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Metaphor — a transfer of name based on association of similarity & this is actually a hidden comparison.
Poetic metaphor — always fresh & unexpected; linguistic metaphor—trite (избита, шаблонна) & dead. It is the result of long usage.
a) the usage of animals’ names for denoting people
ass — глупец, невежда
cow — неуклюжий, глупый человек, a dirty dog
A woman may be a peach (the name of a plant)
b) parts of human body → different parts of an object / thing
head — крона (of a tree), the upper part of smth.
the head of a cabbage, the head of a nail, the head of an army
hand — подлокотник, стрела (крана), ручка, рукоятка
the eye of a needle, the teeth of a saw (пила), the tongue of a shoe, the back of a chair, the heart of an apple
c) physical property (temperature, taste, measure) → intellectual properties, evaluation of emotional state of other rational properties
warm — 2) горячий, сердечный; 3) горячий, страстный, пылкий (ardent)
dry — 2) сухой, сдержанный, холодный, бесстрастный (impassive)
sharp — 2) умный, сообразительный, остроумный, проницательный;
3) ловкий (adroit), искусный;
4) раздражительный
d) physical actions → intellectual activity
to smash a cup → to smash a theory
to tie a horse to a tree → to be tied by the rules
Metaphors are based on different types of similarity of shape & function, duration of time, colour & appearance. A special type of metaphor includes transition of proper names into common ones: Venus—a beautiful female, a Scrooge — especially griddy, a Vandal—a notorious Gothic tribe → a person who destroys eth., Плюшкин.
Metonymy —a transfer of meaning based on the association of contiguity. A shift of names that are known to be in some way or another connected in reality or the substitution of the name of an attribute of the thing for the name of the thing itself.
a) animal — meat of the animal
fowl—птичье мясо, курятина;
goose, turkey, lamb
b) material — articles of it (изделия)
clay — глиняная трубка, silver — серебряные изделия
с) containing — contained
school — pupils of school
house — семейство, род, династия; 3) театр, кинотеатр; 4) публика
d) property —the subject of the property
authority — крупный специалист;
beauty — красавица;
talent — a talented person
other examples:
sack (сумка из плотной ткани) — мера сыпучих продуктов
barrel (деревянная бочка) — мера жидкостей
the crown — the British monarchy
the Kremlin — the Soviet (Russian) government
Downing street — the British government
Through metonymic transfer we may turn proper names into common ones:
Alexander Volt (Italian physicist) — volt; ampere (for measuring electricity), watt (unit for measuring electric power), ohm
Bobby (the founder of the system of the British police) → a british policeman;
Wedgwood (the founder of the production of china) → a sort of british china;
There are numerous examples of geographical names, turning into common ones, esp. with reference to various stuff & materials:
astrakhan — мех каракуля
damask — лучшие закалённые клинки (blades, standing for steel)
holland — the best linen (полотно)
morocco — сафьян (leather)
diesel, bikini
some of them —international: champagne, burgundi, madeira (a type of strong wine containing brandy), cheddar (a sort of cheese), a sandwich (the name of a noble man, who was in the habit of playing billiard & eating simultaneously a slice of beef between 2 slices of bread).
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