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Read the following conversational situations, intone the replies according to the suggested attitudinal meanings and read them properly.

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  3. Answer the following questions.
  4. Answer the following questions.
  5. Answer the following questions.
  6. Answer the following questions. Work in groups of four.
  7. C) Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases.
  8. C) Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases.
  9. C) Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases.
  10. Characterize the attitude of the British to sport. Complete the given passage, making use of the following word combinations from the box. Extend the statements.

Statements (sounding apologetic, appreciative,­ grateful, regretful, sym­pathetic, persuasively reassuring, pleading, plaintive.)

Don't you like it? - I don't, frankly.

Any news of Tim? - He's coming home soon.

Haven't you finished it yet? - I've only just begun it, as a matter of fact.

It looks like rain, I'm afraid. - Perhaps it would be better to stay at home in that case.

I've had it six years now. - You'll be buying a new one soon, I imagine.

Why ever bring a mac? - It was raining when I left this morning.

I thought of going for a stroll. - I'll come too, if I may.

It was quite an accident. - But I told you not to touch it.

So it was you who borrowed my spade. - I do hope you didn't mind.

He's accepted your offer. - I didn't dream he'd take me seriously.

It's a wonderful photo. - I knew you'd like it.

Help? Certainly. - I was sure I could count on you.

But why didn't you tell me? - So sorry.

I thought you ought to know. - Thank you for telling me. I do not appreciate it.

It's all so discouraging. - I know exactly how you feel.

Sorry I haven't returned it yet. - That's quite all right. I'm in no particular hurry for it.

I've already been waiting a year. - Then surely a few more days won't make much difference.

It's an absolute scandal. - There's no need to get so worked up about it.

II do wish he'd mind his own business. - But he was only trying to be helpful.

What's happened to Jack? - It's always the same. He's hardly ever on time.

I'm afraid he failed his exam. - I'm not at all surprised. He did absolutely no work for it.

Special questions (sounding plaintive, pleading, weary, dispatching, warm, sympathetic)

It was my treat. - How much was it?

How big did you say it was it? - Oh, why don't you listen, Charley?

Three thousand he paid for it. - When will the poor fool learn wit?

Did you call, Frank? - Yes, what's the time, please?

I have to go out now. - When will you be back, d'you think?

General questions (sounding plaintive, pleading, sometimes impatient)

Perhaps I could help. - Do you think you could?

Come and have a game, Phil. -Will you stop bothering me? Can't you see I'm busy?

May I have another bun? - D'you really think you can eat it?

Imperatives (sounding plaintive, pleading, reproachful)

I'm afraid I've lost it. - Never mind.

Quickly. - Wait a minute.

What's all the knocking about? - Oh don't just sit there. Open the door.

What's upsetting you? - Do shut the door. There's such a draught.

I rea1ly must go. - Please stay a little longer.

I'd willingly fetch some more. - Please don't bother on my account.

Whatever shall I do? - Carry on as usual, if you can.

When shall I start? - Start right away, if that's con­venient for you.

Exclamations (warm, sympathetic, encourag­ing; plaintive, puzzled, sur­prised)

I've invited him for tea. -Jolly good! Good show!

That's the second time he's failed. - Poor old Peter!

I thought I asked you to make up the fire. - All right!

And we'll have a new carpet. - Just a second! (Where's the money coming from?)

Here I am at last. - Hallo, Stephen! (It is good to see you.)


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