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While you read

Читайте также:
  1. B. Read the text again carefully. While you read it, look for the answers to these questions.
  2. In this advertisement some prepositions have been rubbed off while printing. Insert them instead of dots.
  3. Listen to Anna Wright and Peter Savage giving their opinions on the problem. While listening answer the questions below choosing the right alternative.
  4. Some people go in for sports, while others like to watch sports competitions? Which is better: to watch or to participate?
  5. Task 3. Imagine that while travelling during your holidays you took some photos. Choose one photo to present to your friend.
  6. They talked it over at luncheon. Julia did most of the talking while he listened to her with absorbed interest.
  7. While (true) оператор
  8. While listening, complete the sentences with suitable words.
  9. While listening, match the items to form collocations. Then use them in your own sentences.
  10. While people still cling to the notion that their way is the only right way. Whatever you try to say

Read the text (study reading). Choose one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if substituted for the word in bold type


The last 1,000 years have produced an (1) incredible number and variety of scientific and technological (2) breakthroughs – but which of these were the most important? Narrowing a list of the thousands of inventions to the ten greatest requires some (3) exact criteria. The qualifying inventions either provided (4) radically new ways to do an important job, or they made possible tasks that were previously unimagined. Their (5) impact was felt, if not (6) right away then (7) eventually, by a large portion of humanity. These developments have (8) enabled significant new technological innovations and scientific discoveries. And finally, they have had an (9) enduring effect on the world.

The inventions that meet these criteria, in (10) chronological order, are the compass, the mechanical clock, the glass lens, the printing press, the steam engine, the telegraph, electric power, wireless communication, antibiotics, and the transistor.

Missing from this list are many extremely significant technological advances, including the airplane, telephone, automobile, and computer. In many cases these inventions were (11) omitted because they are based on earlier developments and breakthroughs.

In considering the ten most significant inventions of the past 1,000 years, a (12) subtle distinction must be made. The difference between “invention” and “discovery” is not as (13) clear as one might think. A discovery can be as simple as the observation of a (14) previously unnoticed phenomenon, while an invention is human-devised machine, tool, or apparatus that did not previously exist. For example, ancient people discovered that drops of water and certain gemstones distorted light in a predictable way. (15) However, it was not until medieval times that others tried to reproduce this effect by applying new glass-shaping technology to the formation of lenses – the (16) basic elements of spectacles, microscopes, telescopes and cameras. (17) Similarly, people knew about and studied electricity as a force of nature for thousands of years, but it was the technological (18) leap of mass-producing electricity and (19) delivering it to homes and factories in the early 20-th century that (20) transformed the world.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 102 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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