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Semantic structure of English words. Semantic groupings in the vocabulary.

Читайте также:
  1. British and American pronunciation models. Most distinctive features of BBC English and Network English.
  3. Differences in the Semantic Structures of Source Language and Target Language
  4. English is non-phonetic language. International Phonetic Alphabet.
  5. Etymological survey of the English vocabulary
  6. Fill in the blanks using the active vocabulary.
  7. Find English equivalents for the following Russian word combinations and sayings and learn them by heart.
  8. General characteristics of English and Ukrainian functional styles
  9. Give English equivalents.
  10. In pairs translate the phrases from English into Russian and vice versa. Check your partner. Make up your own sentences.

Lexical meaning —the component of m-ing expressing the content proper only to the given w & distinguishing it from other ws & recurrent in all its forms & distributions (Write, wrote, has written, am writing, have been writing —1 & the same semantic component “the process of making marks that represent letters/w-s by using a pen/pencil on paper”—seme.

Grammatical meaning —the component of the m-ing expressing the general, uniting individual forms of different ws in identical sets—variable(переменное), adding the lexical m-ing, complicating it; the component of the m-ing recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different ws: the tense ming in the w-forms of verbs (asked, walked, prepared); the case ming in the w-forms of various nouns (girl’s, merchant’s, night’s).

The lexical ming—a complex structural formation. It includes denotational & connotational components.

The denotational comp. —that comp. of the lex. mean. ~ makes communication possible

It expresses the conceptional content of a w (speak—make use of a language in an ordinary, not a singing voice)

The connotational component —that comp. of the lex. mean. ~ expresses the emotive attitude of the subject of the speech towards the denotatum (обозначаемое). The emotive attitude includes the emotive charge & the stylistic value of the w-d.

The emotive charge—one of the objective semantic features proper to w-s as linguistic units. It comprises the emotional & evaluative comp-s. The emotional one expresses different emotions: gladness, sorrow, grief, admiration, tenderness—both positive & negative emotions (bosso, girlie).

The evaluative component expresses/ conveys the speaker’s attitude towards the referent, labeling it as good / bad: respect, scorn, irony, disrespect, hatred, disregard (пренебреж.) hovel —лачуга, хибара. It denotes “a small house/cottage” & besides implies that it is a miserable dwelling place, dirty, in bad repair & in general unpleasant to live in.

the stylistic reference & the emotive charge of a w are closely connected & to a certain degree interdependent. (It is one of the debatable problems in semasiology. Some linguists go so far as to claim that the stylistic reference of the w-d lies outside the scope of the meaning.) As a rule styl-ly coloured w-s are observed to possess a considerable emotive charge. The coll. w-s “ daddy ”, “ mammy ” are more emotional than the neutral “ father ”, “ mother”

Polysemy The majority of English w-s—polysemantic.

hawk —1) ястреб, сокол; 2) хищник (о человеке); 3)амер. сторонник жёсткого курса (в политике)

to flash —1) сверкать, вспыхивать; давать отблески; 2) быстро промелькнуть, пронестись; 3) осенить, прийти в голову; 4) передавать по телеграфу, радио; 5) разг. выставлять себя на показ, красоваться, бахвалиться

(1) dominates over other m-gs, conveying the concept in the most general way, whereas m-gs (2)-(5) are associated with special circumstances, aspects & instances of the same phenomenon. (1)—the main m-g— the centre of the semantic structure of the w, as it covers & holds together the rest of the semantic structure; (2)-(5)—secondary m-gs—c.b. associated with one another, some of them exclusively through the (1).

The semantic structure —an organized set of recurrent variants & shades of m-g a given sound complex can assume in different contexts, together with their emotional colouring, stylistic peculiarities & other typical connotations if any.

But not in every w such a centre c.b. found. Some semantic structures are arranged on a different principal:

The centre of the semantic structure isn’t 1 of the mean-s but a certain component which c.b. easily singled out within each separate m-g. Each separate m-g is subject to further subdivision & possesses an inner structure of its own, which m.b. represented as sets of semantic components—semes (basic, elementary units of a sense).

flat(adj.) —1) плоский, ровный (even) 2) нерельефный, плоский 3) вялый, скучный, однообразный (monotonous) 4)скучный, унылый; безжизненный; неэнергичный, неостроумный, невразумительный 5) ком. неоживлённый, вялый (о рынке) (lifeless) 7) выдохшийся (о пиве) (get exhausted) There is smth. that all these seemingly miscellaneous mings have in common—the implication of lacking: 1) deficiency of heights 2) def-y of relief 3) def-y of energy, variety 4) def-y of interest, energy, intellect 5) def-y of life, activity 7) def-y of quality

A polysemantic w-d m.b. represented as a hierarchically organized on the basis of the primary m-g structure of lexico-semantic variants(LSV). Radiation — 1 of the types of connections b/w them (LSV) — all the m-s are connected directly/immediately with the direct m-g(the m-g nominates the object without the help of context, in isolation) & are motivated with it:

Heart - a hollow muscular organ that receives blood from the veins & sends it out through the arteries.

It’s the centre of all the living beings.

This gave ground to transfer the w-d to express the idea “the central part, the core of a plant / vegetable”.

the heart of the cabbage, the heart of the apple;

later: the centre of the innermost part of a region

Concatenation — each following m-g is connected with the preceding one, not with the primary m-g:

Film тонкая кожа→тонкая плёнка→фото- и киноплёнка→кинофильм

Test глиняный сосуд, в кот испытывают некот кол-во металлов→испытание металлов →любое испытание

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