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The system of w-building in English

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There are a lot of types of w-building, but the three main are: affixation, composition and conversion.

Affixation – is one of the types of w-building that deals with morphemes.

A morpheme—the smallest indivisible component of the w-d possessing a meaning of its own. Morph-s—constituents of w-s

A free m-me —a m-me ~ may stand alone without changing its meaning. It can form a w-d without adding other morphemes. Free m-es are homonymous to separate w-s. A great № of root-morphemes are free m-es: friendship.

A bound m-me —a m-me bound to some other m-me & it can’t stand alone (independently): -s, -ing, -ly, -ize, -ty, dis-, de-

According to the role they play in constructing w-s, m-es ↔ roots & affixes ↔ prefixes, suffixes, infixes.

A root —the semantic nucleus of a w-d with ~ no grammatical properties of the w-d are connected.

~ m.b. also regarded as the ultimate constituent element ~ remains after the removal of all functional & derivational aff-s & doesn’t admit any further analysis. It is the common element of w-s within a w-d-family. -heart- the common root of the following series of w-s: heart, hearten, hearty, heartily, heartless, heartiness, heart-broken.

According to their function & meaning affixes ↔ derivational & functional (endings).

Derivational aff. —an aff., serving to create new w-s (lex. units of structural & semantic type, differing from the type represented in the form from ~ a new w-d was produced (the underlying & the resultant forms).

Functional aff. —an aff., serving to convey grammatical meaning (create different forms of the same w-d). 10 functional aff-es.

According to their etymology (origin) aff. ↔ native & borrowed (-able, -ous, -ist, -ism, -ise, -sh)

All fnctional afxs are native and derived afxs m.b. native as well: -er, -less, -full, -hood, -ish, -ly

Aff-s ↔ productive (take part in deriving new w-s in this particular period of language development) & non-productive.

The proof of productivity—the existence of new ws coined by these aff-s: neologisms & nonce-ws (ws coined & used only for this particular occasion; formed on the level of living sp—don’t exist in dicti-es): unputdownable book, a lungful of smoke.

Productive aff.—always frequent but not every frequent aff.— productive: -ous—frequent but not productive; the noun-forming –th & its allomorph –t which may be traced to OE & is combined with adjective stems: health, height, truth; with verbal stems: flight, frost, growth; but there are no neologisms — non-productive.

Suffixation & Prefixation —the oldest ways of w-d-building.

Suffix usually modifies the lexical meaning of the w-d & transforms it into another p/speech. But may not transform: child → childhood, friend → friendship

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