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Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with the verbs, given below in the proper form.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Complete the table with personal and professional abilities. Use the list below. Give the reasons.
  2. A. Listen to the description of the drilling process and fill in the missing words (no more than THREE words). The first word is given as an example.
  3. A. Read the paragraph below and choose the most appropriate words/ phrases in bold. Where could you read this extract?
  4. ACT 1. Preview (with sound on). Watch the preview to complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the Word Box. Write the correct word on each blank line.
  6. Adverbs and adjectives with the same form.
  7. Answer the following questions and do the given assignment.
  8. B) Property claims
  9. B) translate the phrases below in order to better understand Text A underneath
  10. B) Use the word combinations from the box given below.


fit, suit, become, match, go with, look

1) This dress … you nicely. 2) I want a hat to … this coat. 3) What colour shoes … best … my suit, do you think? 4) I don’t think the curtains and the carpet … very well together. They simply don’t …. 5) The blue blouse … you marvelously. 6) I’m afraid this hairdo doesn’t … me. 7) You … quite a beauty in this frock. 8) Why doesn’t this pair of light-blue pumps … you? 9) To my mind, the shade … perfectly well … your eye colour. 10) I couldn’t believe it was your size, but the dinner jacket … you perfectly. You … so smart in it! 11) You … swell in this new outfit of yours. Everything ….


Exercise 6. Paraphrase the following sentences using the active words and phrases as prompts.

1. The shoes were the wrong / right size (to fit). 2. She had a fine blue costume on (to be dressed, to wear). 3. He was wearing a smart light suit (to have on, to be dressed in). 4. It cost me a lot of money (expensive). 5. I bought the suit quite cheap (to pay). 6. The price is not high (low). 7. The blouse wasn’t expensive after all (to cost little). 8. The blouse was expensive (to cost a lot). 9. Women’s shoes are in good supply at this supermarket (a wide choice). 10. These books are free (to cost nothing).

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1) Вам идет эта шляпа. Купите ее. 2) Сколько стоит это платье? Я купила его дешево /стоит дешево/. Я заплатила 50 000 рублей. 3) Эта блуза идет мне? Да, она вам к лицу и хорошо сидит на вас. 4) На ней прекрасный голубой костюм. Она всегда одета по последней моде. 5) Короткие юбки входят в моду снова. 6) Мне не нравится ни покрой, ни цвет этого платья. 7) Туфли на целый размер меньше. Дайте мне другие, на размер больше и другого цвета. Я думаю, только они подойдут к моему костюму. 8) Какого размера пальто вы носите? Я считаю, вам следует примерить пальто 10 размера. Сколько оно стоит? 9) Мне нравится твоя юбка из шерсти. Она практична и пригодна для ежедневной носки. Я думаю, она будет хорошо носиться. 10) Мне нужен галстук. Скажите, как мне пройти в отдел галстуков.


Exercise 8. Read the following text, making sure that you understand the meaning of all the words in bold type. Explain their meaning.

My wife loves window-shopping. She loves walking up and down in front of shop windows, looking at the range of goods on display, especially in the new shopping centre, where there are a lot of boutiques selling their own designs. I prefer big department stores because all the best-known products are on sale, and usually in stock. If they are out of stock, the shop assistant can order them for you. Most of the chain stores have branches in our shopping centre. My wife only enjoys going there when they have the sales every year and she thinks she can find bargains.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 158 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Exercise 3. Match the words from the box with the correct definitions. | Exercise 3. Answer the following questions. | Jerusha’s summer and winter holidays | Moral values as they are seen today. | Changes and rewards of voluntary work. | The status and role of women in modern society. | Structural types of a modern family and their problems. | Children and TV. | Radio in Great Britain. | The calendar of English customs and traditions. |

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