women's political rights

C) the movement of blacks for political rights

D) peasant movement for the abolition of serfdom

E) the movement for the abolition of slavery farmers


242.1. When England hosted the first parliamentary reform?

A) 1832

B) 1842

C) 1852

D) 1862

E) 1872


243.1. The first parliamentary reform in England -

A) proclaimed democratic freedoms

B) abolished serfdom in the countryside

C) revised the electoral districts

D) abolished the fencing in the village

E) has expanded the rights of Parliament


244.1. When slavery was abolished in the United States?

A) during the war for independence

B) during the Spanish-American War

C) during the First World War

D) during the bourgeois revolution II

E) during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson


245.1. Date of the abolition of slavery in the United States-

А) 1776
В) 1787
С) 1861
D) 1865
Е) 1777


246.1. Which amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery in the U.S.?

А) 11
В) 12
С) 13
D) 14
Е) 15


247.1. What is the legislature of the United States?

A) General states

B) The Parliament

C) Congress

D) The Convention

E) The Senate


248.1. After what battle the U.S. gained its independence?

A) Battle of Saratoga

B) Battle of Yorktown

C) The battle of Richmond

D) Battle of Savannah

E) Battle of Boston


249.1. Time of the Independents republic in England -

А) 1642-1649

В) 1649-1653

С) 1653-1658

D) 1658-1660

Е) 1660-1689


250.1. A major battle in the Civil War in England -

A) Battle of Naseby

B) Battle at Warwick

C) battle at Oxford

D) Battle of Marston Moor

E) The battle of Worcester


251.1. When the United States signed a separate peace with Germany?

A) 1917

B) 1918

C) 1919

D) 1920

E) 1921


252.1. What is a separate peace?

A) peace concluded by the state apart from its allies

B) a preliminary peace

C) peace concluded without annexation

D) peace enclosed in heavy conditions for the defeated side

E) peace concluded between the Allies


253.1. Which state U.S. signed a separate peace with?

A) Germany

B) France

C) Austria-Hungary

D) Russia

E) Turkey


254.1. What land Germany returned France by the Treaty of Versailles?

A) Northern Schleswig

B) District Eupen

C) Alsace and Lorraine

D) District of Malmedy and Morena

E) Shandong


255.1. What is the plan for regulating international relations proposed by Woodrow Wilson?

A) 14 points

B) 12 theses

C) The Young Plan

D) The Dawes Plan

E) New Deal


256.1. Who is Woodrow Wilson?
А) U.S. President
В) President of France
С) Prime Minister of England
D) Prime Minister of Italy
Е) President of France


257.1. Representative of what the party was Woodrow Wilson?
А) republican
В) democratic
С) communistic
D) labour
Е) liberal


258.1. The supreme body of the League of Nations?

А) Assembly
В) League of Nations Council
С) Conference
D) Congress
Е) Presidium


259.1. How many points was in Woodrow Wilson's plan to regulate international relations?
А) 15
В) 14
С) 13
D) 12
Е) 10


260.1. In what year did the United States adopted the Wagner Act?
А) 1935
В) 1936
С) 1937
D) 1938
Е) 1939


261.1. The return of defeated country of the stolen property —
А) restitution
В) constitution
С) contribution
D) repair
Е) repatriation


262.1. In The First World War Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria were combined —
А) In the Quadruple Alliance
В) Triple Entente
С) League of Nations
Е) In the Big Four


263.1 How much increased national wealth in the United States during the First World War?
А) 2 times
В) 2,5 times
С) 3 times
D) 3,5 times
Е) 4 times


264.1. Who presided at the Paris Peace Conference?
А) Georges Clemenceau
В) Woodrow Wilson
С) Lloyd George
D) Orlando
Е) Winston Churchill


265.1. Representatives of how many several states participated in the Paris Conference?
А) 20
В) 25
С) 26
D) 27
Е) 28


266.1. The Big Four —
А) Wilson, Lloyd George, Clemenceau, Orlando
В) Wilson, Clemenceau, Orlando, Poincaré
С) Clemenceau, Lloyd George, Orlando, Poincaré
D) Clemenceau, Lloyd George, Orlando, Taft
Е) Орландо, Wilson, Poincaré, Lenin


267.1. The Big Four —
A) USA, France, England, Italy
В) USA, France, Italy, Austria
С) France, England, Italy, Belgium
D) France, USA, England, Bulgaria
Е) USA, France, England, Turkey


268.1 Orlando, Clemenceau, Lloyd George, Wilson made -
А) The Big Four
В) Young Friends Committee
С) League of Nations Council
D) Assembly of the League of Nations
Е) Organization of the North American contract


269.1. How many votes in the Assembly of the League of Nations had UK?

А) 6
В) 5
С) 4
D) 3
Е) 2


270.1 What part of the territory of Germany lost the decisionVersailles Peace?

A) 1/7(1/8)

B) 1/5

C) 1/6

D) 1/3

E) 1/4


271.1. Decision which conference France regained Alsace and Lorraine?

A) Versailles

B) of the Vienna

C) Frankfurt am Main

D) Brest

E) Washington


272.1. Reparation -

A) compensation for material damage state ATTACKED

B) homecoming prisoners and civilians living outside their country due to war

C) Approval by public authorities of the international treaty

D) return values ​​withdrawn temporarily occupied enemy territory

E) Measures aimed at the reduction and destruction of weapons


273.1. Restitution -

A) return of the defeated country stolen property

B) homecoming prisoners and civilians living outside their country due to war

C) Approval by public authorities of the international treaty

D) pecuniary damage state ATTACKED

E) Measures aimed at the reduction and destruction of weapons


274.1. 89 a decision of the treaty prohibits the annexation of Austria to Germany?

A) Versailles

B) Sevres

C) Saint-Germain

D) Her sur Senskogo

E) Warsaw


275.1. The decision overturned the Treaty of Versailles in Germany -

A) conscription

B) universal suffrage

C) democratic freedoms

D) universal labor conscription

E) all of the above is true


276.1. Loss of national wealth of France in World War I made -

A) 31%

B) 41%

C) 51%

D) 61%

E) 21%


277.1. Loss of national wealth of England in World War I made ​​-

A) 15%

B) 20%

C) 25%

D) 30%

E) 35%


278.1. Specify the start date of the Versailles Conference

A) January 18, 1919

B) January 18, 1920

C) January 18, 1921.

D) January 18, 1922

E) January 18, 1918


279.1. Which of American presidents visited Europe for the first time?

A) Woodrow Wilson

B) U.Taft

C) C. Coolidge

D) Herbert Hoover

E) Franklin Roosevelt


280.1. Debt Entente U.S. military loans amounted to -

A) 7.5 billion dollars

B) 8.5 billion dollars

C) $ 9.5 bn

D) 10,5 bn

E) 11.5 billion dollars


281.1. International organization founded in 1919, the main task

which was to maintain peace in the world -

A) four council

B) The League of Nations

C) the Warsaw Pact

D) the United Nations

E) The organization of the North American contract


282.1. When the Entente countries signed a peace treaty with Germany?

A) June 28, 1918

B) June 28, 1919

C) 28 June 1920

D) June 28, 1921

E) June 28, 1922


283.1. Who led the first Labour government in Britain in 1924?

A) Winston Churchill

B) S.Bolduin

C) MacDonald

D) N.Chemberlen

E) U.Gallaher


284.1. What is the essence of the English Act Statute of Westminster?

A) on conscription

B) The joint struggle against fascism

C) recognition of the rights of Germany in the field of arms

D) of the Non-Aggression between Germany and the USSR

E) Recognition of dominions complete autonomy


285.1. Which document recognized the right to complete the Dominions independence?

A) Treaty of Versailles

B) 14 points

C) Rapallo Treaty

D) Statute of Westminster

E) The act of rebellion


286.1. In what year did the British government issued the Statute of Westminster?

A) 1928

B) 1930

C) 1931

D) 1935

E) 1939



287.1. For what purpose in France the organization National was created Front?

A) for guerrilla fight in the back of the enemy

B) national fight against fascism and war threat

C) establishment of diplomatic relations with the USSR

D) increase in taxes at a salary

E) establishment of 40-hour working week



288.1. As the organization created for fight against threat was called fascism and war?

A) resistance

B) Popular front

C) Komintern

D) free France

E) antikomintern pact


289.1. When the Soviet armies broke through "Mannerheim's line"?

A) in February, 1940

B) in March, 1941

C) in April, 1942

D) in May, 1943

E) in May, 1945


290.1. In what essence of the pact of Ribbentrop-Molotov?

A) recognition behind dominions of the right to self-determination

B) about non-aggression between Germany the USSR

C) joint fight against Komintern

D) capitulation of Germany

E) reductions of a reparation of Germany


291.1. How A. Hitler's book was called?

A) The reporting with a loop on a neck

B) Main Kampf

C) Revival

D) Memoirs

E) Kulturkampf


292.1. Leader of the Italian fascists

A) A.Hitler

B) F.Franko

C) B. Mussolini

D) Mosli

E) Papen


293.1. In what country fascists the first came to the power?

A) Spain

B) Italy

C) France

D) Germany

E) Romania


294.1. When in Italy fascist dictatorship fell?

A) 1944

B) 1945

C) 1943

D) 1942

E) 1941


295.1. What means concept reconversion?

A) transfer of economy to military orders

B) transfer of war industry to production of civil goods

C) compensation of material damage by the state which has made attack

D) return of the values withdrawn in temporarily occupied territory of the opponent

E) violent capture by the winner of part of the territory of the won state


296.1. Transfer of war industry to production of civil goods

A) reconversion

B) reconstruction

C) militarization

D) monopolization

E) reparation


297.1. When between Germany and the USSR the nonaggression pact was signed?

A) August 23, 1919

B) August 23, 1939

C) August 23, 1940

D) August 23, 1941

E) May 9, 1945


298.1. What in the year Germany left Nation League?

A) 1929

B) 1930

C) 1931

D) 1932

E) 1933


299.1. What between countries the Antikomintern pact was signed?

A) Germany, Japan, Italy

B) USSR, USA, England

C) Germany, Italy, Spain

D) Germany, Japan, Spain

E) Germany, Portugal, Romania


300.1. The beginning of World War II of war -

A) September 1, 1939

B) September 3, 1939

C) June 22, 1941

D) May 9, 1945

E) September 2, 1941


301.1. On September 1, 1939 occurred -

A) attack of Germany to Poland

B) attack of Germany to Czechoslovakia

C) attack of the USSR to Finland

D) attack of Japan to Pearl Harbour

E) the conclusion of the contract of non-aggression between Germany and the USSR


302.1. When England and France declared war of Germany?

A) September 3, 1939

B) September 1, 1940

C) June 22, 1941

D) August 10, 1938

E) March 16, 1939


303.1. Where peace conference after the end of World War I took place?

A) Versailles

B) To Washington

C) Frankfurt-on Main

D) London

E) Tokyo


304.1 How under the Versailles contract the issue of Alsace and Lorraine was resolved?

A) came back France

B) are left Germany

C) were a part of Switzerland

D) acquired the right to self-determination

E) attached Austro-Hungary


305.1. What number of army of Germany was established by the Versailles contract?

A) in 80 thousand people

B) in 85 thousand people

C) in 90 thousand people

D) in 95 thousand people

E) in 100 thousand people


306.1. What happened to colonies of Germany under the Versailles contract?

A) completely transferred to France

B) completely transferred to England

C) established general control

D) lost all the colony

E) colonies gained independence


307.1. The creation of what organization was a component of the Versailles peace treaty?

A) Leagues of the Nations



D) Popular front

E) Communistic International


308.1. What state by mandates of League of the Nations did receive to management the former colonies of Germany - Marshallova, Mariana, the Caroline's?

A) England

B) France

C) Japan

D) China



309.1. What tasks faced the Washington conference of 1921-1922?

A) settlement of contradictions in the Far East and in the Pacific region

B) solutions of a question on colonies of Germany

C) reductions of a reparation of Germany

D) joint fight against fascism

E) solutions of a question on mandates of League of the Nations


310.1. What countries participated in a sharing of the German colonies in 1919?

A) France, England, Japan

B) USA, Soviet Socialist Republic, China

C) France, USA, Japan

D) Italy, Turkey, Romania

E) USA, Canada, Japan


311.1. What was the main task of League of the Nations?

A) fixing of an ascendant position of winner powers

B) reduction of Germany armed armies

C) definition of positions of the European states with the USSR

D) implementation of world revolution

E) peacekeeping


312.1. Where the Constitution of post-war Germany was proclaimed 1919?

A) Weimar

B) Nuremberg

C) Kiel

D) Berlin

E) Cologne


313.1. In what country the world economic crisis began?

A) England


C) France


E) Italy


314.1. What was at the bottom of a world economic crisis of 1929-1933?

A) contradictions between public nature of production and a private-capitalist form of assignment of products of work

B) contradiction between work and the capital

C) contradiction between the king and parliament

D) contradiction between trade partners

E) all options are correct


315.1. Who was the last president of the Weimar republic?

A) Hindenburg

B) Goering

C) Tissen

D) Ebert

E) Dawes


316.1. Who headed the government of the Popular front in France?

A) Daladier

B) Leon Blum

C) G. Clemenceau

D) de Gaulle

E) Pompidou


317.1. When it was installed a fascist dictatorship in Spain?

A) April 1, 1939

B) January 20, 1933

C) October 3, 1922

D) September 1, 1939

E) May 3, 1935


318.1. Why fascism is not widely used in the UK?

A) government pursued liberal reforms

B) Fascism was banned as an ideology

C) the weakness of Nazi ideology

D) the location of the island country

E) does not have a lot of millions of impoverished


319.1. Which dynasty was overthrown in Hungary in 1918?

A) Habsburg

B) Hohenzollern

C) Bourbon

D) Stewart

E) Tudor


320.1. When the Nazis came to power in Germany?

A) April 1, 1939

B) January 20, 1933

C) W October 1922

D) September 1, 1939

E) May 3, 1935


321.1. When the Nazis came to power in Italy?

A) in October 1922

B) in October 1924

C) in October 1929

D) in October 1939

E) in October 1940


322.1. Whose interests are protected National Socialist German Workers Party?

A) Veterans

B) the reactionary circles of the financial capital

C) workers

D) of the peasantry

E) of the urban poor


323.1. Which character wore a revolution of 1918-1919 in Germany?

A) liberal

B) socialist

C) of the bourgeois-democratic

D) Peasants

E) soldier


324.1. What is the meaning of militarism?

A) Anti-war social movement

B) peace concluded separately from allies

C) the deployment of the guerrilla movement

D) military buildup

E) the renunciation of war as a means of resolving the conflict


325.1. What does the term pacifism?

A) fight for the abolition of slavery

B) anti-war social movement

C) the deployment of the guerrilla movement

D) military buildup

E) the authority to manage a particular territory


326.1. What European country didn't own at the beginning of the XX century colonies?

A) Portugal

В) Italy

C) Germany

D) Spain

E) Austro-Hungary


327.1. Which country-winner in the World War I refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?

A) Portugal

B) Italy

C) Germany

D) Spain

E) The U.S.


328.1. What state first appeared on the map of Europe after the Paris Peace Conference 1919?

A) Czechoslovakia

B) Croatia

C) Serbia

D) Bulgaria

E) Prussia


329.1. How was plan of economic recovery after World War I of Germany called?

A) Plan of Jung

B) 14 points

C) The Dawes Plan

D) New Deal

E) The Marshall Plan


330.1. Which country wasn’t permitted to take a part in The Paris Peace Conference 1919?

В) Turkey
С) China
D) Japan
Е) Russia


331.1. What a concept mandate included in Charter of the League of Nations means?

A) fight for the abolition of slavery

B) the authority to manage a particular territory

C) the deployment of the guerrilla movement

D) military build up

E) the renunciation of war as a means of resolving the conflict


332.1. When the monarchy in Germany fell?

А) march 18, 1919
В) August 23, 1922
С) September 1, 1933
D) November 9, 1918
Е) September 1, 1939


333.1. After what event November revolution in Germany began?

A) The collapse of the German coalition

B) Workers strike in Berlin

C) A peaceful procession of students Hanover

D) Peasant agitation in Wurttemberg

E) The uprising of sailors in Kiel


334.1. Who was the first president of The Weimar Republic?

A) Ebert

B) Adolf Hitler

C) Hindenburg

D) Papen

E) Peak


335.1. Houses of parliament by Weimar Republic constitution are?

A) The House of Lords and House of Commons

B) The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies

C) The Federal Council and the Council of the Republic

D) The Senate and the House of Commons

E) The Reichstag and the Reichsrat


336.1. The feature of the fascism is?

A) Nationalism and racism

B) Rejection of democracy

C) The desire to create a totalitarian state

D) Worship of violence

E) Everything listed is true


337.1. NSDAP party's leader -
А) Peak
В) Hitler
С) Hindenburg
D) Papin
Е) Ebert


338.1. In what year did Adolf Hitler became Reich Chancellor?
А) 1933
В) 1932
С) 1931
D) 1930
Е) 1929


339.1. The social base of fascism -
А) Bourgeoisie
В) Nationalist peasants, war veterans, the unemployed
С) Bankers
D) Industrialists
Е) Intellectuals


340.1. Who headed the Council of People's Commissars in Hungary?
А) Karolyi
В) Grosz
С) Bela Kun
D) Zhivkov
Е) Nicolae Ceaușescu


341.1. The revolutionary anti-war movement of German workers

А) Resistance
В) Popular front
С) Spartacus

D) Solidarity
Е) The Comintern


342.1. What form of government was established by the Constitution of the Weimar?
А) Presidential republic

В) Parliamentary monarchy
С) Bourgeois parliamentary federal republic
D) Absolute monarchy
Е) Estate-representative monarchy


343.1. When Germany and France signed an Armistice?
А) June 22, 1939
В) June 22, 1940
С) August 22, 1941
D) August 22, 1942
Е) August 22, 1943


344.1. Fundamental change in the Soviet-German front occurred after —
А) Battle for Moscow
В) Battle of Stalingrad
С) Battle of Kursk
D) Siege of Leningrad
Е) Yalta Conference


345.1. When started the turning point on the Soviet-German front?
А) 1941-1942
В) 1940- 1941
С) 1942-1943
D) 1943-1944
Е) 1944-1945


346.1. The main question the Tehran Conference 1943
А) Postwar world
В) The size of reparations
С) The surrender of Germany
D) The establishment of the International Military Tribunal
Е) To determine the date and place of the opening of the Second Front


347.1. The head of which countries met at the Tehran Conference?
А) United States, Germany, France
В) Germany, Italy, Japan
С) USSR, France, England
D) United States, Japan, China
Е) United States, USSR, UK


348.1. When there was the opening of the Second Front?

A) June 6, 1944

B) 6 June 1945

C) June 6, 1943

D) June 6, 1942

E) June 22, 1941


349.1. How did the opening of the Second Front?

A) attack the U.S. base at Pearl Harbor

B) the landing of Allied troops in northern France

C) the Battle of Stalingrad

D) dropped atomic bombs in Japan

E) the collapse of Hitler coalition


350.1. Where was signed the act of unconditional surrender of Germany?

A) Berlin

B) Karlhorst

C) London

D) Tehran

E) Yalta


351.1. When they signed the act of unconditional surrender of Germany?

A) May 2, 1945

B) May 7, 1945

C) May 8-9, 1945

D) August 1, 1945

E) September 1, 1945


352.1. What countries participated in the Potsdam Conference?

A) United States, France, England

B) United States, Japan, China

C) the Soviet Union, France, England

D) Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey

E) the United States, the Soviet Union, England


353.1. Where was first applied the method of " shock therapy"?

A) Hungary

B) Poland

C) German

D) Czechoslovakia

E) Yugoslavia


354.1. In what year in Poland was the method of "shock therapy"?

A) 1989

B) 1990

C) 1991

D) 1995

E) 1996


355.1. In what year did Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia?

A) 1989

B) 1990

C) 1991

D) 1992

E) 1993


356.1. In what year Italian monarchy was abolished?

A) 1944

B) 1945

C) 1946

D) 1949

E) 1950


357.1. In what year Italy was proclaimed a republic?

A) 1945

B) 1946

C) 1947

D) 1949

E) 1950


358.1. What form of government proclaimed the Constitution of 1947 in Italy?

A) an absolute monarchy

B) a presidential republic

C) a parliamentary monarchy

D) a parliamentary republic

E) estate- representative monarchy


359.1. Who was the first Chancellor of Federal Republic of Germany?

A) Willy Brandt

B) Helmut Kohl

C) Konrad Adenauer

D) Herbert Mies

E) Erich Honecker


360.1. Representative, which party was Konrad Adenauer?

A) of the Social Democratic Party

B) Free Democratic Party

C) of the Christian Democratic Union

D) Christian Social Union

E) of the Communist Party


361.1. Indicate the years of the Fourth Republic in France?

A) 1945-1956

B) 1950-1958

C) 1955-1958

D) 1946-1958

E) 1949-1958


362.1. In what year was the adoption of the Constitution of the Fourth Republic in France?

A) 1945

B) 1949

C) 1946

D) 1950

E) 1955


363.1. In what year was the adoption of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic in France?

A) 1949

B) 1955

C) 1958

D) 1962

E) 1965


364.1. What form of government proclaimed the Constitution of the Fourth Republic in France?

A) a presidential republic

B) an absolute monarchy

C) a parliamentary republic

D) a constitutional monarchy

E) estate-representative monarchy


365.1. What form of government proclaimed the Constitution of the Fifth Republic?

A) a parliamentary republic

B) a parliamentary monarchy

C) a presidential republic

D) a constitutional monarchy

E) an absolute monarchy


366.1. Who is Charles de Gaulle?

A) U.S. President

B) President of France

C) President of Germany

D) State Secretary of of England

E) French writer


367.1.Representative of what the party was Winston Churchill?

A) Communist

B) of the Social Democratic

C) Conservative

D) radical

E) Labour


368.1. In what year did Margaret Thatcher became prime minister?

A) 1975

B) 1977

C) 1979

D) 1980

E) 1981


369.1. Who is Margaret Thatcher?

A) British Foreign Minister

B) leader of the antifascist movement

C) British Prime Minister

D) the leader of the feminist movement

E) Prime Minister of France


370.1.Representative of what the party was Margaret Thatcher?

A) Communist

B) Christian Democratic

C) liberal

D) Conservative

E) Labour


371.1. In what country was adopted a law Hobbs?

A) German

B) England

C) U.S.

D) France



372.1. In what year was adopted the Taft-Hartley Act?

A) 1945

B) 1949

C) 1950

D) 1955

E) 1947


373.1. What is the essence Taft-Hartley Act?

A) an increase in the working week

B) the prohibition of trade union workers

C) the prohibition of the Communist Party

D) prohibition of strikes

E) Reduction of military production


374.1. Indicate during the presidency of John F. Kennedy

A) 1945-1952

B) 1952-1959

C) 1960-1966

D) 1960-1967

E) 1960-1963


375.1. Indicate during the presidency of Ronald Reagan -

A) 1945-1952

B) 1955-1962

C) 1980-1987

D) 1981-1985

E) 1981-1988


376.1. Representative of what the party was Bill Clinton?

A) Republican

B) Communist

C) Socialist

D) radical

E) Democratic


377.1Specify the purpose of the The United Nations Organization -

A) arms race

B) Economic Cooperation in Europe

C) the maintenance of international peace and security

D) cultural and scientific cooperation

E) regulation of customs duties


378.1. "Business-to-business of the American people" - whose main aphorism?

A) W.Wilson

B) U.Garding

C) G.Guver

D) Franklin D. Roosevelt

E) K.Kulidzh


379.1. In what year was U.S. women got the right to vote in elections?

A) 1945

B) 1919

C) 1920

D) 1939

E) 1941


380.1. When was signed the Munich Agreement?

A) 1929

B) 1933

C) 1936

D) 1941

E) 1938


381.1. Between which countries was concluded the Munich Agreement?

A) France, the USSR, Italy, Germany

B) United States, Soviet Union, France, Great Britain

C) the United States, Japan, China, the Soviet Union

D) the Soviet Union, Great Britain, Italy, Japan

E) France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy


382.1. What does the Munich Agreement, signed in 1938?

A) occupation of Poland

B) the transfer of Gdansk Germany

C) attack the Soviet Union

D) the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Finland

E) the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia, and the transfer of the Sudetenland to Germany


383.1. What is the agreement provided for the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia?

A) of the Tehran Agreement

B) The Yalta meeting

C) Versailles-Washington system

D) The Berlin Conference

E) The Munich Agreement


384.1. What plan provided for a reduction of German reparations?

A) 14 points

B) The Dawes Plan

C) New Deal

D) 100 days of reforms

E) the Young Plan


385.1. In what year the Dawes Plan was adopted?

А) 1945

В) 1968

С) 1939

D) 1929

Е) 1924


386.1. In what year the Young Plan was adopted

А) 1922
В) 1927
С) 1933
D) 1939
Е) 1929


387.1. What was the name of a period of rapid and sustained economic development of the USA in the 20s?

A) stagnation

B) depression

C) the intensification

D) the NEP

E) Prosperity


388.1. What is the Assault Division (CA)?

A) partisans behind enemy lines

B) units to prosecute war criminals

C) soldiers of the Soviet Army

D) conscripts

E) paramilitary units of Nazi Party in Germany


389.1. How was called the plan of German High Command, which included an attack on Poland?

A) "Barbarossa"

B) "Bagration"

C) «White Plan"

D) «New Deal»

E) "Cold War"


390.1. What was the national liberation movement of the peoples occupied by Nazi Germany?

A) People's Front

B) United League

C) Resistance Movement

D) The Green Party

E) Abolitionists


391.1. When the law was the Lend-Lease law passed?

А) 1939
В) 1940
С) 1941
D) 1942
Е) 1943


392.1. What is the Lend-Lease?

A) the establishment of joint control of the occupied territories

B) economic recovery in the post-war period

C) the issuance of an interest-free loan

D) the transfer of a loan or lease arms to countries which had an important defense

importance to the U.S.

E) Measures aimed at the reduction and elimination of weapons


393.1. What was the name of the military system of fortifications along the Soviet-Finnish border?

A) The Berlin Wall

B) Kursk Bulge

C) The road of life

D) Ho Chi Minh Trail

E) Mannerheim Line


394.1. In what year was the first time in the history of England's parliament passed a law about a universal military service?

А) 1929
В) 1933
С) 1935
D) 1940
Е) 1939


395.1. Specify the largest fascist organization in France

A) Free France

B) Solidarity

C) People's Front

D) Croix-de-Feu

E) The true fighters


396.1 In what year was established in France People's Front?

А) 1929
В) 1933
С) 1941
D) 1940
Е) 1935


397.1. Who headed most reactionary government in France on the eve of the war?

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