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  3. Ask one of the students and let him (her) answer your questions.
  4. B) SpUt into groups of 5-6 students and assign the roles of the panel.
  5. B. Make a Power Point presentation which can be used as a manual for foreign students that wish to spend a gap year in our country.
  6. Change and your students
  7. Dear student, you missed this lesson!
  8. Definition of Student Success
  9. Exercise 2. Answer the following questions in groups of three to four students.
  10. Exercise 3. Now divide into pairs or small groups and read about each method. Then tell other students what you have read about. Try not to miss any detail.

Let me introduce myself. I am Alex Sidorov. Alex is my first name and Sidorov is my surname. I am seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my studies.

I'm studying at Bryansk State Agricultural Academy. I am in the first year. As a rule, the academic year begins on the 1st of September and ends in May. It lasts ten months. The academic year is divided into two semesters: the autumn semester and the spring semester. Each semester ends with examinations, which take place in January and in June. During the academic year students work a lot. We have two holidays a year: winter and summer holidays.

My major duty is to study at the academy.

I am going to become an economist. I'll be engaged in agricultural economy. Agricultural economy deals with the scarce resources of land, labour, capital, and management and their best combination in order to meet the requirements of people. Providing farm products for all people in the world in the right form and at the right lime is an extremely complex process. Crop and animal production is the basis of the world food supply system. Agricultural economist must have a thorough understanding of it because of its role in meeting the needs of people. So my task is to organize and control economic activity of an enterprise taking into account peculiarity of agriculture.

I am going to become an accountant. I'll be engaged in record-keeping of enterprise's economic activity. A good record system has always been of great importance for successful enterprise management. Records can be helpful in improving the business, financing it, meeting legal requirements, and in many other ways. A complete record system includes an inventory; a depreciation schedule; a balance sheet; an income statement; a cash flow summary; non-financial records (production, statistics and more). The information required for preparing different farm documents is obtained from adequate accounts. Account is a separate recording for a specific financial information category referring to the income and expenses of a business. So my profession is very useful for such an important branch of the economy as agriculture.

I am going to become a manager. Managing all the problems related to agriculture is the subject of agricultural economics. Management is the process of achieving desired results with the resources available. This process usually involves the following components: planning, organizing, directing, controlling, and coordinating. Before starting to work a manager must decide what to produce, how much to produce, what technology to use, when and where to sell and buy, and how to finance the operation. To be successful management should be done on a scientific basis. Sciences other than economics (e.g. entomology, engineering, mathematics, statistics, and logics) can contribute much to agricultural management. So no enterprises can exist and function without a manager.

I am going to become a specialist of market. Marketing is the four “Ps”: the product, the place, the price, and the promotion. But most of all, marketing is research: finding out who the customers are and what they need. Simply to produce a product is not enough: the product must be transported, stored, priced, advertised, and sold. Marketing is the whole process of having the right product at the right time, in the right place, calling attention to it and thereby bringing a mutual benefit to customers. You are engaging in marketing when you design or develop a product or service, transport and store goods, provide a variety of choice, buy in large volumes and sell them by item, install, service, and repair and up-date. So my future profession is very important for agribusiness.

I am going to become an agronomist. I’ll be engaged in growing agricultural plants and cultivating the land. I must do it this way, so that to use arable land rationally and effectively and to increase the soil fertility and yields of the growing plants. That's why I should be aware of all agricultural plants, their varieties, cultivation, manuring, seeding rates, harvesting and other details the soil's physical and chemical properties, the basic methods of its cultivation, and fertilizing, the ways of selecting new varieties, of getting good seeds, of pest control and many more.

I am going to become an ecologist. The ecological problem is one of the pressing problems of our days. The pollution of the environment, the destruction of ecosystems, the extinction of many species of plants and animals has now reached threatening proportions. Negative anthropogenic influences threaten to disrupt nature's basic cycles and to undermine the self-regeneration capacities of biosphere and its components. So my task is to organize the cultivation of agricultural land and plants, their manuring and harvesting, keeping high soil's fertility, getting good and higher yields of plants, but not interfering with environment and preventing its pollution and other adverse effects while farming.

I am going to become a specialist of animal science. I will be engaged in breeding, caring, feeding of agricultural animals and getting livestock production (milk and beef pork, mutton, chicken-meat and eggs). Livestock farming includes cattle-breeding, pig-breeding, sheep-breeding and poultry-breeding. I should work out livestock rational systems and technologies of animal production, organize its rational breeding and feeding, improve pedigree qualities and increase animal production. I understand that livestock is important in the Russian agricultural economy I'll try to do my best improving the livestock sector.

I am going to become a veterinarian. I will be dealing with animals, their breeding, caring, medical treatment. I should know properly the animal's organism, normal and pathologic processes in it; causes, symptoms, methods of diagnostics and curing animals' diseases. Besides there is a complex of measures to prevent and do with the animals' diseases threatening people's health. At the academy we study many important disciplines: animals' anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, histology, veterinary microbiology, pathology and therapy of animals' diseases, general and particular veterinary surgery, veterinary pharmacology, toxicology, obstetrics and gynecology and others.

I am going to become a mechanical engineer. Farming is impossible without mechanization at livestock farms and in the fields. There are a lot of agricultural machines: tractors, grain combine harvester, soil cultivating and sowing machines, potatoes planters, tillage accessories, electrical and mechanical feeding systems, grinders, blenders, conveyors, milking machines, manure spreaders and many others. My task is to organize and operate, repair and service these entire machine and tractor fleet.

I am going to become an engineer. I'll be engaged in land reclamation: irrigation, drainage, improvement of unfavourable water supplies, preventing soil erosion, saline or alkaline contents, water-logging and so on. Land improvement is of vital importance for agricultural development. It is impossible to get high yields of crops without raising the efficiency of the use of both irrigated and drained lands. Crop farming is too often dependent on the environment. Thus, our task is to improve its conditions and make them suitable for agricultural activity.

As many people I have different timetables on weekdays and weekends. I think that it is very important to go to bed before midnight and to get up quite early in the morning, especially on weekdays. Thus you can manage to do everything you plan to do.

My classes usually begin at 8.30. Every day I get up at half past six. I take a cool shower and brush my teeth then I go jogging to the park near my place. So I do jogging for about thirty minutes and then do some exercises. After this I do not feel sleepy at all. I feel refreshed and full of energy. Besides fresh air and birds singing improves my mood greatly even on Mondays.

I return home at 7.30, take a shower and have breakfast. It may be a cup of tea or coffee and a sandwich. I know the first thing many people do when they get up in the morning is to turn on TV. They do it automatically because they are used to all these artificial noises. And when they have breakfast they watch news or morning programs. Well I think all this is the key to our morning depression or bad mood. It is better to read or hear news later at work. I even hate reading newspapers and entertaining magazines in the morning. I like to talk with my roommates while having breakfast.

After breakfast I put all the necessary books into my bag and get dressed. I leave the house at 8.15. As I live not far from the Academy I walk there. It takes me 10 minutes to get to the Academy. When I get to the place I take off my coat and hat, leave them in the cloak-room and start doing my duties. My classes usually finish at 4 p.m. When classes are over I go to the sports center where I have karate lessons. I have karate lessons three times a week. When I do not have them, I take guitar lessons.

I come home at 7 o'clock. I have dinner and start doing my homework at 8 o'clock. I sweep the floor, dust the furniture and clean the carpets with the vacuum-cleaner. Sometimes I go shopping. If I have some spare time after doing homework, I play the guitar or read classical literature. I go to bed at about half past eleven. On weekends I usually get up at 8 o'clock and do the same things I do on weekdays except from going to the academy. At 12 o'clock I rehearse within the rock band where I play the guitar. Our rehearsal ends in the evening.

On weekends I can stay at home and read books, or go somewhere with my friends. I think that it is very useful when one has a timetable to follow. I am sure that this prevents us from wasting precious time.

I like to study at the Academy.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 89 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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