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Complete the paragraph filling in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list below. You may have to alter the form of some words to fit the context.

Читайте также:
  1. A complete failure
  3. A look through the descriptions of things you can do with music and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold type.
  4. A) Complete the table with personal and professional abilities. Use the list below. Give the reasons.
  5. A. Listen to the description of the drilling process and fill in the missing words (no more than THREE words). The first word is given as an example.
  6. A. Read the paragraph below and choose the most appropriate words/ phrases in bold. Where could you read this extract?
  7. Abstract and Keywords
  8. Abstract and Keywords
  9. Abstract and Keywords
  10. Abstract and Keywords


By Mark Hager

Mark Hager was born in Williamson, West Virginia, a small town in the West Virginia hills. He writes stories based on his boyhood experiences when he had to walk miles to a small country school.

Answer the following questions

1. Read the title, what do you think the story is about? Share your ideas.

2. What do you know about the disease called "rabies"?

3. Have you ever had a pet that had to be euthanized? If so, what was the reason? How did you feel?


Find the appropriate definitions to the words below

1. mad to enclose in a pen; to confine in a fenced enclosure
2. danger period an interval of time during which something potentially harmful or dangerous could occur
3. pen up to shoot; to discharge a firearm
4. fire disgusting; morally offensive; dirty
5. nasty affected by rabies; rabid

3. Read the story “Good Morning”

Give definitions to the words, check the pronunciation if necessary

word definition
hollow tree  

Answer the questions

1. What happened to Mr. Epperly's cow?

2. Why did everyone want Joe to shoot Old Ranger?

3. Why did Joe have to hide the fact that the dog was still alive?

4. How did Joe make people think he had shot the dog?

5. What did Joe do with Old Ranger?

6. How did the children treat Joe at school?

7. When did Joe return the dog to the Epperlys? What was their reaction?

8. What do you think Joe meant when he said that the dollar bill felt nasty in his


6. English is rich in words that can function both as nouns and verbs without changing forms. Here are some words from the story that display functional shift.


Fill in the blanks with the words from the list below


volunteer tree fire face howl aim shoulder hug


1. Joe could not…the rifle with the dog looking at him. The dog's sad eyes upset his….

2. Joe remembered how Old Ranger liked to squirrels. He tied him then to a big….

3. Joe found it hard to…the children. He could not explain with a good…what he had


4. Mr. Epperly wanted to know who would…to shoot Old Ranger. He asked for a…to do it.

5. As soon as they saw Old Ranger, the Epperly children began to…both Joe and the dog. Joe remembers each…to this day.

6. Joe decided to into the air to make people think he had shot the dog. The children

heard the sound of the…and thought Old Ranger was dead.

7. Old Ranger began to…when he saw the Epperly house. When they heard the the

whole family came running.

8. It was a happy morning when at last Joe could…his bookstrap and lead Old Range

down the path. Joe always carried his books to school by a strap over his….


Complete the paragraph filling in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list below. You may have to alter the form of some words to fit the context.


rifle / bill / trunk / aim / neighbor / pen up / grove / whine / volunteer / suitable / danger / children / bawl / nasty


When none of the…would…to shoot Old Ranger, Mr. Epperly offered Joe a dollar…to do it. Joe took the dog and started looking for a…place. When he came to a…of trees, he tied Old Ranger to the…of one of the trees and started to…. But when he pointed his…at Old Ranger, the dog…and looked at him, and Joe decided he could not do it. Instead, he kept Old Ranger…for a month, and when the…period was over, he took the dog back to the Epperly family.


8. Translate the following expressions

винтовка двадцать второго калибра, конюшня, пока опасный период не пройдет, почему бы не взять собаку с собой, чувствовать себя почти героем, идти через лес по узкой тропинке, двор был залит солнцем, отвязать собаку, большой Пекан, гонять белок, прицеливаться, дождаться сумерек, заставить народ беспокоиться, меня осенило, обнять за шею, ругать детей


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