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Ex. 1. Make the sentences negative and interrogative. Translate them into Russian.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Read and translate the text.
  2. ACT 1. Preview (with sound on). Watch the preview to complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the Word Box. Write the correct word on each blank line.
  3. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
  4. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
  5. B) translate the phrases below in order to better understand Text A underneath
  6. B. Translate the sentences.
  7. Change these sentences by changing certain adjectives into verbs.
  8. Check your auditory memory by giving the English equivalents for the following Russian sentences.
  9. Complete the following sentences from the recording choosing the right intensifier from the box below. One of them can be used more than once.
  10. Complete the following sentences with the words from the box.

1. He used to shock his parents with his hairstyle.

2. Their parents used to be good athletes.

3. She used to like classical music.

4. There used to be a lot of trees near his house.

5. She used to smoke a lot.

6. Tom used to be happier when he lived in the country.

7. People used to wear such strange clothes in the 19th century.


Ex. 2. Paraphrase the sentences using used to.

  1. When I was a small boy I often watched the clouds in the sky.
  2. She often sat in front of the fire, listening to the wind in the chimney.
  3. During his summer holidays he always went to his granny’s who lived in the country.
  4. When he was a schoolboy he never slept late.
  5. Lucy often cried when she fell down, as I remember.
  6. Did you have a habit of reading in bed when you were a teenager?
  7. What did your parents usually do when you came home late?
  8. Jane was very thin before she had her first baby.
  9. She didn’t like coffee when she was a little girl, but now she quite enjoys drinking it.

Ex. 3. Complete the dialogue with used to or didn’t use to

B: Would you like milk with your coffee, Ann?

A: No, thanks, I prefer green tea.

B: But you … like tea at all. You … like coffee!

A: Anyway, I don’t like it now.

B: Any biscuits or your favourite cakes?

A: Heavens, no! I can’t stand the sight of them!

B: How strange! You … eat lots of them only last month. You … refuse any sweets or cookies offered to you!

A: That’s true. But that was last month. Now I’ve changed. I … be fat and ugly, I … pay attention to my health, but now it’s done with. I’m starting a new life.

B: Oh, Ann, I understand. You’re in love, aren’t you?

Ex. 4. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Бывало, он сидел и курил трубку.
  2. Когда я был маленьким, я очень любил сладости, теперь я их не ем.
  3. Они часто встречались в этом уютном кафе, а потом гуляли по городу.
  4. Анна обычно устраивала веселые вечеринки и приглашала всех своих друзей.
  5. Раньше я не любила мелодрамы, но теперь я на пенсии, и мне нравится их смотреть.
  6. Джон в детстве был очень ленивым, но теперь он сильно изменился.
  7. Как вы обычно праздновали Рождество, когда были маленьким?
  8. Какую музыку Ваши родители слушали, когда были молодыми?
  9. Где ты обычно сидел, за первой или за последней партой?
  10. Она раньше не была такой раздражительной - это все ее работа!


Type 1


If – Clause Result
If + present simple may can will will be able to will have to should   + Infinitive


It shows a real or possible situation in the present or future.

E.g.: If you are late, we’ll start the party without you.

If you don’t put on your hat, you may catch a cold.

If you are lost in London, you should ask the street policeman for help.

Type 2


If - Clause Result
If + past simple would could might   + Infinitive


It shows an unreal situation or a dream. It is also used as a form of advice or suggestion.

E.g.: If I had more time, I would go to the fitness club.

If I were (was) you, I wouldn’t trust this man.

If I gave you a 5 % discount, would you place a bigger order?

Type 3

It shows regrets about the past actions and criticism.


If – Clause Result
If + past perfect would could might   have + Vз


E.g.: If you had sent us the papers in advance, we would have prepared the report by Friday.

If I had taken my umbrella, I wouldn’t have got wet.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 174 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Ex. 1. Put the verbs into the correct form. | Past Simple | Ex. 5. Ask questions to which the given sentences are the answers. | Present Perfect Simple | Ex. 1. Complete the following irregular verb table with the correct forms. Notice the similarities between the verb forms. | Be going to (do) | Ex. 2. Put the verbs into the correct form. | Modal verbs (basic rules). | Present. | Ex. 9. Underline the correct verb form. |

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