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(Questions echoing, calling for repetition or additional information, sometimes shading into disapproval or puzzlement.)
I want you a minute. Yes?
I should phone him about it. Now?
It's snowing. Much?
What do you think of my dress? New?
Could I have another cup of tea? Sugar?
I've just read that new travel book. Interesting?
I listened to every word he said. Every word?
Everybody thinks it's magnificent. Everybody?
He's going on holiday. Alone?
I've given up smoking. For good?
What do you think of the car? Your own?
I've just met her husband. You like him?
Have you seen my pen anywhere? You've lost it?
What do you think of my coat? It's a new one?
I've just had a new suit made. Good fit?
Alan's not here, I'm afraid. He's gone home?
We're going shopping. Right away?
Let's go to the pictures. You've got enough money?
I think this is Joan's umbrella. Whose?
That big one's mine. Which one?
I shall need a dozen, at least. How many?
These flowers are for you. Who are they for?
He must be made to obey. He must be what?
He'll meet us at three fifteen. At what time?
What is it? What is it?
What reason did he give for his behaviour? What reason?
Does it matter? Matter?
Do you mean it? Mean it?
Is that your little boy? My little boy?
Wasn't it stupid! Was it stupid, I wonder?
What lovely cherries! Want some?
I like Barbara. Do you?
How do you like my song? Do you always sing as flat as that?
Would you like one? Would I like one?
We had a meeting last night. Should I have been there?
Is it raining? Is it raining?
Have you answered his letter? Have I answered it?
Have you finished it? Have I finished it, did you say?
Did you enjoy the concert? Did I enjoy it?
What a delightful meal! Will you have some more coffee?
Stop it. Stop it?
Telephone me, then. Telephone you?
Keep them for me. Keep them for you?
Be nice to them. Be nice to them?
Get rid of it. Get rid of it?
Please don't worry. Don't worry, did you say?
Take it home. Take it home?
Tell me the time, please. Tell you the time?
Marvellous! Marvellous?
Wonderful news! Wonderful news?
Fantastic! Fantastic?
Well done! Well done?
Did you see any lions? – Lots.
Can you manage it alone? – I’m sure I can.
I don’t like the man. You’ve never even spoken to him.
Stress and tone mark: Rise-Fall [ ].
In syllables pronounced with the Rise-Fall the voice first rises and then very quickly falls to a very low pitch.
This intonation pattern is used:
1. In statements, sounding impressed, self-satisfied, challenging, disclaiming responsibility. E.g. It’s rather difficult, isn’t it? – Terribly difficult. Are you sure? – Certainly. Jane was terribly upset. – You can hardly blame her.
2. In questions: a) In special questions, sounding challenging, antagonistic, disclaiming responsibility. Eg. I can’t understand her. – Who can?
b) In general questions, sounding impressed, challenging, antagonistic. Eg. He shot an elephant. – Did he?
3. In imperatives, sounding disclaiming responsibility, hostile. Eg. I hate it but what can I do? – Tell them you hate it.
4. In exclamations, sounding impressed. Eg. He’s due home tomorrow. – How marvellous!
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