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Types of semantic changes & transfers in the development of the vocabulary.

Читайте также:
  1. A)& Қолданушыға қажет жұмыстарды атқаруға мүмкіндік беретін программа
  2. A)& Тараз
  3. Antagonism b-n the N & the S. The chief events of the Civil war, its consequences
  4. B)& 30-70-е годы ХХв.
  5. B)& Атилла
  6. B)& ЭЕМ үшін қолданылатын амалдардың реттелген тізбегі, қандай да бір есепті шешудің алгоритмі.
  7. B)&көрсеткіштер жүйесі арқылы
  8. C)& Әл-Фараби
  9. C)& бухгалтерлік, статистикалық, салықтық және жедел
  10. C)& совокупность специфических навыков

Word-meaning isn’t homogeneous. W.-m. never remains stable. It m.b. narrowed (specialized) or widened (expanded). W.-m. m. become better (ameliorated — elevation) & worse (pejorated).

Why do words change their meaning?

They’re determined by the social nature of the language. Their meaning changes together with the progress of human civilization. A human mind achieves a more exact understanding of the surrounding world. These causes of the semantic change — extralinguistic.Linguistic causes of semantic change are of equal importance. They are determined by the introduction of new words due to ~ we observe the so-called redistribution of meaning.

land – ground – earth – soil – country

OE “land” — отрезок суши, земля, пашня, страна.

Under the influence of w-s, ~ came later, the w-d “land” preserved only “земля, суша”.

Each social group is characterized by peculiarities of nomination. And the w-d m. acquire these peculiarities. Thus, the noun “cell” means different things for different social groups; “cell” in different contexts suggests different notions for biologists (биологическая клетка), lawyers (камера), clergy (келья), electricians (изоляция).

Ring — кольцо; кольцо для спуска (mountaineer), кольцо корзины, цирковая арена, ринг, годовое кольцо древесины (woodcutter).

Historical analysis of w-m. helps us to trace how it develops & to reveal the primary meaning of w-s, ~ in some cases so far from modern meaning(s). Thus,

legend — originally a book describing the life of saint people

left — originally meant “weak”

hospital — originally a place to receive guests

train — originally шлейф пальто, платья

nice — originally ignorant (Latin) & silly (OF), nescius—ничего не знающий

sorrow—ulcer [ ] (L.—язва)

ponder—to measure the weight (взвешивать) < Lat.

Narrowing (Specialization) — a w-d, ~ formerly represented a notion of a broader scope has come to render a notion of a narrower scope.

fugol — a bird → fowl [au] — дом. птица

meat < OE mete — еда

writan—выцарапывать текст, рисунки на камне

room < OE пространство; the remnants of the old meaning is preserved:

There isn’t enough room here.

hound < OE hund (любая порода)

deer < OE wild animal girl < a child of any sex

Generalization — the scope of the new notion is wider than that of the original one. We may connect it with the higher order of abstraction than, in the previous meaning.

stock—orig. a supply of wood (вязанка дров) now: store of any goods

camp < OE the place of army location (a war camp) barn < a warehouse of barley (хранилище ячменя)

pipe < OE a musical instrument ready < OE ready for horse-riding (редингот—одежда для верховой езды)

person (L.) < the mask used by an actor per — through (L.), sonare — звучать

All the w-s belonging to the group of generic terms (w-s, ~ are semantically wide; applicable to a great № of individual members of a big class of w-s)—w-s expressing notions in ~ abstraction & generalization are so great that they can substitute any w-d of their class.

“state” denotes the class of all states

thing, job, affair, business, object, matter — generic terms

Specialization & generalization — the result of semantic change lies in the change of the denotational component.

The result of semantic change—in the change of the connotational component → Amelioration (elevation), Pejoration (degradation)

Elevation — a semantic shift undergone by w-s due to their referents coming up the social scale; the improvement of its originally neutral or having negative connotational meaning.

marchal < чистильщик лошадей; steward < тот, кто ухаживал за свиньями

Tory < gangster, bandit; minister < servant

knight < a boy-servant; queen < any woman

gentleman—translation loan gente (Fr.)

gentle, genteel — OE high-born, noble; in the course of time it came to denote “mild, quiet, careful”

gentleman (hist.) — a man of a good family attached to a court or to the house-hall of a noble man; now: a man who shows consideration for the feelings of others.

Pejoration is connected with derogatory & scornful attitude towards persons, things & objects, lowering them in the social scale;

~ the acquirement by a w-d of some derogatory meaning.

colonius—orig: living outside the city; now: clown

ruscle < OE peasant, boor (неуклюжий, плохо-воспитанный человек; деревенщина, неотесанный мужлан) < деревенский житель MdG Bauer

knave (подлец, мошенник, плут) < мальчик, слуга, лицо незнатного происхождения

silly < happy

gossip < godsip — a sponsor at baptism—тот, кто стоит у колыбели, когда крестят ребёнка — крёстный; приближённый к богу

blackguard — шантажист < a servant, who assisted his master’s travels to a new place & taking special care of black pots

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