Читайте также:
triathlon [traIÈQTl«n] - триатлон
novice event [ÈnvIs] - начальный вид спорта
resting heart rate - частота пульса в состоянии покоя
ethics - этика
put across - придерживаться чего-либо, проводить что-либо
pit oneself against smb - противопоставлять себя кому-либо
indulge in smth - увлекаться чем-либо
gruelling [ÈgrU«lIN] - изнурительный, тяжелый
well-toned - находящийся в хорошем состоянии, обладающий нормальным тонусом
sedentary [Èsednt«rI] - малоподвижный, сидячий
circuit [ÈsÎùkIt] - цикличный
Listening Exercises
2.1. Listen to the recording and identify the speech variety:
1. speaking in public
2. giving an interview
3. talking to radiolisteners
4. sharing impressions with a friend
2.2. State the subject-matter of the recording:
1. giving advice to beginners in sport
2. talking about one’s sport and one’s attitude to it
3. describing one’s sport routine
2.3. State the presenter’s role in the recording:
1. to ask the speaker questions about sport in her life
2. to highlight the most essential points from the speaker’s talk
3. to ask the speaker to clear up some of the ideas he has not grasped
Give answers to these questions.
1. Is the speaker a professional in sport or does she have a job?
2. Is she fond of her sport? Yes/No
3. Is she a happy woman? Yes/No
2.5. Listen to the recording again. Focus on the presenter’s questions so as to make corrections in the outline below: in the number of questions, their order, their wording.
1. How much time does she spend training each week?
2. What exercises does she do to keep herself in good form?
3. What is her attitude to sponsors?
4. What actually is a triathlon?
5. What is the core satisfaction of any sport?
6. How does she find enough time to do her job and take part in her sport?
7. What are the satisfactions of the sport?
2.6. Listen to Part 1 of the recording and note down:
1. the name of the speaker;
2. the year she began taking part in her sport
3. the three events a triathlon includes
2.7. Listen to Part 1 and:
Match the events in the left-hand column with their characteristics in the right-hand column.
terribly difficult to do
novice event enormous fun
real enjoyment
other events more gruelling
not terribly difficult to do at all
Note down the period of time the different events take.
Listen to Part 2 of the recording. In the list below tick the words indicating the benefits which according to the speaker, come with the training.
develops a well-toned body leads to a drop in your heart
develops your lungs rate
develops your heart helps to lose weight
develops your back gives you more energy
develops your legs and arms helps you become stronger &
Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 81 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав |