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Read the following conversational situations, intone the replies according to the suggested attitudinal meanings and read them properly.

Читайте также:
  1. According to “Charles Darwin and the Origin of Species” Why were Darwin’s ideas so controversial if so many people read and agreed with them?
  2. Answer the following questions and do the given assignment.
  3. Answer the following questions.
  4. Answer the following questions.
  5. Answer the following questions.
  6. Answer the following questions. Work in groups of four.
  7. C) Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases.
  8. C) Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases.
  9. C) Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases.
  10. Characterize the attitude of the British to sport. Complete the given passage, making use of the following word combinations from the box. Extend the statements.

Statements (categoric, final, considered)

When can you come? As soon as the weather improves.

What can I do for you? I want a ticket for Birmingham, please.

Why didn't the guard let you in? He said he couldn't let me in without a pass.

When am I to expect you? Sometime towards the end of the next week.

I am hungry. So am I.

I'm not thirsty. Neither are we.

I can't translate it. Neither can I.

Do you often read English news­papers? Every chance I get.

When can you come? Any time after six o'clock.

Where is my book? I think you left it on the table.

Where did you see him? In Room Twenty-four.

What did you do on Sunday? I spent the whole day in the park.

When did you start learning English? I started to learn it about three years ago.

When can you come? Whenever you invite me.

What shall I do? It's up to you.

What's the time? I suppose it's about eleven.

Why are you in a hurry? I've got to catch a train.

I don't like this film. I entirely agree with you.

Special Questions (serious, responsible, intense, often suggesting irritation or impatience)

I'm afraid I've broken the vase. Why can't you leave things alone?

I'm terribly tired. Why don't you leave it till to­morrow morning?

I've lost my handbag. When are you going to learn to be more careful?

What was that you said? When are you going to visit your parents?

He's promised to ring you up. Why didn't you say so before?

Will you give me your pen? What do you want it for?

Pass the sugar! Why don't you say "please"?

What's he saying? How can I hear when you're making so much noise?

Will you go and see Helen? What street does she live in?

Can she see you tomorrow? What is the matter with her now?

I've missed the last bus. How are you going to get home?

I've done the translation. What will you do next?

I came on Tuesday morning. At exactly what time?

The weather is horrid. Then why can't you stay?

I'd like to have a few textbooks. How many of them do you want to have now?

Imperatives (firm, serious, pressing)

What shall I tell John? Ask him to come as soon as he is free.

What shall I do after tea? Take the cups into the kitchen and wash them up.

Shall I memorize it? Study the whole dialogue carefully first.

I've finished my translation. Now answer questions.

What shall I do with the book? Give it back to Kitty.

What shall I do? Read the first paragraph.

I don't like porridge. Eat it up, I say.

How long do you want me to stay there? Stay as long as you can.

The doctor says it's not serious. Then don't make so much fuss about it.

I didn't quite catch that. Pay attention, then.

I can't undo the door. Try another key.

How long can I have it for? Keep it for as long as you like.

Where shall I read? Go right back to the beginning again.

Exclamations (rather emphatic)

Hello, Jane! It's so very nice to see you, Harry!

So sorry he's left. What a pity we didn't ring sooner!

I really wanted so much to see her. Such a pity you didn't come a bit earlier.

I'll give you an interesting book to read. Thanks awfully.

It's my birthday. Many happy returns!

Lovely day, isn't it? Isn't it beautiful!

She asked us to tea. How perfectly charming of her!

Here's your tea. What a big piece of cake you've given me!

We're going picnicking. What a pleasant surprise!

Isn't it mild today? What a difference from this time last week!


Intonation Pattern III (LOW PRE-HEAD +) L0W RISE (+ TAIL)

Do you play tennis? - Yes. Sometimes. Of course.


Stress-and-tone marks: Low Rise: [ ].

Before the Low Rise the low pre-head is pronounced on the same pitch level as the start of the rise. The rise in the nucleus starts from the lowest level and usually reaches the medium level. If the nucleus is fol­lowed by a tail, it is pronounced on the lowest level and the syllables of the tail rise gradually.

This intonation pattern is used:

1. In statements, not categoric, non-final, encouraging fur­ther conversation, reserving judgment. e.g. Have you heard about Max? - No. Shall we be in time? - I think so. What do you want at the grocer's? - Tea, rice, cheese...

2. In questions: a) In special questions (with the nuclear tone on the interrogative word), wondering, mildly puzzled. e.g. How must I do it? - How? She's thirty six. - How old is she? How old are you? - How old am I?

b) In general questions, disapproving, sceptical. e.g. It's very important. - Is it? We ought to follow his advice. - Must we do as he says?

3. In imperatives, calmly warning, soothing. e.g. Careful. Steady. Watch. Don't.

4. In exclamations, reserving judgment; encouraging fur­ther conversation; expressing calm, casual acknowledgment; often heard in greetings. e.g. It's half past ten. - Well. (We're not in a hurry.) Here's your change. - Thank you. Good morning. - Morning.

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WiFi работает, но стартовая страница не появляется. | Windows Vista | METHOD OF INDICATING INTONATION ON THE STAVES | Read the following conversational situations, intone the replies according to the suggested attitudinal meanings and read them properly. | Read the following conversational situations, intone the replies according to the suggested attitudinal meanings and read them properly. | EXERCISES | Read the following conversational situations, intone the replies according to the suggested attitudinal meanings and read them properly. | Read the following conversational situations, intone the replies according to the suggested attitudinal meanings and read them properly. | Read the following conversational situations, intone the replies according to the suggested attitudinal meanings and read them properly. | Read the following conversational situations, intone the replies according to the suggested attitudinal meanings and read them properly. |

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